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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I don't mind admitting I have a little bit of fear about a political party that is aggressively running a presidential candidate that most of America doesn't expect to last 20 minutes past his swearing in because of his dementia. It should put a bit of fear in you as well.
  2. By Trump's propaganda, do you mean the murders and burning and looting and beating cops and destroying cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago and NYC while Democrats pretend it's all peaceful while they gut their police departments? You mean THAT propaganda? The Dems are now fully Antifa and BLM, if for no other reason than when asked if they will denounce them, they ALL refuse to say yes. They just walk away and collect their BLM campaign donations. That ain't propaganda. That's reality. That's todays Democratic Party. C'mon, man!
  3. The same way people on the left insist Obama was the best president ever. He was an embarrassing bumbler of his own ego who hog-tied the economy with ridiculous red tape and weaponized the IRS against his enemies while personally trying to undermine the transition of power to the new president by falsely tying him to Russie , yet people somehow think he was even a top 10 president. It's just what each side does. They claim theirs was the best the other was the worst. Though I think more people are seeing what bankrupt human Obama has always been. She's not black.
  4. Exactly. As will the raiding of Joe Daleidan's house to grab the Planned Parenthood video.
  5. People who fear living have always been on the side of the left. Did your child's university give you any tuition refund now that everything is online?
  6. When the dust clears from the media honeymoon on this pick, the video will be unmistakable for many of her positions and the one thing about Trump's team is they LOVE them some damning video.
  7. It's not unusual for presidential nominees to pick a VP who spent the primaries criticizing the presidential nominee. But I'm not sure how Kamala is going to spend the next couple of months telling everyone she no longer believes Tara Reade. It's going to be an embarrassing change of heart for her, especially after how she went after Kavanaugh. That obvious and simple hypocrisy could be bad for her...assuming anyone in the media will ask her.
  8. For the last election I wrote in for SMOD. There was no way I could vote for a money-laundering ***** like Clinton and I simply couldn't vote for the carnival barker on the GOP ticket. I hated the way the GOP debates played out, and was pissed they were letting a pig like Trump be on the GOP ticket. The biggest reason I like him is because he makes the left piss their pants in such an embarrassing manner. He has exposed a lot of garbage, both right and left, and I think he's done more good than harm. I still don't like Trump and am not convinced I will vote for him this time either because as much as I love watching the left lose their mind, I just don't trust the mf'er. We'll see what happens over the next few months, especially if a SCOTUS seat opens up.
  9. And yet you keep coming back, whining about something that exists almost exclusively in your mind.
  10. I cheer on Trump because he makes people like you lose your mind by shoving leftist tactics straight back into their piehole. I've said it repeatedly...the right has always taken it in the ass by leftist tactics, trying to stay above the fray. Trump takes it right back to the left, which is why people like yourself and Tibs and BIllstime lose your minds the moment Trump says "Good morning." It's difficult for you to grasp, but I can dislike Trump the person -- and I do -- but I can enjoy the way he makes leftists schitt their pants EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
  11. It's all tee'd up in advance. Washington Examiner posted this story within minutes of the announcement: Biden Bets It All On A Crooked Cop.
  12. That's because you're all so embarrassingly predictable. Do you honestly think the Dems picked a black woman for a reason OTHER than identity politics? Please. It's already starting online with "How dare you not pronounce her name correctly" garbage. This is the left, like it or not. Identity politics in lieu of any substance.
  13. Great. I'm the fray. Maybe later I'll discover that what you think of me matters. But I wouldn't hold your breath.
  14. Not even sure what that means. But okay...
  15. Gee, if only there was a thread you could have posted this in without polluting the board with another thread.
  16. Looks like Kamala's facelift was worth it!
  17. Why not? It's almost a guarantee she'd be president inside two or three years, if not sooner.
  18. That seems to be the social media general concensus.
  19. If you're not going to wear masks and socially distance, perhaps we need to provide 'morality pills' that will adjust your moral behavior so you will be a more obedient sheep.
  20. Have you seen the video going around showing how he plagiarized other people's speeches? I'll try to find it, but it's almost as funny as it is embarrassing. When asked what they like about Biden, they give an answer only Biden would appreciate: "It's hard to put your finger in just one thing...I mean ON just one thing! ON just one thing."
  21. None of this matters because the residents will continue to elect far-left leaders who are intent on destroying the city.
  22. You can already hear the left calling the right racist misogynists, and he hasn't even picked his VP yet. They'll be pulling out the feminist race card so fast it'll make your head spin.
  23. Tibs actually thinks Biden would choose a cop as his running mate? Is there any professional the Democrats hate MORE right now than police? He'd be better off picking Tara Reade.
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