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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. According to the Huffington Post, if you are white and still stand, you're a white supremacist. No word on what he considers blacks who stand.
  2. I had no idea Tim Graham wrote for Yahoo.
  3. I'm sure everyone in the media will be quick to get this information out and Roger Goodell will issue the required apology.
  4. Next up: We should at least drop pallets of water to the people.
  5. Wait. What? The left took a fake story and ran with it as true? Well, I'm sure they'll all back pedal to correct themselves.
  6. I'd like to join you, but I already finance a SJW platform. It's called California State Income Tax.
  7. It was posted from the Denver Broncos twitter account. Meanwhile, Packers and Bears players stand together during anthem last night. But hey...you keep thinking it's all just one big mirage to shift the narrative away from a bad football player who thinks cops are pigs. Protesting by kneeling during the anthem is a losing gig, and the NFL knows it. They did their thing and came to find out a large majority of football fans despise the protest, and in the end, free market trumps social justice warrior idiocy.
  8. I would add two things make that hit look worse than most: the mouthpiece flying out, and the almost immediately reaction from other players waving in help from the sidelines, the latter of which twists my stomach the most.
  9. Odd aside to that point; both this penalty and the Miller penalty essentially put the game away for their teams. That stop held GB to a FG late in the third. Instead they got half the distance, went up by 21, and the Packers never looked back.
  10. I always lease my car through work, and when it's time to turn it in, I have a body shop I go to that has a way to patch and paint the more obvious dings and dents without removing entire parts of the car. No idea what he does. I was referred by a friend, the guy was relatively inexpensive, and no one ever questioned me when the car was inspected at lease end. That doesn't help you, but what I learned in that search is there is no DIY fix at Auto Zone, and there are no people who can give you a cheap deal. Depending on how bad a scratch is, a mobile detailer can buff things out. But in the end, there are two kinds of solutions; one where you pay someone to do that work and one where people will scam you.
  11. RIP Hef. Oh, and thanks for convincing the Swedish Bikini Team to pose. I don't keep a lot of things, but I kept that one.
  12. Teams are already announcing they won't be kneeling during games any more. They know a losing cause when they see one, assuming the Cheetoh keeps his piehole shut. Perhaps if we're lucky, the reboot of Will & Grace will make fun of Trump tonight, Trump will start tweeting about that, Debra Messing will schit another purple Twinkie, and football can get back to being something to watch to escape the rest of the world. Like I said...Losing cause.
  13. There is no evidence. Tiberius/gator/baskin needs to scream racism at everything, although I think they're moving away from 'racism' and moving foward with 'white supremacists' now because they know they've used racist too much. In the end, they don't need evidence.They just copy/paste whatever their master tells them to post from the plantation known as the Democratic Party.
  14. Oh, that crazy old Joe. Such rhetorical flourish!
  15. No, because some people need everyone else to be miserable with them. Dude's gone. Nothing anyone can do. Nothing. Well, nothing but look for the opportunities to say "I told you so."
  16. I'm no defender of Palin, but to suggest that she's dumb but Biden just says dumb things is a stretch that only Tiberius/Gator/baskin would believe. So let's assume she and Biden are both dumb. Do we then add in Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Alan Grayson and Hank Johson to sweeten the pot? \ How about Sheila Jackson Lee, who believes there is hope for everyone because North Vietnam and South Vietnam have somehow found a way to work together despite their differences. Did she ask this while also asking staff at JPL if the Mars Rover was able to take a photo of the flag that was planted on Mars by John Glenn? Like I said...I can do this all day. You have to wonder how dumb you have to believe that Palin said that. Dumb enough to think too many people will tip Guam over?
  17. Imagine how high we'd be ranked if Taylor threw for 300 yards!
  18. A phone and pen, so I'm told.
  19. That's something you should never, ever mention again until such a time that too many people in Guam cause it to tip over. Then ask Biden how many letters it takes to spell the word "jobs." Game. Set. Match for the dumbasses of all dumbasses. We can do this all day.
  20. It's always funny to me that the left likes to talk about how dumb George Bush is while pulling the lever for Obama, Biden, Hillary and Bernie.
  21. Thought this was funny. Even features BIlls fans.
  22. You're trolling the wrong person, but I like your style.
  23. It's cool, BUT...before Sunday Ticket I'd watch the games with the Bills Backers in LA at a bar called (I think) McGillicuty's. The shades were drawn, the doors were closed, and it was like being in a bar at night. If you grew up on the East Coast like myself, your watch would say 9:15 a.m. but your body would hear pre-game talk on the TV and say "Time to drink beer and eat wings." It took me a while to remember that getting drunk before noon is no way to spend a Sunday.
  24. I could hear him saying "Does anyone know how to open this flask?"
  25. From Kyle Orton on the WOF straight to racism. Is there anything racism can't do?
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