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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. And not by an arm or a leg, but by a foot.
  2. I haave a couple of favorites: - The people who can already tell McDermott is a failure, and they don't need to see any more of his work to believe otherwise, in part because he reminds them of Dick Jauron. - The people who puke every time Tyrod Taylor throws a football, who mock anyone who wants to apply even the least amount of patience for the year to play out, or who are convinced that Peterman would have scored a couple of TDs against Carolina in spite of a ridiculously porous Oline. Man, if only this anonymous basement dwellers could run the team. They'd turn it around immediately, dammit.
  3. Well, in all fairness, Tiberius believes the Trump/Russia story, and so does gatorman and so does baskin. So at least ONE person believes it.
  4. Fortunately we can take a break from this insane political stupidity and spend quality time at TBD talking about the Bills.
  5. Oh, man. Why do you guys do this? Every time you mention Tyrod Taylor it's like Marty Feldman yelling "BLUCHER!" All the horses start whining all over again.
  6. Do you honestly think that if the team came out and said "We're going to spend the next year evaluating everything, and will probably only get about 3 wins," that most posters here would change what they think and write? I swear some of you treat this team like it's a girlfriend. "I love you, baby, but I just wish you'd be honest with me. I've been hurt before, baby, and my emotions are raw, and I just need to know the truth so I don't look like a fool. I just can't handle another night of you banging another guy, unless you'll just be straight and tell me that's what you're doing. I still won't like it, but at least I know you're being honest with me."
  7. If John McCain can't get on board with a Lindsey Graham bill, it must either be a bad bill...or McCain is finally going to come out as a Democrat.
  8. I wouldn't put it past him, to be honest. Not for the reason you suggest, but to avoid embarrassment. Look at what happened when he blew off the corespondents' dinner. Pretty much no one paid attention to it except for HuffPo, etc. and he avoided looking stupid.
  9. Will they give Bernie and Amy the questions in advance?
  10. No. But if I did, I'd have done it with one username...not three.
  11. You boys need to hush with this long-term thinking and planning stuff, grab yourselves a torch and pitchfork and join the riot!
  12. You can not do both. You can stay in the thread and watch the game. You can stay in the thread and hate watching the game. But you really need to not care about this team or sport at all to be able to stay in the thread and enjoy watching the game because the majority are not discussing their enjoyment of the game. The majority have been waiting all week to take their predictions of misery and failure -- the easiest thing in the NFL world to predict -- and write some version of "I told you so" over and over and over. Do yourself a favor and leave the misery to the game day thread and go back to enjoying the game on your own. Then after the game, go to the game day thread and laugh your ass off for an hour.
  13. You must be pretty tight with ScottLaw.
  14. I had Rams in a pick 'em pool - 2.5 You know you're messed up when you're rooting for the team you DIDN'T pick to convert a two-point play in hopes of bring the scores even.
  15. Only to people who look for it to ensure they are miserable.
  16. gator/tiberius/baskin...one and the same.
  17. You know they're the same person, right?
  18. I can't wait until Kamala Harris starts making her run for 2020. She will show everyone how far left the Dems have gone.
  19. He's doing what you want your coach to do: always be coaching. And watch Incognito at the 3 minute mark: "Congratulations on your first. Hey...it's a whole new phucking energy, man. A whole new phucking energy." But hey...what do the players know.
  20. One can only imagine where that $10B went.
  21. And consequently, it's being defined for them by people who simply don't know any better. But hey...it's Jimmy Kimmel! Who doesn't love Jimmy Kimmel? He's awesome! He MUST know better than the Senators!
  22. Ya gotta figure Clinton thanks his lucky stars he never took Weiner to Camp Pedophile with Jeffrey Epstein. "C'mon, Bill. Take me with you. I'll even bring the cigars!!" "Anthony, how many times have we gone over this? You're just not discreet enough. No go home, erase your emails, and for crying out loud, stop taking photos of your junk while your baby is in the bed with you."
  23. I think the reason we're disagreeing about this is because you see him clapping on the field and associate it with him expressing a positive attitude on bad plays. Did you watch him in the mic'ed up segment? Can't seem to find it right now, but I'll keep digging. What you think you hear and what you actually may be different things. He's yelling at guys "to use your head" and "stop looking at the scoreboard." And he's clapping in a lot of it, but he's not calling them sweet buttercups. EDIT: That mic'e up is from the Jets, but it's worth the listen nonetheless.
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