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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I'm sure the media will make her out to be a white trans male who identified as a Republican before the week is over. If you can make up a white Hispanic, you can do pretty much anything.
  2. It's sad, yet not surprising, that you actually pose this question. Look behind you. Far behind you. The sheer millions of people -- our grandparents, and their parents and beyond -- who all came here for a better life, but with respect for what the country stood for to the extent they came through the legal process. We all understand that the DNC is big on promoting entitlements, but most Americans don't want to be coddled womb to tomb. Just the far left. So offering freebies to illegals, while perfectly acceptable to the far left, is rejected by America no matter how you want to label the people of this country. Which is what brought us President Trump. So while your question is somewhat sad, I get a hearty chuckle out of how unbelievably out of touch you, and the left, are with the rest of the country. In fact, I can't WAIT until Hillary wins the nomination again. Absolutely can't wait. May even toss her a few shekels to make it happen. Who's with me?
  3. Man, I hope these people never find the Robert Byrd statue in West Va.
  4. Are we still talking about RGIII, or did the conversation shift to Vince Young when I wasn't looking.
  5. OMG, Beane! Do something! Stop sitting still! The Ravens are playing mind games with you, and you need to panic and do something irrational! Hurry! The fans demand it!!!
  6. Because Bill Bellicheck* isn't interested in winning at this point. From what I'm reading here, he is only interested in playing head games with the Bills. It's all a ploy to get the Bills to do something irrational. It goes like this: 1) Pats* trade Cooks for a first round pick. 2) Bills run around like headless chickens, making any trade they can just to make it look like they're doing something. 3) ??? 4) Pats* 2019 Championship!! That's how you think about this trade when you have no clue what the hell is happening. Seriously.
  7. I'm genuinely not certain what you comment above has to do with my comment about Sullivan. My point was simply how I find it ridiculous that Sullivan would find it necessary or important to publicly stand in judgement of how a billionaire spent his money.
  8. Man, there is nothing more reassuring than a sports journalist making about $100K/year explaining to everyone what makes a billionaire a cheapskate.
  9. Trump made an error when he was in CA recently. Like everyone before him, he went to a ritzy fundraiser. He should have brought his entourage downtown to see the blocks upon blocks of destitute people. The cameras would have been all over him and the problems, and there would not be a hole deep enough for Jerry Brown to hide in.
  10. I think it's great that you call out this whole "pay to play" scheme for what it is. Why, I still remember how vocal you were about Hillary's "Clinton Foundation" money-laundering pay-to-play scheme. Oh, wait. No I don't. And no, this isn't about someone barking about Clinton while you bark about Trump. This is about hypocrisy. Pure, unadulterated liberal hypocrisy. What were your words again? Oh, that's right.
  11. CNN is the best thing to happen to Trump's re-election since the last time Hillary tried to navigate stairs.
  12. Because if ANY tranny is going to suck off men at truck stops, it's going to be Boyst, dammit!
  13. Cindy Sheehan with a gayer haircut.
  14. Last time: you're arguing with a guy who spends his days copy/pasting left-wing talking points in political message boards. You know how you see spams in online comment sections that say "My brother just paid off his Land Rover in two weeks by sitting at home! Ask me how!" That's tiberius/gatorman/baskin. He's simply posting stuff he's told to post. He literally has no idea what he's doing other than that. One more week and the Land Rover is all his.
  15. He does it to make people crazy. Put him on ignore and save yourself the agita.
  16. Save yourself the trouble: he's not particularly well versed in anything. He copy/pastes left-wing talking points. That's it. His next original thought will be his first.
  17. No hell? Clearly the Pope has never met anyone who worked on Hillary's last presidential campaign.
  18. You are awesome beyond awesome, and I'm thrilled to see how laser focused your side is on this all-out effort to address your problem with 'assault' weapons by attempting to shut down a voice you don't agree with by putting them out of work. It's a winning approach. It really is. And I urge you and your focused party to continue going after her advertisers. Take her off the air! Make it happen! Do it. It's the only way to make progress. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020:"At Least We Can Climb Down A Flight of Stairs Without Help!"
  19. They're just eager to make Mike Pence president.
  20. And tomorrow she'll have 8 new ones, and people will still see Baby Hogg as a juvenile puppet of a juvenile party. If you guys could work for your constituents like you work to silence your critics, maybe you'd be able to field an opponent who can, oh, I don't know, climb down a flight of freaking stairs.
  21. Hysterical article about how the left simply can not get out of their own way for the midterms. Hysterical in that it made me laugh, and hysterical in how the left simply is pushing on with the single greatest political meltdown in our lifetiimes. Pay particular attention to the bit about NY Congresswoman Grace Meng, taking over the DNC Twitter account, and urging America to "end period-shaming" of women to help the economy. Hysterical. Unhinged.
  22. What, specially, must be working? In what way did Laura Ingraham commenting on Baby Hogg's admission that he's not smart enough to get into good colleges do ANYTHING to hurt the message of Baby Hogg? It doesn't. And do you now why? Because it has nothing to do with his message and everything to do with Baby Hogg being driven by the same morons who thought boycotting Chick-Fil-A was a good idea. Another leftist tool being propped by the embarrassing far-left echo chamber that couldn't even beat Donald Trump in a freaking presidential election. That kid is gonna choke on his sippy cup soon, and the left will abandon him faster than you ever saw them drop Cindy Sheehan.
  23. It's always funny to me when the left races to hoist up someone like Hogg before taking the time to ensure he isn't a total moron. You are in the spotlight because you are arguing to have guns taken away, but when someone public comments on your college rejections, you go straight into nutbag leftist mode, calling for a boycott of her advertisers. First, you're stupid enough to march in favor of having one of your rights removed, and then you're stupid enough to think people will actually boycott a show because she hurt your feelings? Trump/Pence 2020 thanks Hogg in advance for his countless contributions to their campaign. Keep up the good work, Hogg. You're a model of leftist stupidity for as far as the eye can see.
  24. Sorry. I thought the reason you were more afraid of Pence than Trump is because Pence is a Christian. My bad.
  25. Like I said, no one hates Christians like leftists. Can't have anyone believing in a god that isn't the federal government, amirite?
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