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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I got a laugh in the thread at TBD about the near record warmth in Buffalo for the games, and someone wrote "Buy a hybrid." Yep. That'll fix it. You get a hybrid. And YOU get a hybrid. And EVERYONE gets a hybrid! And together we'll bring down the summer temperatures in Buffalo.
  2. This shouldn't surprise anyone. USC draws generations of alumni in the stands. It could be the USC Kennel Show and the place would out sell the Rams and Chargers.
  3. I thought I kept hearing him say "Hercules! Hercules!"
  4. And without last weekend, the Bills are undefeated. I don't mean to say Eli is a HOF quarterback. I just mean he didn't win two SBs based on luck.
  5. I didn't accuse anyone of being dumb regarding Eli. Just unrealistic. Two Super Bowls. Against the Pats* no less. That's a lot of things, but lucky isn't one of them.
  6. Anyone notice that when he claps, he does it just like Dick Jauron? So weird.
  7. Freaking Bills fans. If a Bills quarterback twice beat anyone in the Super Bowl -- let alone ruined Tom Brady*s perfect season in the process -- some fans would be lined up on their knees outside the QB's house wearing a bib with their mouths open while getting his name tatooed on their ass. But Eli Manning was lucky.
  8. Tell that to the Jets.
  9. @JaySkurski Asked about excessive clapping, McDermott: "It was for the Wolfman. He gonna rate my record high." #Bills
  10. Oh, I think someone just triggered the OP. We need to get them a safe place and some counseling STAT!
  11. Hell, that's a great thread compared to the one created to complain about how much McDermott claps at his players as they come off the field.
  12. Tell that to the Chargers.
  13. People start a thread to complain that a football coach's clapping and cheering for his players bothers them, but it's the coach who needs tor relax? Yeah. Okay.
  14. Place is unbearable, and I'd be for 1000 posts to start a thread with the understanding that your thread must have some value beyond "Oh my gosh, we suck!" You can see why BBMB shut down the board.
  15. He's not just famous. He's IN-famous.
  16. Let's be honest. We all know they never make that call if Tyrod Taylor doesn't (fill in the blank).
  17. The fastest way to fix that is to do a google search for push-up bras.
  18. Kinda surprised you're now allowed to use the word "milking" here.
  19. This is spot on. The play calling was suspect, but Dalton had many chances to put the game away last night and he threw like it was his first time holding a football.
  20. Hell, DALTON looked worse then Manuel and Losman in their debuts. He had some unbelievable opportunities you would expect him to hit with his eyes closed, and he was simply atrocious.
  21. Sheesh, someone really has a bug in his manbun. Can you do us all a favor and keep this kind of quality attack on PPP? Meet me over there and we can take up my position on California voting all day. But no one wants you wasting bandwidth on it over here.
  22. But he looked great next to Dalton. I was stunned at how bad Dalton was last night. He was throwing that ball like Stevie Wonder. Still, you are correct. Watson was not dazzling. He had a great run for the TD, and you could see him getting comfortable, and even see his potential. But last night was a cripple fight at every level.
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