You should get together with Badol.
Between the two of you, I'd be curious to find out whose simple, little noggin' I've been living in rent- free the longest.
Your insults are so childishly similar, maybe I'll just call you guys a duplex and consider myself happy to occupy so much real estate for so little money.
As we spend time here debating the gun topic, this portion of the article sums everything up perfectly. How many times do you see this discussion?
Left: The 2nd Amendment is old and needs to be changed.
You: There is a process in place to change, so go ahead and change it.
And you're absolutely welcome to change it. You do realize that, right? You can actually change it to ban all guns in the US.
So, y'know, hop to it, Skippy, and stop wasting everyone's time with your stomping and whining.
Dear KW95,
Thank you for your thoughts. We hope you continue to share these thoughts with as many people as you can. Yell them loudly from the rooftops, and we'll be there to provide the amplification you need to ensure everyone can hear your message.
Trump/Pence 2020 Re-Election Campaign
One man cheats on his wife and it says a lot about the integrity of the man.
Another man believes in the word of God, which tells us that cheating on your wife is a sin, and he's mentally ill for listening to God.
It's almost like people make this up as they go.
Actually, what you wrote is "No citizen in this world should have an AR-15 in their homes."
That's not suggesting you can't understand the desire. That's saying you don't care if you don't understand the desire, your desire to ban the gun is greater than their desire to want one.
So you have no guns, you don't know anything about guns, but are certain that absolutely no person anywhere should ever have an AR-15 in their home.
Are you one of those people who thinks white film critics should not be allowed to write a review for "Black Panther"?
That's funny. Every time the shooter has a name like Omar Mateen, we're told he's a troubled gay man.
You know who rarely does this? Women. Of any color. Perhaps making people stop being identified by gender will solve the problem.
Nowhere did I say we should blame anything but the guns. Nowhere. Not here. Not anywhere. Not ever.
gatorman: When it comes to reading comprehension, no one sucks more than me.
LA Grant: Hold my beer.
Man, is that the truth. The gatormans of the world are still crapping purple Twinkies that Hillary lost. If they don't make any gains in the mid-terms, the will burn Stretch Pelosi at the stake.
Number 1: a bad question because there are too many caveats to consider to just blindly answer that question, not the least of which is "who's holding the handgun and who's holding the rifle?" Also, what kind of bullets? You want to point a semiautomatic .22 caliber rifle at a person holding a .45 caliber handgun in it? You better make sure you aim well and often.
Number 2: which state are you referring to?
Number 3: What the hell are you asking?