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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Ask yourself...whose megaphone is making this something other than Cam being a dumbass? Glad to see you make this clarification. I understand the NFL finds it necessary to put eye candy in front of the camera, but look around the NFL. Women are referees and coaches. They're on the field bringing medical help. They're in the booth reviewing plays. Look in the stands. How many times do you see women fully engaged in each play? Hell, just look at this message board. You may not agree with what they post, but chicks like BADOL and Boatdrinks are extremely knowledgeable about the game.
  2. I predict this Cam Newton thing will not end quickly or well. Can't wait to see all the sports writers who go to twitter to tell us how to think about this topic. Ain't so SJW like a sports-writing SJW.
  3. My wife got off gluten and dairy in the past six months, and I was desperately dreading it. Butt she was on a crapload of meds for migraines and back pain, and was miserable even with the meds. But after four months of no gluten and limited dairy (as in, a bit of 1% milk in her coffee), she has literally dropped every single medication she was on. Her 10-minute slow-rise ritual out of bed in the morning is her jumping out like she's a 10-year-old who just found out she had a snow day. It's absolutely amazing.
  4. Your friend is going to be in interesting company in many parts of the country. In NY, you can be fined up to $250,000 for not using the gender pronoun individual people prefer to be called. In CA SB-219, the Long Term Care Facilities Bill, it is proposed that the bill would make it unlawful...to take specified actions wholly or partially on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, including, among others, willfully and repeatedly failing to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns That's right. Against the law. To use the wrong pronoun. Because you will be made to care.
  5. You're about to find out who cares. And if you don't care, you're going to be made to care. He's about to get jumped on by the media like it's nobody's business, in one part for being sexist and another part for having the nerve to suggest that there is such a thing as different genders. Buckle up, Cam.
  6. The obvious issue here is that making them all illegal won't make them go away. People WILL still make them and people will still buy them. Hell, they're legal and most of these killings are STILL done with illegal guns. I'm starting to think the only people who watch Hannity are lefties.
  7. And here she is on Univision today wearing a shirt that really gets to the point. MSNBC had the common sense to make her put on a jacket.
  8. Look closer. She's wearing stiletto heels while addressing an area ravaged by a hurricane. Man, oh, man the media is going to be ALL over her for that elitist BS. I mean, they will, right? Right?
  9. Kimmel Produces Document Showing His is Nation's Highest Moral Authority.
  10. That's the one I miss making the most because all the stuff out there is filled with garbage. We make a sage and thyme breakfast sausage we use for Thanksgiving stuffing.
  11. You would think, but the HuffPo Brigade will keep his ratings high. Plus it allows him to book big names to help echo his thoughts.
  12. Not for much longer.
  13. There are a few things I used to make that fall into that category of "not worth the effort." Sausage, brats, etc. for one. And pasta (before I got the Phillips pasta maker). We do stick to making everything fresh and from scratch, simply because we want to avoid all the garbage that goes into most food. So I'm not buying crappy sausage, for example, but from the local Italian deli that makes it's own fresh every day.
  14. When you have to correct your fake news...this correction today from Politico. How many lies can you tell before it's better to just kill the article?
  15. Actually, it's difficult for me to see them take the field and NOT have my heart in my throat.
  16. It's too bad, really, because the dude is genuinely funny and, like football, I don't watch him to get a lecture. Even if it's a lecture I with which I would agree. Girls jumping on trampolines. End women's suffrage. That's where he's at his best.
  17. Damn, dude. Your manbun too tight or what? All I did was ask where you saw the 11 wins. That's all. Your need to bash me is a little over the top. I made the mistake of thinking you based that number on, y'know, looking at the 16 games and identifying 11 wins. My bad. I'll refrain from asking you any more questions.
  18. One thing I can tell you is that I completely gave up on the effort to make our own dough. Nothing we made was better than, or easier than, getting dough from Trader Joe's.
  19. Gee. Someone on the left who wants everything handed to them for 'free.' Color me surprised.
  20. Until such a time that our country's first reaction to tragedy is to help, and not blame, you'll never get away from people posting fake stories. We're a blame first culture. Might as well get used to it.
  21. What deflection? All three of your personalities here do the same thing: talk over and over and over how much this country sucks relative to other countries. Other countries have better health care. Other countries have lower gun deaths. Other countries embrace socialism. Other countries don't have racism. Other countries treat LGBTLMNOPQRST better. If you whined this much about a restaurant, would you keep eating there? If you whined this much about your spouse, would you stay married? If you whined this much about your car, would you keep driving it? All three of your personalities do one thing: Whine. Here's another option: STFU and move to one of these other countries. Problem solved. In fact, given your inability to do anything on your own, we can probably set you up a GoFundMe link to raise the funds for your whiny, far-left lazy ass. Who's with me? Let's give tiberius/gator/baskin what he wants so much!
  22. I understand cautious optimism like the next guy, but to suggest the *only* reason to trust the current regime would be blind optimism is ridiculous. It's not like McDermott and Beane were brought in to run the Bills following their successful launch of a Tim Horton franchise. We get it; the Pegulas don't know what they're doing and some of you could run this team better if only you had a couple billion sitting around. But you don't have a few billion sitting around, and the Pegulas did the one thing that EVERYONE was begging them to do -- keep the Bills in Buffalo. For that, they deserve at least the benefit of the doubt that they can build a winner. The Rex hire was a swing and a miss. But they were willing to admit that mistake, eat a bunch of cash, and try again. This time seems to be working very well. No reason to think it won't keep improving at this point, except to think you know something everyone else at OBD doesn't know.
  23. Actually, the area around the stadium is something of a schithole. Yes, USC is nearby and no, "EVERYONE" is not afraid to go there, but many people here think twice and three times about going there for a game. It's not quite the schithole that is Berkeley, but it's not a safe area, either. By the end of that game, with Rams fans gone, you really got an sense of just how many Bills fans filled that place. I'll try to post a video I shot from our seats in the lower level. Their local cheer -- "Whose house? Rams house!" -- quickly turned into "Bills house!" by the fourth quarter.
  24. Gotta admit...kinda tired of hearing this line repeated as if it's some stupid comment like "Winning is hard" that we use to show everyone how stupid we think the coach is. I'd almost rather people just respond with something more clever. Like "meh."
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