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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. By 'well know' do you mean it was as well known as the millions of dollars laundered through the Clinton Foundation from Russia for a special uranium deal? You mean like THAT well known? Because the whole freaking world watched her take Russian money through her charitable "foundation" and I don't recall you calling her out on it.
  2. Quite honestly I'd have no problem arresting anyone caught wearing those unis he's wearing in the photo.
  3. Her interview reads like every crazy girl I ever dated, all stuffed into a single, bedazzled muumuu. Imagine you're out on a first date, casually getting to know each other, and you ask the girl the following question and get the following answer:
  4. That interview was one of the single most ridiculous things I've read here that didn't involve a story about McDermott's ego detroying the Bills.
  5. Oh, please, she looked like she got her haircut from a Flowbee. And that neck. Sheesh. She looks like her mother tried to flush her down a toilet after she was born, and the only thing that wouldn't go down was her head.
  6. This cracked me up from the second link: In your book, you talk about how your biological mother dumped you inside a toilet bowl after your birth and flushed you. How do you feel this experience helped to shape who you are today? It would have been great if her answer was, "Well, for starters, this is the reason my neck is 17" long. My lower body went down the toilet, but my head wouldn't fit, but it was a Tito, and they have pretty amazing flushing power, so it stretched my neck to this length. So I guess that's how it shaped me the way I am today."
  7. You're attracted to a woman who wears here hair like Donald Trump?
  8. In all fairness, we heard what you were wearing when you went to see Harvey. Don't deny...you were asking for it with that outfit.
  9. Mine jumped 20%. After jumping 25% last year.
  10. I saw that commercial last night, and at the risk of being Mr. Buzzkill, I like my women to look like a woman. Hair that short says "I'm a man, baby."
  11. If someone doesn't think the Oscars are rigged, I give them three simple words: Titanic. Best Picture.
  12. Frank Sinatra - Luck Be A Lady Meatloaf - Bat out of Hell Beatles - Oh, Darling.
  13. You are one miserable mutherphucker. Can't you just sit out a few threads? Just sit them out. Accept that we've all heard everything your noggin' can bring to the table in the copioius mind-numbingly sadsack threads you somehow think people want to read. Please. I'm asking nicely. Sit out some threads. Maybe start a blog where you can post all your thoughts, and keep them there, and leave the rest of us alone.
  14. I stopped reading his stuff, but let me guess...this is how it started: BUFFALO, N.Y. - Chip Kelly opened the door to his modest 3-bedroom flat, stepped outside as his eyes squinted at the early morning sun, rubbed his head with a hand calloused from an old steering wheel, and took a sip of his Keurig Donut Hole java from his collector's edition Philadelphia Eagles coffee mug. This is Chip Kelly's routine. Get up. Drink coffee. Squint. Start driving. The squirrels are the only ones who sees him get in his 1976 Ford Pinto with run-flat tires. It's going to be a long day, and not even Chip knows how it will end. Suddenly, and without warning, he gets a message. Pickup. Downtown Chicago. Brandon Reilly. Chicago to Buffalo? Just the kind of fare that will feed the Kelly family for hours. This is Chip Kelly's life. He removes his Lyft sticker, replaces it with his Uber sticker, and our day is begun. Or something like that.
  15. The problem with noodle arm fitzy is he doesn't turn into noodle arm until he's played four or five games.
  16. Can you imagine how much of an insecure twatwad you have to be to complain about his joke? You'd have to be the biggest twatwad around. I mean huge. I'm talking SaviorPaterman-like twatwaddage.
  17. For just pennies a day, you can help bring SaviorPeterman a fresh bowl of water, and enough original thoughts to last him an entire preseason. Won't you help? Call today 1-800-Cansomeonemakethisidiotstoppollutingtheboard.
  18. Little know fact: same thing happened to Chip Kelly's players. At first they were successful making airplane schedules, but then he tried to force airplane pegs into Uber holes, and Chip was too ego-driven to change. That's why McDermott's a failure. True story.
  19. Interestingly, during the game last night, Al Michaels made a comment that the Giants were coming off a worse week than Weinstein. By the third quarter, NBC had him apologizing.
  20. Why do you all hate Peterman??? Leave Peterman alone!!!!
  21. Based on your body of posting here, I don't think this question is out of line: When you reference contacts you have in the scouting world, are you referring to Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts? My sense is you'd write anything for a box of thin mints, but I could be wrong. Yep. Definitely Girl Scouts.
  22. He had a job. He quit. If he wants to blame someone for his employment situation, he need only look in the mirror. End of story.
  23. They certainly gave the Pats* the game today. It's almost like the Pats* can't win without cheating, so the refs help them by cheating for them. I believe in Boston that's called a win-win!
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