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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. How pathetic of a human sack of schitt must you be to post something like this so quickly after the event? Why, it's almost like you love to see children murdered by gun-toting nutbags because because their deaths give you the perfect opportunity to comment about the phucking gun lobby. Seriously, man. You are one completely phucked up idiot.
  2. Yet again we learn why no one takes any version of the media seriously. Keep up the meltdown, leftists. It's really gonna get Hillary elected in 2020!
  3. Whenever I hear dilly dilly, I think someone at a marketing agency just got a corner office and large bonus. The single greatest thing you can do in marketing is create a global campaign that not only has everyone talking about it, but is considered funny by most. There will always be people who consider themselves too smart for such stuff, but let's be honest: that's why we have Stabucks. So they all have a place to hang out with other bunheads and mock the idiots.
  4. I seem to be responding without reading anything, so I'll let you field from people reading, but you should look at Costco for a replacement. You may not prefer LG or Vizio, but they each have a 65" with 4x HDMI, 4K UHD for $800 and $970, respectively.
  5. Do you have to put the sound bar on an HDMI input?
  6. What do you need all the HDMI inputs for? Cable. BluRay. And?
  7. And since we can't all work for Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey, we turn to football instead.
  8. We crack up up every time it's on because while I am known to my few friends as a devoted beer drinker, they all think that means I'm a connoisseur of all things beer. I drink one beer. Stella. If I stray, I drink Chimay. My brother-in-law, in particular, seems to think every Christmas what I want is a basket filled with crap like Chocolate Cream Berry Oatmeal Stout or some ridiculous schitt. The guy in the commercial bringing the spiced honey mead wine is my brother-in-law to a freaking T.
  9. We're getting to the point where it's not whether you sexually harassed someone, but how many you sexually harassed. It's only a matter of time before Hollywood status is based on that number. "So I see you directed this, this and this. Tell me. How many people accused you of sexual harassment?" "Four women, two men, and a 16-year-old dishwasher from Rosaline's in West Hollywood." "Wow. Impressive resume. I mean, you're not Kevin Spacey, but I think we have a spot for you. Mind watching me masturbate for a moment?"
  10. I have no idea why some people continue to beat this dead horse. Sometimes I think fans who dwell on stuff like this are, in real life, disgruntled employees. People who really don't like their jobs, are convinced they're smarter than their boss, and are the first ones at the water cooler whispering stuff like "Did you hear so-n-so just quit? Boy, is this going to be bad for the company, but maybe now they'll realize what a crappy company this is." It's weird. I guess misery works for some people.,
  11. I'll never understand the grief people give OJ. Dude thrilled people on the football field for years. Had a great career making commercials. Created iconic movie characters. He's entertained the world for decades in a manner most people will never achieve. Dude has one bad day, and everyone is on his case.
  12. So you think the moment Kaep is hired somewhere else, we're going to find that Kaep will be silent and the entire issue will drop? You think it's just an assumption that the entire social justice clickbait sports journalism world will refrain from asking questions about anything other than football? You don't think they'll shove a microphone in the face of every coach, every player until they find the one useful idiot who gives them the soundbite they need to move the story above the fold again? It's no longer just about Kaep. It's about what he brings, regardless of how quiet he, himself, will be.
  13. What I don't know about this process...and maybe you do: can the Pats* and Niners talk to Hoyer about what they're doing before it's done, and get Hoyer to agree to hold off until the deal is done, then go the Pats*? I don't think so, but perhaps it wouldn't surprise me even if they couldn't do it. Gotta think there's a lot of inside baseball that we never see or hear.
  14. He's not being punished. He's being avoided. Because he brings distraction to a unit that requires no distractions to be consistently successful.
  15. From your post to the world of social justice clickbait journalists, one can only hope.
  16. Some would even say the Pats* are playing 5D chess while everyone else is playing Boggle!
  17. I would consider the Pats* signing Kaep bigger and better for the Bills than the trade for Benjamin.
  18. We should trade him to the Panthers for a third.
  19. Oh, no! WE SUCK AGAIN!
  20. It's the radio version of clickbait. Say something stupid, get everyone to call in.
  21. Not a chance. McDermott has this team thinking as a team, not as an individual. They're focused on winning, not activism. And the last thing McDermott would allow is taking a solid team where everyone is finally on the same page, and throw a moron bomb in the middle.
  22. Just found this photo of Holmes trying to catch a check down panic pass from Tyrod.
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