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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. And I'm going to laugh my ass off when you all realize you gave yourselves President Pence. Because the only thing leftists hate more than a chucklehead like Trump is a Christian like Pence. Gonna laugh my ass off long time.
  2. Just for fun, specifically who told you the feds will chase you down for the 3 guns you own? Who is making that case?
  3. And this is why the 'ignorance' label fits. The chuckleheads who point at a particular scary-looking gun and argue "You don't need this to shoot deer!" prove they have no idea what they are arguing about. In a way, I'm happy to see the Hogg child making the rounds. He's the perfect personification of the anti-gun crowd: naive, contradicts himself constantly, and in general is nothing more than a confused Cindy Sheehan with a gayer haircut.
  4. I haven't done home euthenasia, but I've put two cats down in my life. The second time was no easier than the first. My problem, and maybe it's just my problem, is that you can almost see the life leave their body. I'm sure it's just the muscles simply giving way, but it's terribly sad to watch and I have no problem admitting it wrecked me both times. Oh, and I'm sorry for the loss. Really. My cats were smarter than half the people posting on PPP.
  5. Honestly, I don't even know what came in the Sports package. What actually happened was Ford's website lets you build the vehicle you want, with the features you want, and then you give that to your dealer and he finds it for you. The problem was that you were able to build something that Ford simply didn't make. You want a back-up camera? Fine, but it's part of this package. You can't just get it by itself. You want GPS? Fine, but it's part of a package, etc. The website didn't really take that into consideration. Finally the dealer pulled a Sports version from the back, apparently on the inventory list for too long, and said "How about this? It has everything you want, plus stuff you don't want, and we'll do it for what you're asking."
  6. Hey, you know the last time I saw a crowd like that? It was below. Know who those people are? Tea Party. Who? Exactly. In six months no one will recall or give one flipschitt about the stupid rally because in the end, most people just don't give a flying fugschtick. David Hogg will be doing a podcast with Cindy Sheehan and you'll be whining about Trump's second term.
  7. Orange County Sheriff's Department Will Make Public All Inmate Release Dates.
  8. Scariest thing I ever had to do is wait for a heartbeat. When my wife was 3 months into her first pregnancy, she started bleeding a bit. We went to emergency room, and the first thing they did was look for the baby's heartbeat. They found it in no time, put my wife on bed rest for a while, but then she bled again. We went back to the hospital where they found the heartbeat pretty quickly, sent my wife home for more bed rest, but explained that we don't need to overly worry about the bleeding until she passes what they called the toe test: when she's bleeding to the extent that she can feel the blood between her toes. Seven months in, she was bleeding to the extent that she was going to pass the toe test. We raced to the hospital, my wife still bleeding a bit in the car, as scared as we had ever been. They saw the blood and immediately rushed us to the back, and again, they went looking for the heartbeat, but found nothing this time. I leaned next to my wife, putting my right arm around her head and both of us holding left hands, and we could barely breath through the anxiety and tears. The nurse kept moving the scope, saying "C'mon, now, I know you're there. C'mon now. Where are you?" You could feel the time slipping, and we just kept holding each other tightly until I was certain it was over, and suddenly the nurse stopped a second and calmly said "There you are. We found you. Thatta boy." He turned 13 in November.
  9. Just 10K per year, typically. I'm not pulling trailers or boats, but what I get out of the engine is terrific acceleration. What I get out of the truck is a ton of interior room (front and back), height, power, and an advantage on CA highways that are typically filled with Priuses, Volts, Minis and VW bugs with little flowers on their dashboards. In the end, when I hit something, I want to be left standing.
  10. I got a 2017 F150 Sport last year, pretty much like below. It's like driving around in my living room. Beautiful ride, incredible interior, great pick up, and Ecoboost gives me decent mileage. I always get a kick out of people when they get in for the first time and are like "What in the holy hell??"
