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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Except one of them is a cheater.
  2. Even people who scam the elderly out of their last dime will come to a full stop at a red light. Doesn't make them any less of a dirtbag.
  3. Brady* will never be better than Jordan because Jordan didn't need to cheat.
  4. Remember, in the minds of leftists, especially the gatorman/Tiberius talking-point chumps, it is not other people's money. It is the government's money.
  5. Here is their latest plan: make CA companies getting a windfall from the tax break give half of it to the state.
  6. People seem to forget the coordinated effort by most of the media to get out the message of their chosen ideology, which is almost exclusively left-leaning. Barry's message thrived from massive collaboration via the Journo-list, in part because they did his work for him while allowing him to stand around acting as ignorant as Vinny Barbarino. I'm no fan of Trump. He's boorish and generally embarrassing. But damn if he doesn't make the left piss their pants in embarrassing fashion every single day. People argue things would be better if he just stopped tweeting, but they fail to realize his tweeting is, essentially, the laser pointer to the media's cat. He points, they scurry over here. He points, they scurry over there. They're flying over furniture and throwing their bodies against the walls in hopes of catching that pesky red dot. Best meltdown ever. Best entertainment ever.
  7. As long as CA has Hollywood, Disney, the Bay Area tech firms and the coastal waters, they will always find a way to support it for the immediate future before increasing taxes, yet again, in the name of progress. Think about it...you have a state that has been run for decades over decades by Democrats. You can literally show up in CA with absolutely no documentation, and within a few months they (yes, they have agencies to help you) will help you get EBT cards, housing, schooling with food vouchers for your bambinos, free health care, public transportation, free college, a free cell phone and, often times, unemployment checks. And oh, we need you to vote for us, because if you don't, the other guys are going to make you leave, and you don't want to leave all THIS, do you? Oh, we're out of money. Well, time for a new gas tax.
  8. Frankly, the funniest part of this entire issue is how it flies in the face of the semi-annual NYT/Huffpo Op-ed written by some uber-rich dude (like Gates or Buffett), explaining how they would be happy to pay more in taxes, while urging for higher taxes on the uber-wealthy. But the minute they have to actually GIVE more, guess who's pulling up stakes?
  9. Funny story out of Sacramento: CA Dems are now worried that the new tax bill, which eats into the tax breaks typically given to the uber-wealthy Californias, will making the uber-wealthy leave the state. Brown calls it 'an assault by Republicans in Congress.' Meanwhile, the state is trying to pass a bill that would allow Californians to write off their state taxes on their federal returns as charity. No. I'm not kidding.
  10. Why didn't they use this photo?
  11. Yep. I'm kind of surprised we don't kill more Mexicans here in SoCal. They literally will just walk across streets whereever and whenever they want, with absolutely no regard for oncoming traffic.
  12. The left has a similar motto: What's the point of being in power if you can't rape a few of your interns?
  13. Funny. Back in 2011, Pelosi was over the moon about a tax cut extension giving back "nearly $40 per paycheck" to the average family. Wonder what changed.
  14. Notfernuthin', but since you insist on judging people by the color of their skin, guess the color of the skin of the people MOST decimated by Obama's 8-year presidency. Here's a hint: not even the white man-entitled rich-country pricks you detest did more in recent history to wreck the job opportunities of black America than America's first black president did in eight simple years of incompetence. But hey...you keep judging people by the color of their skin. I'll judge them by their character.
  15. You don't need a study on the economic and demographic composition. Just take a drive or walk around. Plenty of people are trying to help them, feed them, etc., and it's very simple to break down: all ages, all colors, all nationalities, all poor, with countless different problems from mental health to drug abuse to "I just quit trying." The city doesn't do anything until they start showing up near work or home, then they have them moved so they don't have to see them. If they have any common thread, it's this: they are completely helpless, and they all live in a city and county and state being run exclusively by progressives for decades.
  16. That stretch of Anaheim is near me, and as unbelievably depressing as that area is, it looks like Beverly Hills next to downtown LA. Check this video at the 4:43 mark where he turns down 5th street. I drove down there recently and it completely blew my mind. Block after block of tent and cardboard communities. Both side of the road. Just hundreds upon hundreds of people in despair. I guess this is what happens when your entire city and county is run by the left. But hey...a few more billion dollars and these homeless can get to Northern Cal in record time.
  17. Shock headline: CA Bullet Train Cost Surges by $2.8 BILLION -- "Worst-case scenario has happened" Well done, progressives. If only someone could see this coming. Never fear, though. The governor says everything is just fine.
  18. In all fairness, Brady* isn't up against Keenum or Foles any more than Tyrod was up against Cutler. Brady* WILL go up against a couple defenses that can completely wreck him. Granted, I get your point. But neither Philly nor Minnesota are going to make Brady's* life any easier than, say, New Orleans or even Pittsburgh. In that case, you probably want Keenum, who has proven to take the reins very successfully. Hell, even Philly with Foles was able to mount a number of long, clock-killing drives against a good Atlanta D. We're all conditioned to take it bunga-bunga style from NE* and their happy camp of team-sponsored refs, but I don't think Brady's* path is as simple as everyone is conditioned to believe.
  19. Twitterworld is starting to mumble about a Brees retirement announcement. No links, yet. And I won't believe it until John Clayton says it ain't so.
  20. He is the simplest of Bills reporters who embraces how easy it is to prod anxious fans while attracting those fans who love to see the Bills lose so they can explain how the team would be better if only they were the GM. These are the fans that give Tim reason to get up every day and poke the bear. Few things make Timmah happier than seeing the Bills lose because it makes his followers ripe for the picking. He believes Colin Kaepernick is today's Muhammed Ali. Timmah is the Captain Stillman of the NFL sports journalism world. Formerly a writer for ESPN, he ultimately changed jobs to work for the Buffalo News and the announcement looked a lot like this: The only reason I maintain a Twitter account any more is to make fun of Timmah.
  21. Here's how Timmah Graham reports on it, because there ain't no party like a Tim Graham hates Buffalo Fan party. Tim Graham‏Verified account @ByTimGraham FollowingFollowing @ByTimGraham More Tim Graham Retweeted Buffalo Bills While this is a sick burn, the Bills haven’t hosted a playoff game since December 1996 and couldn’t sell out some playoff games during their Super Bowl years. The Comeback, which turned 25 years old this week, was blacked out on local TV.
  22. There are some plays that remain head-scratchers this year, but if you can't be optimistic about McDermott as our head coach, you just need something to whine about. He's everything you want in a leader: honest, centered, selfless and willing to admit when he's wrong. Watch him greeting every player in the locker room after the win vs. the Fish. Even better, find the video of him when Cincy scored on 4th and 12. Tells me all I need to know about this man.
  23. What we learn here is that sports journalists aren't the only journalists who purposely write something completely against the grain of their readership to manufacturer outrage for the sake of "clicks for advertising revenue." Don't think for a moment that Watson and the BN aren't reveling in all the commentary. Up next for Watson: "She was loved as Leather Tuscadero, but what Suzie Quattro looks like now is unrecognizable!"
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