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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Forgive me for not digging deeper, but did anyone bring up the big story making the rounds titled "I bought an AR-15 in 5 minutes with an expired ID," written by a 20-year-old who actually didn't by an AR-15, but asked if he could, and then left the store to write his hot new article?
  2. They're so off the rails at this point, you could wake up tomorrow and find MSNBC beating them for viewers.
  3. Liberalism in a nutshell. A 16-year-old is smart enough to vote, but they have to wait another five years before we trust them to buy liquor and wait an entire 10 years before we can expect them to be smart enough to buy own health insurance. Is it any wonder Trump is president.
  4. Guns don't hurt others. People hurt others. You can pass a federal law stating that all Americans can only have one gun and one bullet each for their entire life, and wake up tomorrow to find out people are still hurting people with guns, and you probably won't even see a drop in what you see today because the one undeniable fact...which Chicago illustrates...is that when people want to kill people, they find a way regardless of your opinion or law. And there will be no solution, now or ever, because the biggest megaphones belong to the batschitcraziest people, and neither are interested in what the other has to say because they care more about making a point than finding a solution.
  5. I really dig the way you think. We don't know why there is so much violence in Chicago, but let's legalize drugs and see what happens!
  6. First, they don't hold the market on arguing slippery slope. Talk to far-left person about banning abortions after 20 weeks and watch where the conversation goes. Second, until gun grabbers make a coherent, consistent case, they will never be seen as anything but a political nuisance trying to raise money. It's said often, and SHOULD be said often: if gun grabbers want to make a case for more gun control, they should set up shop in Chicago, and every Monday morning they should hold a press conference showing the faces of the 17 people shot that weekend by gangbangers earning stripes. Tweet out the names of the victims, and what their dreams were. Gather the victims' families together on a CNN town hall and talk about what happened. But they don't. And they won't. Because everything they want for more gun control already takes place in Chicago, and they'd have to point out how their argument is faulty.
  7. Oh, man. Where to start. You argue above that if we limit the number of bullets a gun can shoot, that would have kept the Florida shooting from happening because it's simple math. Did you know CA has a limit on the number of bullets you can load into a gun? Did you know that number is 10? Did that stop San Bernardino? Logic so simple, a second grader can do it. The reason the people who want to take away guns lose this argument so often is because they try to make it from an emotional appeal, and forego all possible logic.
  8. Given the absolute batschittcrazy direction CNN has turned lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they they have a bunch of kiddie porn producers in a town hall setting to talk about why the president is a dirtbag for demeaning their profession.
  9. Yep. I would argue it's one of the most critical issues of our time. Unfortunately, we see it primarily in the poor minority communities (over 77% of black children are born to a single mother) , and whenever anyone -- even a person of color -- tries to point this out from a position of self-accountability and -responsibility, it turns into a shouting match about something other than the problem. But let's take the guns. Because everyone knows if someone wants to kill a bunch of people, and make it illegal to get a weapon, they'll change their mind and choose to not kill anyone.
  10. Awesome. So you agree with me that the "awful, evil, liberal MSM doesn't tell you all the facts." Glad to see you're open-minded. A welcome change from the standard left-leaning posters here.
  11. Elroy, There is this thing called social media that gives a turbo boost to fake stories at a speed that does not favor retraction. Fake stories are immediately copy/pasted/distributed as truth by the gatorman's of the world, too eager for a narrative they agree with to think for themselves. Cop a squat and have a read. Notice who's posting the story as fact. Notice how many followers they have. Notice how many times their tweet was re-tweeted to other people, who re-tweeted the re-tweet. Then try not to feel too embarrassed about your response above. The difference, Elroy, is that most people on the right find these stories disgusting. On the other hand, we also wonder why you weren't this mad when Bill Clinton was accused of raping woman after woman after woman. Where were you, Elroy? Let me guess. Canvassing for Hillary.
  12. Gotta be glad this was happening when a Dem wasn't in the WH. Given how the entire DNC covered their extensive list sexual predator donorss, you have to figure they'd take a wife beater and just hand him a Senate seat.
  13. I hate you, offseason. I hate you to pieces.
  14. Oprah expects God to talk to her? Oh, man, I can't wait to hear Joy Behar start talking about how Oprah is mentally ill!
  15. TYTT: Making baskin/gatorman soil his Depends with every post.
  16. Any time some nutbag tries to argue that the MSM isn't devoid of any standards, we should remind them how quickly almost all jumped on that moronic "18 school mass shootings" crap without one single group stopping to examine how big of a lie it was before they spread it worldwide. The message got out. That was all that mattered. Facts mean little when you are convinced your agenda is more important.
  17. Kamala Harris...if she's not afraid to raid a person's house on behalf of a donor to steal undercover Planned Parenthood videos, she not afraid of nuthin'. I look forward to watching this waste of flesh wind up as Macungie Dog Snatcher in a few years.
  18. I've kind stayed away from your posts, but damn, it's like you're determined to prove to the entire board that gatorman ISN'T the biggest dumbass here. Keep up the good work.
  19. It depends on what kind of clips you're talking about. Hair clips? Bag clips? Paper clips? The problem you're facing is that you keep trying to advocate for something that has little to nothing to do with what you *think* it does, which makes it seem like you're just trying to advance someone else's agenda. Let me say it again; you can count magazines, you can limit their capacity, you can limit the number of bullets you can buy, you can even make people take psychology exams to determine if they should carry a gun, but absolutely NONE of that would come close to stopping those who want to kill people with a gun. If someone wants to get a gun and shoot up a school, they will find a way. And please don't give me the whole "If we could only save one life" routine because if you or anyone truly believed in that theory, you'd be helping to build a wall along Mexico with your own money, sweat and materials and fighting to defund Planned Parenthood.
  20. I'd also like someone to explain to me what constitutes "too many bullets." Three? Three hundred? Is this like saying "At some point, I do believe you've made enough money"?
  21. Justice blames much of this whites (see below) because they're more violent than any other race. So the immense number black-on-black murders in Chicago really don't count as part of this because, apparently, that's an outlier.
  22. And to quote my pal, Ben Shapiro, facts don't care about your feelings. So what I'm reading is that the shooter was anti-Trump, pro-communism, pro-Antifa, and pro-CAIR? Damn Republicans and their useless prayers.
  23. It's amazing to me how unbelievably lazy some of you get when trying to make a point that doesn't exist.
  24. Dude, you're gonna piss off Trudeau. It's not mankind. It's person kind.
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