  11. But not the past year, which is what I'm reading here. Team McBeane is solid.
  12. It just means he can't dance. This is such an interesting thread. Depth and competition. That's what you're watching. Depth and competition. Maybe they cut it, maybe they don't, but to be sitting in your basement convinced that Team McBeane are having an underwhelming offseason is mind boggling. Otherwise, someone needs to call Roger Goodell because the number of people here who are convinced they're smarter than all the other NFL coaches and GMs is incredible.
  13. Bean has been GM for two years in a row? Man, time flies.
  14. Did it ever dawn on you that the reason there is a prevailing majority here is because the ideologies held so tightly by people like yourself, tiberius/gatorman/baskin/LAGrant/etc. are so bad, and have been proven to have disastrous results (Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, all of California) that the majority of people simple aren't as ignorant as you guys? I mean, you'd think your first clue was that your money-laundering candidate literally lost to Donald Freaking Trump. Do you think that was just a rounding error? Do you honestly thing it was because white women simply do what their husbands tell them? Man, you guys are massive, massive dumbasses.
  15. You're one of those people who thinks white women didn't vote for Hillary because they did what the men in the lives told them to do, aren't you? C'mon. Admit it. She would be president if it weren't for all those god-awful middle-America white trash housewives! Frankly, you should expect more from a woman whose husband abused women her entire marriage. And yet he's still the odds-on favorite to be able to take a bath without breaking his freaking wrist.
  16. Is Code Pink even a thing anymore? I thought they all killed themselves after Hillary explained to them why she was convinced Saddam Hussein had WMD.
  17. At least until the leftists on this board realize that the very LAST reason people need to mock Hillary Clinton is because she has a vagina. She's makes Barack Obama sound intelligent. She makes Nancy Pelosi sound sincere. She makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg look young. And she makes Steven Hawking look nimble. Can she at least take a !@#$ bath without fracturing a wrist? Apparently not. But yeah. We're triggered.
  18. Can't speak for the others, but after spending the afternoon teasing everyone with something he was announcing Tuesday or Wednesday,Timmah! Graham ultimately came out and admitted he really didn't have anything that was related to the roster. Then he ultimately reported nothing at all. It's all about the clicks and follows.
  19. What I heard is that Gettleman is a "line first" guy. It kind of makes sense in that Eli didn't suddenly go from two-time SB winner to stinkbag on his talent alone.
  20. Dude on NFL Network the other night had Giants taking Nelson, which I only think is important in that most people think they'll take one of the QBs, which is why the trade to Indy's spot would seem to be so critical.
  21. Perhaps Bud Light could edit their commercial: "To the pit of NE*!"
  22. I agree with all of this. I genuinely do. What I don't agree with is the concept that a fan's decision to like a player should be, in part, based on what he is paid. When I read someone say "I'm not a big fan of the hire, but if we didn't overpay, I'm okay with it," literally makes no sense to me. Agreed. But again, to suggest you aren't big on the hire, but you'll be okay if the money is okay makes no sense to me. Even if they overpaid him, it should have no bearing on whether you like the hire. He's either going to help or he's not. You either like the skill set he brings to the the team or you don't. But to judge that based on what his agent got for him? Makes no sense to me.
  23. This is funny, in part because it wasn't meant to be. Or under 33,874 at any length.
  24. Okay. If you want to judge the GM based on what they're paying, I'm completely with you. We SHOULD judge the GM on this. But when I hear fans here say "I'm not crazy about McCarron, but if we didn't overpay, I'll be okay" makes no sense to me.
  25. You're at a loss because I'm not making my point clear enough. Let me try it another way: if AJ McCarron takes the Bills to the SB this season, is anyone really going to give a crap what the team paid for him? Even if the team went over the cap? No. In fact, hell no. If AJ McCarron ends up leading the BIlls to a 1-15 record, is anyone going to stand around saying "Well, that sucked but at least we're under the cap because we got him for a bargain!"? No. They'll be too busy burning his jersey. The idea of judging a player, in part, based on what someone else paid for him is ridiculous.
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