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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. He is 100% dead serious.
  2. There will come a day when the incredible difference between what you consider to be amazing lifetime achievements and what everyone else considers to be amazing lifetime achievements will hit you like 100 pounds of wet laundry dropped from 10 stories up. Kaep played a professional sport very well. So did O.J. So did Alan Hernandez. So did Ray Rice. Beyond playing a professional sport very well, I can find 15 people in my freaking neighborhood who have accomplished more amazing lifetime achievements than Kaep will ever understand, and you don't see them spending one moment of time opting out of their efforts, extolling the virtues of Fidel Castro, or wearing socks depicting cops as pigs in order to make a point. Heads up for that laundry, Gugney.
  3. It's almost like Boldin has been disingenuous this whole time. Weird.
  4. It's funny seeing the NFL standings with Miami at 4-3 with a -60 in the points differential.
  5. I feel like the only person who loves TNF. Yes, some of the games suck, but I love having a game right in the middle of Monday and Sunday. Especially a game featuring a divisional opponent. Especially a game featuring a divisional opponent being embarrassed.
  6. Let's make it something that it is. Are you serious with your posts? Do you genuinely believe it can be argued Boldin is being oppressed and his dreams ruined by the Bills? Or are you trolling? Simple, easy, one-word answer. Serious or trolling? Enquiring minds want to know.
  7. They hold his rights because HE CHOSE to sign them away. Personal accountability. Just that simple.
  8. Romo evaluating the cat was hysterical. "I like his form. Good extension there. Doesn't even get phased if there are people around. Look at the change of direction. Can he get both feet in at the end, Jim?" Nance: "He turns it upfield." Romo: "That's way too much fun at this point." Dude's a natural.
  9. Oh, no. No trolling. This is Gugny. He's damn serious. In fact, it's not just the Bills oppressing him. It's America. It's you and you and you and me. It's everyone. Everyone but Gugny.
  10. They're 5-2 with a good kicker.
  11. You called me ignorant, but I'm the one who's supposed to self-police? You a funny guy, Richie Cunningham.
  12. And just like that, it's light hearted and funny again.
  13. Never ever.
  14. Don't confuse being ignorant with being wrong. But you be you.
  15. Making an assumption based exclusively on the color of a person's skin and gender? Wow. That sounds racist and sexist. Well done.
  16. As one who only watches baseball during the WS so I can talk to clients, I have a question for baseball fans: we hear about analytics in football, but the Dodgers seem to take it to a different level. Last night we saw what happened when their plan doesn't work. If I'm a Dodgers fan, I'm pissed they pulled Hill. Do you want your team doing this stuff? Did analytics get the Dodgers to the WS? Just curious.
  17. So to recap, they'll take back a good player who literally killed dogs for money...they'll take back a good player guy who is on video beating his girl...they'll take back a good player who was involved in a double murder... But they won't take back a bad player who simply opted out of his contract and would not stand for the anthem. I see your reading comprehension isn't better on this side of the board.
  18. In what world does anyone genuinely think the NFL has to spend one freaking minute thinking about or addressing civil rights, social equity and social equality? How about this from the NFL owners: Kaep, you were paid millions to play football. You opted out. You have baggage no team wants. Have a good day. And as for the rest of you, if you don't like the fact that the NFL doesn't see itself as a vehicle for your whiny little snowflake causes, go watch soccer. They'll flop for you all day. We have a game to play.
  19. ...and the runs.
  20. No one is black balling you, Kaep. We brought back a dog killer and a wife beater. Take a hint. You're a crappy quarterback.
  21. Raiders in Mexico City could be more raucous than Raiders in Oakland. Latinos are Raider fans at birth. The entire stadium in Mexico City will look like the Black Hole of Oakland.
  22. #bringbackourfergy!
  23. Not true. The internet had a lot of fun making fun of Michelle Obama holding up that hashtag by changing what it said.
  24. That's not what we're facing next week. It's what the Chief's faced last week. But I love how creative some of you get in your never-ending quest to be miserable.
  25. It's a little know fact that the USA Today power rankings are written by SaviorPeterman.
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