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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Yep. Brady Among Worst In Sports For Not Congratulating Nick Foles
  2. Neat side story: Lurie brought Jon Dorenbos to the game, and will ensure he gets a SB ring. So weird, this victory. On one hand you have Lurie, Foles, and teammates going out full class, and then you watch the fans burn down the city, destroy small stores, and eat horse schitt.
  3. This past weekend I showed a friend of mine the Eddie Murphy "Delirious" routine where he talks about how he likes to imagine what it would be like if certain celebrities "were faggots." He does a bit about the Honeymooners which I think is, quite possible, some of the funniest stand-up you'll ever see. "Now Norton, I'm gonna bend over. And when I do...start !@#$in'..." If Murphy tried that today...
  4. Hostess announces today one time $1250 bonus to employees due to tax break. AP: Tax Bill Beginning to Deliver Bigger Paychecks to Workers. I'll take two nothingburgers with cheese and crumbs to go, please.
  5. Let's first acknowledge you can not search anything online through Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, even freaking Alexa, and not get the message the far left wants you to get. You would think that when I log into Twitter, the home page would be just a log in. But no. It's a long list of things being tweeted, and virtually anything that isn't related to food has a far left tilt to it.
  6. Elizabeth Warren has really become a caricature of herself and the far-left SoProg nutbags she represents. Every day another company is announcing that they're taking their tax breaks and handing a bunch of it their workers. People are getting raises, and $1000 bonuses, and all she sees is partisan gut-punching. Little wonder she needed to pretend she was an native American to gain favorable employment in her life.
  7. Hysterical story from The Daily Mail. I don't think anyone genuinely cares. It's just a bad, bad look. Dem playing Candy Crush during SOTU. People are asking: What level is she on? Party of gatorman in full swing.
  8. Classic Dennis Miller right there.
  9. Or they'll replace her with Janet Napolitano and tell everyone RBG just got a crapload of botox.
  10. First of all, if I were king, I would banish all people who mention RBG and vagina in the same breath. That said, I wonder if RBG didn't show up because of her health. She could barely stay upright at the last SOTU. You have to wonder if she'll make it to the end of Trump's term. You'd think the DNC would at least be more disciplined in their plans for this reason alone. Giving Trump an extra four years -- and they're going out of their way to do it -- means you're counting on RGB to 90. If you think they're melting down now, wait until you see what happens if she dies in the next few years.
  11. The Dems literally booed and hissed throughout his speech like they were waiting for Jerry Springer to release results from a paternity test, while simultaneously sitting still from the moment he walked in -- right through the truthful acknowledgement of: a cop and wife who adopted the baby of an opioid addict; two grieving black families whose daughters were murdered by MS-13 gangbangers; the grieving parents of Otto Warmbier; a North Korean who hauled his legless body over hundreds of miles to freedom on crutches he apparently borrowed from Gilligan Island; and record unemployment for blacks and hispanics. Best meltdown in months. But hey...at least they didn't yell "He lied!" So they have that going for them, which is nice.
  12. You say there is an empty stage. The snowflakes will argue that means no women, no people of color, and no gays, trans, lesbians or queers! Theater people like you make America a schithole, and I hope Luis Gutierezz walks out out in the middle of your play...assuming he can tell when it's the middle.
  13. I want to interrupt this discussion to let you know I have been avoiding message boards because of work and reality, but come back here on occasion for things like the left melting down over last night's SOTU, and it's good to see you are still posting conspiracy with a fervor that rivals a 14-year-old home alone for the night who just discovered that 12345 is ridiculously the password his parents used to block the porn channels.
  14. My hope after all this time of posting together is that you know, in the end, I don't genuinely believe he walked out in protest of people chanting USA. What I DO genuinely believe is after eight years of the left creating one false narrative after another, that watching them get their asses handed to with right-leaning false narratives is worthy of a front-row VIP ticket with a giant box of popcorn. The only reason I watched his SOTU was with the hope he would do it straight so I could watch the left continue their meltdown. They showed everyone watching how petty they are. The gator/tiberius nuts of the world have spent the last 18 hours soiling themselves in the public eye, and it simply can't happen enough for me.
  15. He left when everyone started chanting "USA! USA!" because, you know, racism or something.
  16. Isn't the Hillary Suicide Brigade mostly people killing themselves by shooting themselves in the back of the head multiple times?
  17. I've said this repeatedly, as have many prominent black Americans: the left will never see jobs and wealth creation as a good thing because keeping Americans dependent on the government to survive is how they keep getting re-elected. Vote for me and get 'free' stuff. Robert Byrd was unavailable for comment.
  18. Last night, Kamala Harris, who as CA AG raided the house of a journalist to confiscate undercover Planned Parenthood videos before they were released, explained to America that the reason the Black Congressional Caucus didn't stand or applaud news that black unemployment is at its lowest level ever is because Trump should have added "Thanks to Obama." It's virtually impossible for a minority party to not gain mid-term seats after losing all branches, but I'm starting to think the DNC is actually going to FUBAR their mid-terms. I'm waiting for the left to start explaining how Trump's "Americans are dreamers, too" line is racist as well.
  19. Dear leftist nutbags, What you're watching happen to the Kennedy kid with the embarrassing drool moment -- currently being carved by social media into tomorrow's lede about the DNC message -- is a solid reminder from the Rubio campaign that you should be careful what you wish for, as you will surely get it. Thanks again for your generous, forward-thinking generosity. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020 Reelection Headquarters
  20. He's got these nutbags acting like Tony Montana playing whack-a-mole after snorting up his desk.
  21. It's impossible to understand how unbelievably out of touch these celebrities have become. The Hillary moment at the Grammy's wasn't embarrassing enough for them? Are you telling me they have actually convinced themselves that not only does America care about what they have to say politically, but that we'll actually PAY to hear them say it? Once again, the Trump/Pence 2020 campaign should thank Hollywood for its endless stream of contributions to their re-election campaign.
  22. Glad to hear it. When I read the thread title, I hear Dennis Hopper in "Speed." "Pop quiz, hot shot. You're the Bills GM. You have the first pick in the draft. What do you do? WHAT. DO. YOU. DO???"
  23. You surived a pipe bomb thrown at a restaurant window you were eating at? That's insane. What was it like?
  24. As an American Italian who grandparents on both sides came to America from Sicily to find a better life in the streets of NYC, I wish they would use a reference to Italians that more Americans could get behind. Like, Bills WOPS. Who's with me?
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