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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Did I say Dick's stopped selling guns, or did you incorrectly infer that from my post. I have an idea: find my post that said "Dick's stopped selling guns."
  2. It's like he's reading stuff from LA Grant and thinking "Man, I'm can out dumbass this guy."
  3. Planned Parenthood aborts over 325,000 babies every year. Many times they remove the baby, still alive, dice up the pieces, and sell them. But hey...they give out birth control, so you're good, you're all good.
  4. And we'll mock yours. We can do this all day. No, no. That's not the discussion. You called me an idiot because I don't know what assault-style rifles are. Which means you MUST know what they are. So go ahead and let us know all the guns that fall under the category of assault-style rifles. We'll keep waiting.
  5. Unfortunately for Trump, he's not going to please a lot of people with his anti-2A and and NRA rhetoric. I mean, yes, he'll please the smaller people with the loudest megaphones, but the people who voted for him? Not so much.
  6. Funny how mine was an accurate assessment of Democrats, as proven by videos of Planned Parenthood...one of the largest DNC donors, and your assessment of Republicans, which was mindless hyperbole based on left-wing talking points that usually end with a video of Paul Ryan throwing an old woman and her wheelchair off a cliff.
  7. Okay, if I'm an idiot because I don't know what constitutes an assault-style rifle, then I'll admit I'm an idiot if you can break down which guns, specifically, come under the heading of "assault-style rifles." Make and model will be fine. I'll wait. He also stated that he has no problem taking guns from people who may be deemed dangerous BEFORE they are legitimately deemed dangerous, and before the court gets involved. Real anti-2A stuff. Why, it's almost like he was a lifelong Democrat who suddenly decided to run as a Republican. Weird how no one caught that.
  8. The reason leftists like you are staring at a President Trump is because you're simply too !@#$ stupid to understand the difference between implied and inferred. Show me where you think I implied Dicks no longer shows guns and I'll show you were you inferred it. Dumbass.
  9. Says the rabbit. You're all over the map, Grant. All over. You write hundreds of words, and they're all designed to create some of the most ridiculous posts I've seen here in years. You should probably step away from the keyboard, refill your sippy cup, catch up on Calliou, and come back next week when you can discuss things like a grown up.
  10. Only 328 dead in 23 years? They're almost safer than bathtubs.
  11. It's hard to tell. They said they're going to stop selling assault-style rifles. Does that include all guns? Some guns? Which guns? Someone needs to define "assault-style. So a teacher fires a gun in his classroom, which is empty. Why, by a leftist's logic, that's the 19th mass shooting at a school this year! When will the madness end???
  12. I'll never understand why so many people on the left are convinced the entire world is better at everything than the US, and yet your thrift store intelligence can do nothing more than stay in the US and B word about it. Canada would welcome you with open arms. As would Venezuela. And Sweden. You should go where you'll be happier.
  13. You also have a Prime Ministers who is one coin toss away from making all men wear dresses and stilettos. What's good for America's Hat is not always what's good for America.
  14. Can someone please define assault-style rifles. They sound very dangerous, but I have no idea what that is.
  15. We already some restrictions for automatic weapons, so what's the harm in having some for semi-automatic? And when there are some new restrictions on semi-automatic, and another nut gets a gun and kills people, what will you want to go after next? Oh, wait...here comes LA Grant to tell everyone how the slippery slope argument is just a useless tool for discussion.
  16. And here's new advertising from competitors who are more than happy to sell guns:
  17. Democrat Marching Orders: If you can't abort 'em, slice 'em up and sell their body parts, bus them to your nearest protest!
  18. The left finds an entire bus full of Cindy Sheehans. No child left behind, I guess.
  19. The left is upset that a state or country would penalize a private company because it went against its ideology? I wonder how the left would feel if Delta wasn't an airline, but a privately owned bakery that refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. Meanwhile, as usual and easily predicted, these kinds of boycotts tend to not favor the liberal mouthpieces.
  20. Based on that photo, it appears Bernie Sanders is playing the role of Joe Kennedy.
  21. Hard to tell who the bigger man is around here: the guy who called cops pussies to their face and was sure he could kick both their asses, or the guy he's talking to, who measures his manliness by the number of girls he can bag in a week.
  22. I know a place where you can spend two terms as president just for throwing them at police.
  23. Kinda like global warming cooling climate change!
  24. You probably know this, but while people on the right are happy to show dysfunction in the DNC ranks, this is good for the Democratic party. The party forced Hillary, and most people know that Trump didn't win so much as Hillary lost. (Conversely, I would argue Obama won more than Romney or McCain lost). So the dysfunction is good as it tends to foster positive change. Unfortunately, your party will need to weed out the tiberius/gatorman/baskin/LA Grants, who simply believe the only reason the Democrats have been getting their asses handed to them is because their message is tilted by an overwhelmingly right-leaning media. We both know that's just small-minded thinking. Hopefully, for the sake of solid competition, debates and discussions, a more rational DNC will emerge instead away from the current far, far, far left elitists of Pelosi, Warren, Shumer. We laugh, but John McCain would make a great Democrat these days.
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