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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'm telling you, it's just a matter of time before we see a photo of Bill and Weinstein and Epstein all heading to Orgy Island for a weekend golf trip.
  2. There's that racist Dr. Seuss again. It's time we burn all of his books.
  3. You think the NRA is more effective than Planned Parenthood? You should have a talk with David Daleiden and see the reach PP had on his life. And if they want to use numbers, I refer back to the article posted here asking "Do you know what Chicago calls 58 gun deaths? September." In 2017, Chicago is averaging 59 gun deaths per month. Per freaking month. Nary a word from anyone. I guess black lives don't matter to Democrats.
  4. Dude. Tropic Thunder is probably in the top 5 comedy movies for me. My only regret is I have to wait so long to watch it with my son. And Dodgeball. There. I said it. Movie is funny as hell. Great movie? No. But damn funny.
  5. Is critical feminism theory anything like critical race theory?
  6. Preach, brother. Last night I was sitting at home watching TNF, and the opiates came into my house, tied me down, and forced themselves down my throat. It was horrible. It was totally not my choice. They just held me down against my will.
  7. If he tears up the deal, do we get our pallets of cash back?
  8. And now it's no longer a safe space but "a brave place." How embarrassing.
  9. Again...people should identify the outrage and not accept it at face value. Just because you have the biggest megaphone doesn't mean what you're yelling is accurate.
  10. I had TB covering last night on the early line of +5.5. It closed at 4. Should have never been close.
  11. I just saw their front page and I'm wondering if the NFL actually watched the game last night. That was no "bounce back" by any stretch. Give Tampa a slightly more competent kicker and the headline reads "TB is for Real," which is equally ridiculous. Never would have thought it, but I'm not sure the Pats* have it easy vs. the Jets at this point. Surprised watching Brady drag his ass up after every hit. Dude doesn't look right.
  12. He's also a well-known leftist. If he was a rightie and this came out, the entire media would be banging on the door of every freaking member of the GOP asking them to denounce the disgusting pig. Oh, I'm sure they'll get around to asking Hillary about the Weinstein donations any moment now. Right after they ask her about the donations she got before releasing uranium to Russia. Aaaaany moment now.
  13. I'm surprised he's not already gone. I don't follow baseball, but do the Indians get the same grief as the Redskins? Do sports writers proclaim they'll never mention the team until they change their logo? I mean, how is it bad to CALL them Redskins, but okay to use what is essentially a red Sambo?
  14. Spoken like an authority on making vaginas go dry. Idiot.
  15. Chief Wahoo? Are you talking about this guy?
  16. Dude gave millions to the Clintons. Gotta figure that got him a few trips with Bill and Jeffrey Epstein to Pedophile Island.
  17. At least until someone finds his phone running apps to hook up with gay men, and they start explaining how it really all started with a 67-year-old dude conflicted with his desires to bob the knob.
  18. I believe she's the sister of Loretta Sanchez. She's likely upset because Pelosi et. al. made sure Loretta lost to Kamala Harris in the last Senate race after Harris agreed to raid the house of David Daleiden to confiscate all the Planned Parenthood tapes he was getting ready to release.
  19. You obviously haven't seen Pixels.
  20. Yeah, I noticed they run his ads a lot when I'm watching The View.
  21. Because the people with the biggest megaphone insist that it matters to them, so it will now matter to you. Whether you like it or not.
  22. Has the pussyhat photo been debunked yet?
  23. CNN is the perfect vehicle to bring out news for those still in full meltdown mode. C'mon, CNN. FINISH TRUMP. Let's get Pence a new title.
  24. I keep having the scene in my head of Marty McFly explaining to Doc Brown that Ronald Reagan was president. "Then who's vice president? Jerry Lewis?"
  25. Ooooh, sexism AND racism. This is going to be the sports writers wet dream weekend extravaganza.
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