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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I am open to discussions about making it harder to get assault rifles, just as soon as someone defines "assault rifle."
  2. Meaning strict gun laws don't work?
  3. No matter how many times you leftists try to re-purpose the word snowflake, it will never happen until you all stop getting triggered by micro-agressions to your cis-genger stupidity.
  4. Meaning what? Strict guns laws don't work? People who want to murder will always find their weapon?
  5. You know who has some of the strictest gun laws in the US? Chicago. You know what Chicago calls yesterday's shooting? "Just another weekend." So tell us...what are the dozens of things you can do to get mass shootings down? And while you're at it, define 'mass shootings.'
  6. We're going to find out this was a kid who had a girl reject his box of Valentines' Day candy, and finally the country will come together and ban Valentines Day so no more children can be hurt by this ridiculous freaking holiday.
  7. Yeah. Okay. You blend. You're the one who brought up how you were registered. All I did was point out how !@#$ moronic that is. It means absolutely nothing beyond the fact that you can fill out a piece of paper. It's right up there with "I'm smarter than you because I drive a BMW." It is literally THAT kind of moronic. But hey...you keep trying to explain how nobody puts baby in a corner. It's so convincing.
  8. Huh. I had no idea anyone still watched his show. Is it really still on?
  9. But the English language, not so much.
  10. Which means what, exactly? That you can fill out a piece of paper? Suggesting you're not a liberal because you're a registered independent is like suggesting you never go to a grocery store because you have a Costco membership. Maybe tomorrow you can tell us how much of a man you are because you slept with three different women last week.
  11. I know you feel like a lone lefty with no one but gatorman to 'like' your posts, but as a long-time conservative, I want to offer you my support of this effort to nail Trump to the cross with this Russia thing. I mean, I want him totally impeached and removed from office. Because watching the left wake up to President Mike Pence would be the most freaking hysterical moment since Trump beat Hillary.
  12. I have to admit I've been pretty surprised to see so many people on the left extolling the virtues of North Korea. In fairness, I suspect they're just trying to bait Trump into tweeting something stupid in response, but it appears Trump's handlers have convinced them he doesn't need to do anything because they are embarrassing themselves at epic levels.
  13. It usually gets overlooked because they're so busy sexting underage teenage girls with photos of their junk while lying in bed with their newborn.
  14. That artist seems to have a Kathy Griffin feel to him.
  15. I suspect it was made to represent his greatest accomplishment in eight years: appearing on "Between Two Ferns."
  16. Trying to find a place to poke fun at this, and this looked as good as any. Anyone else notice Barry has a thumb next to his pinky on his left hand? Spooky.
  17. I'll take "Things Liberals Say When They Can't Specifically Explain Why They Think Something Is Racist" for $500, Alex. I'll take "Things Liberals Say When They Realize they Copy/Pasted a Liberal Talking Point Calling Someone Racist And Are Losing Their Argument Badly and Wish They Never Posted The Liberal Stupidity in the First Place" for $1,000, Alex.
  18. I'll take "Liberal Responses To Every Word Not Spoken By A Liberal" for $200, Alex. I haven't seen this much racism since the the coin flip at the Olympics.
  19. And we can laugh at the concept that you're an independent. Great stuff. Keep it coming.
  20. Bellicheck* --> Putin. Brady*. --> MAGA hat. You can almost see gatorman's head exploding.
  21. Are those going to be the same polls that predicted the day before the election that Hillary had a 96% change of winning?
  22. Sorry, sister. You can't expect to spend eight years yelling "FIRE!" any time someone even mentions Barry's name, and not think you're going to get crushed with embarrassment once the tide turned. The meltdown has been epic, and we thank you for the stream of elite Hollywood liberals making you all look dumber than ever.
  23. Oh, please. If someone made a joke like this about a liberal politician, Obama would call a special session of congress to address how stupid people are.
  24. Hey, look! Liberals are now concerned about reducing the deficit. You guys kill me.
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