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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Frankly, I think the Orlando night club shooting was a larger example of a shooting they cared less about. You have 48 people murdered, some of them reportedly as point-blank range. Now factor in the fact that it was a gay nightclub. You can't even use the word 'gay' to mean happy without the entire media world jumping in your schitt for being intolerant. Why did that story die so quickly while this one keeps everyone in twisted panties?
  2. I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure the Pats have a play called Gronk Deep Riveron Call.
  3. Or you could just tell everyone it's a clock and get invited to meet the Obamas.
  4. Or a sexually confused Muslim who murdered 49 gay people in a Florida nightclub. Man, do you remember how long the left yelled about gun control after that slaughter? Me neither.
  5. No kidding? Where did you move? My wife has family in Hemet, and I would dread the annual "Guess where we're going for Thanksgiving this year?"
  6. And you live in Hemet, where 3s go to strip.
  7. I don't know how anyone learns what happened that day and still feels their priority is to make company's give up their discounts for NRA members. That tells me you care more about your ideology and less about the truth.
  8. At least you're consistent. Unable to defend your thoughts, you create counter arguments that don't exist in hopes you will somehow sound like the sane one. No wonder you're left with nothing but Vox links while calling people pedophiles and plagiarists. But hey...thanks for Trump. Couldn't have done it without you.
  9. You know what's funny? Read the list. Half of them aren't actually doing anything but making some ridiculous statement to make the left feel better. -Chubb (CB): The insurance giant told Yahoo Finance it would no longer offer the NRA insurance program for gun owners, a decision it made three months ago. Look at Best Western. All they did was issue a statement, but it makes the list look long and threatening. -Best Western: According to a 2016 brochure from the NRA, the hotel chain has provided special deals to NRA members. But it clarified on Twitter repeatedly that the company “does not have an affiliation with and is not a corporate partner of the National Rifle Association.” Is there a bigger bunch of naive dumbasses than the American left? You don't buy your insurance from a company called Chubb?
  10. It's not 'as if.' They simply do. They are poised and ready to take any incident and turn it into their latest effort to label groups of people as dangerous, evil, and even murderous, and quickly dispatch their gatorman/tiberius/lagrant-like chuckleheads to Facebook to yell and scream about how the world would be a better place if only Hillary wasn't robbed of her due seat. On the bright side, most Americans don't fall for it any more. The country sees the left for what they are, because the left is TOO quick to turn everything political. They literally moved this nation to make Donald freaking Trump our president because the thought of another leftist in charge was genuinely a worse option. Amazing, really, when you think about it. They mock the middle of the country that elected Trump without realizing the role they played. And it was a magnificent role, really. I'm not kidding. It was huge. Biggest we've ever seen. Bigly, even.
  11. Said it before; the stupidity of the left is always on full display for those willing to think for themselves. They're happy to have you vote at the age of 16, but they can't trust you to get your own health insurance until you're 26.
  12. There is no way that you will ever get LA Grant to understand this very simple, basic truth. He consistently says the same, leftwing talking points: Americans want more gun control and they want to make it near impossible to get a gun. You'd think if this were even REMOTELY true, he could get 2A abolished, right? I mean, he posted an article by VOX, for crying out loud. If you can't believe a VOX article, you may as well just in your union card.
  13. Such boldness. I remember when the left went after Chick-Fil-A and begged everyone to boycott them. Absolutely destroyed Chick-Fil-A. Except that, y'know, it did the opposite. In a week, no one is going to care about these companies breaking off with the NRA, and the NRA will be happy about the burst in membership. But this how the we got Trump.
  14. He's a thrift store pushing second-hand thoughts.
  15. The NRA is very grateful for all of this. Next week you're going to find out how much their ranks swelled.
  16. The beautiful part is that the cited quote is your quintessential "I'm With Her, Feel The Bern" supporter: an amazing ability to take any topic, force it to extreme positions no one is espousing, tie those extreme positions to your opposition, then claim the moral high ground by default. He's the Badol of the PPP board. I'm certain he'll get a thank you note from the Trump/Pence 2020 campaign.
  17. Yes, yes, there were countless people who should have caught this guy long before he murdered anyone, but we don't have time for that now. We need to take everyone's guns and dismantle the NRA. Only then will we be safe from people with guns.
  18. Maybe it's because I live in CA, where people don't like you admitting you have a gender, but here's the thing: making women dress in skimpy clothes and jiggle their moneymakers is sexist and disgusting, and the idea that we parade these women in front of 10s of thousands of drunk men for a handful of shekels is an affront to the equality of the sexes at every level. Unless you pay them much more money. Then we're cool with it.
  19. Cheerleaders for 17 years. No playoffs. Cheerleaders gone. Playoffs. Coincidence? I think not.
  20. Finally someone makes a good joke. I swear some people look for any opportunity to promote their own, silly way of thinking. Frankly, all I keep thinking is how cool it would have been if Martin added the hashtags #diedrichiedie and #laces out, and instead of writing something obscure about bullying and revenge, he would just write "Richie Incognito should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell! Would you like a cookie, son?" This is how you do it, Martin!
  21. Careful. You're going to trigger LA Grant with your microagressions, and he's going to have mods come in to give him a safe space.
  22. I am waiting to hear that the Miami Herald is going to sponsor a live Town Hall on CNN with kids from the classroom talking about how triggered they were by the entire event, and their plan to have a statewide walk-out tomorrow to protest the use of ill-conceived math symbols.
  23. That article was ridiculous. While the headline was, technically, correct, the reality is that the police were called because one kid said something stupid and the classroom snowflakes responded, and THEN the police were called. What's stupid is that this idiocy made it into a newspaper. What wouldn't surprise me is if LA Grant showed up to let everyone know that after this incident, the number of mass shootings at schools so far this year *could* have almost been 19.
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