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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Predictably, Biden takes credit for the ME deal. Who the hell would vote for this lazy, lying POS?
  2. Kamala: We're going to take away private health insurance for everyone.
  3. Funny thing about social media. It's forever.
  4. More specifically...? What corruption? What bribery? Please explain.
  5. The rate of Covid deaths in CA has been holding steady at 1.82% and has been below 2% for a month. NY, on the other hand, has been hovering at 6% for months, and yet they are opening schools. What upward CA slope are you talking about?
  6. Countdown to when they start explaining that it wouldn't have been possible without Obama/Bidens efforts.
  7. Damn you, Trump. First you destroyed Seattle, then Portland, then Baltimore, then SFO and now NYC! SAD!
  8. Looking forward to the leftists showing how much they hate Jews as they create reasons to criticize Trump for this.
  9. You are absolutely correct. Kasich's history is farther left than anything resembling a conservative. He's one of those Reps who realized early in his career that as long as he kept splitting aces, the Dems would drop him a face card over and over and over. Much like the Lincoln Project crew, he also realized the real Dem money is in pissing all over the entire GOP, regardless of who they are. Jennifer Rubin is no more a conservative than Barrack Obama. She made her way in GOP circles, but again, took the money to be labeled a 'conservative' by the WP, and is all-in on destroying the entire GOP. She actually tweeted yesterday that Harris, who is an embarrassing debater, should debate Pence three times and wipe the floor with him. She is literally a PR person for the DNC. Anyone paying attention knows this is all window dressing. Which is why I was mocking Tibs. You have to be less intelligent than Billstime to think a good Biden argument begins with Rubin promoting Kasich.
  10. If this is what Joe and Kamala are leading with, it's going to be a long few months for Democrats.
  11. Opening the schools is a bipartisan issue where, for the first time in a while, both sides agree it needs to happen. Are you of the mindset that Governor Cuomo and Senator Schumer want students to get sick, spread to teachers, staff and their family? Is that what you're saying? You disagree with their assessment that schools should be open?
  12. It is time for Sloppy Joe's nap already?
  13. This Tara Reade thing should blow up in Kamala's face, but she'll never be asked by anyone in the media, so it'll be up to Trump to keep bringing it up. Interesting how Kamala suddenly DOESN'T believe all women now. How interesting that she would change her position again. Does she have a history of changing her position?
  14. This will make you laugh.
  15. You can tell how the worried the left is about the Harris pick based on the stupid stuff they've been posted since the pick was announced.
  16. Here's another beauty...but you saw it coming because the NPCs here repeat this kind of stupidity all the time.
  17. No. Beyond discussing the news itself, why does anyone care there is an extension to the extent they think it's a bad idea. It has very little downside to it and plenty of upside. I can't imagine finding any fault with this decision because it doesn't impact anything beyond the Pegula's wallet. If they made the wrong choice, they'll fire him.
  18. It seems to me the people who feel this was premature are primarily stats people. THIS is his record for his first three year. He's .500 career and 0-2 in the playoffs. When you mostly rely on stats, you lose full sight of everything else that has been going on...things that don't show up on paper, but long-time Bills fans know in their hearts. This team can suddenly win games they're supposed to win. And they're winning games you'd expect them to lose. The Dallas Thanksgiving Day was the clincher for me. A prime-time road game with everyone in the country watching? That's a game the Bills have puked up for years. But McDermott had them ready to play. Hell, one of the best Bills moments in years shows you the kind of team this guy is putting together. How do you watch these videos without understanding that McDermott leads them to be this kind of team. How do you watch them, think about the past season, and think, "Well, I'm not fully sold on McDermott yet!" Stare at numbers all you want. But there's more to this than numbers, and the 99% of Bills fans cheering this extension can see it.
  19. Did your handlers make you use 'windmill cancer' after informing you that a 'brain cloud' was just something the doctor made up to get Joe to jump into the volcano?
  20. Don't tell that to NPR. · Aug 11 #BREAKING: Joe Biden has selected Kamala Harris as his running mate. She'll be the first African American nominated for vice president by a major party. https://trib.al/SLKbNIn
  21. The funniest thing to me is that Tibs thinks Jennifer Rubin promoting John Kasich has value to anyone who's not a mindless leftist. Neither of them will ever be considered 'conservative' by anyone other than the far left who pay them boatloads of cash to create that illusion. In other words, when you're unable to think for yourself, it's easy to believe Rubin and Kasich are conservatives.
  22. Here's the thing: why do you care? It's not like his salary counts against the cap, or this deal is putting the team in a horrible corner if he bombs the next two years. If it doesn't work out, they fire him and eat the salary. But if you follow the current trajectory and the team moves on to do great things, then you don't HAVE to worry about him leaving.
  23. Everything is always okay in Idaho. But let's not pretend everyone was worried about Trump's mental state like pretty much the whole world can see Biden's. Hell, Hillary was more worrisome last year and all she was trying to do was navigate a flight of stairs. Everyone sees Biden's dementia. Everyone. Except Biden.
  24. This behavior IS the left. Track the BLM money and it's clear as day.
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