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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Being pushed around on Twitter...the DA's sentencing memo, which breaks down how clear it is that Weiner is a pedophile.
  2. Even if you think the best fit is to be the ra-ra type guy who acts like he wants to be everyone's friend?
  3. How long have you been in charge of the department, and relative to that, how long have each of the eight people under you been under your management?
  4. You laugh, but you know it's coming.
  5. Perhaps you could pull the language from the bill which specifically cites this. I mean, when Obamacare was passed, every account I read, from multiple sources, said that if I liked my doctor, I could keep my doctor. When Obamacare was passed, every account I read, from multiple sources, said families would save an average of $2500 per year. When Obamacare was passed, every account I read, from multiple sources, said the law provide about 400,000 jobs...immediately. But then, y'know, the law was passed, and every account I read, from multiple sources, turned out to be dead wrong. So, show me where in the bill it specifically says it would allow states to discriminate based on pre-existing conditions, and how the federal government would handle those instances.
  6. That would be my recommendation, yes. I also think the moment you are married, have children, and/or buy property, you should get a living trust. Oh, and I also think people who drive slowly in the fast lane should get a ticket.
  7. Best feature on TBD.
  8. You know the unfortunate thing about this: the next time BLM and Antifa find it necessary to destroy buildings and set things on fire, the businesses with these signs in the window will get destroyed and burned just as easily as the one without it. Standing with your community sounds really nice. Until your community burns your business to the ground.
  9. If only the Democrats read the bill before they passed it.
  10. Admittedly I don't know all the details about the bill, which is why you don't see me debating it. The idea of coming to decisive conclusions without knowing the facts, and then citing a partisan online marketing firm masking as journalism to argue that the guy on TV knows more than the guy who wrote the bill is something I leave to those not smart enough to discern for themselves.
  11. Of course it does. It also thinks Bill Nye is a scientist.
  12. Kinda curious; how many people report to you in your company, and are they at will or on a contract with your employer? Next, what defines success in your position, and what methods have you put to work to motivate your team to reach these milestones of success?
  13. Too late. It's out there, so it's gospel. Happens on Twitter all the time. Someone with a big megaphone tweets out something that is totally false, it gets half a million re-tweets, the person returns to say they were wrong, and the admission gets retweeted a dozen times. Once it's out, it's out. And everyone who does this, knows this, but they do it anyway. No one watching Kimmel is going to follow it up with an article from Politifact.
  14. Was listening to some pop station of Sirius XM the day after the Emmys, and as he was about to introduce a song, he essentially said "So last night's Emmy snoozefest turned into three hours of bashing our president. I hope they remember one day that we watch to see artists perform their songs. Anyway, here's an artist who had a big night..."
  15. The Russians Are Coming! Hillary Clinton Calls Herself 'Paula Revere ... Good to see Hillary finally coming to grips with her husband.
  16. That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.
  17. Actually, your intent was to support Kimmel on something you don't understand, and then call Cassidy a dick. I missed the part where you asked people to discuss this with you in hopes of getting a better understanding.
  18. Nope. This little snowflake represents today's Democratic Party, because the party now stands proud and loud for the Soros-funded Antifa-bomb-throwing hysteria which claims that everything -- EVERYTHING -- about this country must be corrected or destroyed, and those who disagree must be silenced. It USED to be the fringe. It's not any more. This absolutely IS the Democratic Party. Period.
  19. Interesting career choice, Jimmy.
  20. Finally, the team leaders are getting together to stand up against their disappointment with how McDermott's clapping reminds them of Dick Jauron.
  21. But you leftists keep trying to re-assign the 'snowflake' title to conservatives, mmmkay?
  22. Hell no! If they connect on the play and score to win the game, it's a win they would have COMPLETELY deserved. You want to talk about perseverance? You want to talk about never giving up? That stadium would have erupted. If they score and win there, they would deserve every ounce of that win.
  23. Plenty. Raiders went there for money, but wouldn't have gone if the city wasn't so heavily populated with Mexicans. When the Raiders talk about their fan base, that's who they're talking about. And they'll fill the place.
  24. No Xs and Os guy am I, but this is precisely what I thought happened and I'm glad to hear someone smarter than me bring it up...Taylor threw the ball where he expected Jones to be because he was supposed to turn in, not out. Wait. Wait. What I mean is Taylor sucks and McDermott claps too much!
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