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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. We want him to "just go away?" Is that what we all want? Because that's why I was responding to. Do you want Kelly to "just go away" like Gugny does?
  2. Or, you know, inspire lots of desperate people to kick cancer's ass, and THEN go away. We're pissing on Jim Kelly now? Really? That's the plan? Piss on Kelly? I'm reading some posters yelling about him cheating on his wife, and beating his wife, and actually mocking his faith. The phucking guy was dying in front of our eyes, and everyone was "Yay! Kelly strong! We love you, Jim!" But now you all want to piss on the dude because he doesn't align with whatever stupid ideology you suddenly hold dear to your phucking heart? Some of you people have lost your phucking minds and should be ashamed of yourselves. But hey...sportswriters thank you for pissing on your team. They couldn't be happier that you're taking their childish bait.
  3. The same way I get all my news: from reading TSW. We're in complete agreement here. Complete agreement. Like I said, if you take them out of the equation, no one actually cares about someone kneeling during the anthem. I sure the hell don't care about it. I wouldn't care if OBJ was doing his dog piss move on a flag. It's one of the greatest features of our country. But the sports writers need to shove it in everyone's face. Over and over and over. And we keep watching it when we need to turn it off and tell them all to STFU and play the games. I don't mind the discussion here or I wouldn't take part in it. Do you see me posting in every thread? No. Why? Because I ignore topics that bore me. I just prefer they start the games the way they always did...at kickoff. But you feel free to make whatever ridiculous point you think you're making.
  4. To a large degree, yes. I've repeatedly said none of this would be wasting everyone's time if many sports writers didn't feel the need to find a way to make themselves relevant again. And they did it by constantly, aggressively writing stories about how Kaepernick wasn't playing in the NFL because of his disrespect for the flag, and how he never should have been let go by the 49ers (he wasn't, he quit), and the only reason he hasn't been signed is because the NFL -- a business that gives millions of dollars to group comprising predominantly black men -- is racist. Of course, it had nothing to do with the socks he was wearing on the field with pigs dressed as cops. It has nothing to do with his girlfriend accusing the Ravens owner of being racist AND Ray Lewis being his slave whore. No, no, no. They would never write about that. It had something to do with whatever reason Kaepernick came up with while he sat on his ass hoping someone would give him a job. Many (not all) sports writers and announcers ate it up because, in the end, they get paid on how much they can piss off fans to clickbait their anger through social media. If they all shut up, the players could kneel every freaking game and pretty much no one would give a rat's ass. And Kelly the Dog actually believes the reason Obama wasn't a successful president is because a country that TWICE elected a black man president secretly hated having a black man as president.
  5. Here...this will make you all smile for a moment...
  6. If only the Bills were playing the Falcon fans.
  7. Actually, I think you'll find a large majority of football fans consider the right response to be, "Hey...I'm here to watch football and cheer for my team. Can you all STFU about and start playing!"
  8. Gee, It's almost like sports writers want all this divisiveness so people will take the clickbait and yell and scream about their team so they'll share the clickbait so more people visit their website. So odd, huh?
  9. Just out of curiosity...when did this start? Did it start with the president opening his piehole about it? No. It started with a football player who chose to wear socks of pigs dressed in police uniforms and kneel during the National Anthem, followed VERY QUICKLY by sports writers who need people to pay attention to everything they write. Yes, the president made things worse...but eliminate the sports writer need to compare Kaep to Ali, and the president is saying some other stupid thing that has nothing to do with football.
  10. Long-term, I completely agree. But this week, the left got their porn.
  11. Nope, because if you eliminate the sports writers, you'd never hear the cries of the Americans who care about the country. They are only loud because they're being provoked.
  12. No. They went up. Why? Because there are millions of far-left people who hate sports, but who tuned in to watch all the announcers and players piss and moan about the president, who they hate with a passion. This is porn to the far left.
  13. And this is why this issue will never die. Because there will forever be people too intellectually lazy to do anything other than repeat things they're told by people who NEED the country to be divided.
  14. Once again, the ONLY people whose panties are twisted over this are the very people keeping the story alive: sports writers.
  15. No one is making you distance yourself from friends or families other than you and your actions. Just that simple. All you have to do is tune it out. Stop clicking on links to stories by ego-centric sports writers trying to stir the pot for their own ideologies. Stop watching any news show that doesn't just report on news. Turn it out. Don't take the bait. If everyone did this, the entire BS story goes away.
  16. I'll keep saying this as long as this topic continues: NONE of this gets traction if you take sports writers out of the equation. They are all, openly and happily, far-left politically, and the only thing they LOVE more than getting everyone riled up to push forward their ideologies is getting paid for clickbaiting and self-absorbed back-patting. Someone wrote this earlier and it is simply the truth: turn off the audio and ignore local sportswriters, and you'd never know there was anything happening other than the game of football. They're all baiting us. All of them.
  17. Of the 27 left in the contest heading into this week, we have 16 still standing following the Bills victory over the Broncos. Next week is an all-or-nothing week as all 16 who are still in the contest picked the Falcons to beat the Bills. Go Bills. Sheesh. Started my post last night and went straight back to the post this morning and missed this. Thanks for doing this. I could use an administrative assistant if you're up for the job. It doesn't pay, but you get a business card.
  18. That's some funny stuff right there.
  19. Very Jauron-like. Wait. What?
  20. Oh, you were talking about Trump? The moment you wrote "a president who has a long history of saying and doing things that could easily be considered racist," I just assumed you meant Obama.
  21. Because miserable people need message boards to battle the boredom of real people not wanting to be around them. Set up by a Robey-Coleman interception.
  22. I didn't know Obama was being sued. Do you have a link?
  23. You're honestly not watching any football because a crappy quarterback chose to be unemployed? Sheesh.
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