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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You know what? This is kind of ridiculous. Most first-round quarterbacks know they are going to less-than-stellar locations because, y'know, the crappiest teams typically are up top.. But if you are even remotely confident of your ability to as a quarterback in the NFL, and you know you're likely going to a crappy team, why would you NOT want to be where the city and fans are every bit as rabid as the university you're leaving? If you can be a successful quarterback in places like Buffalo or Green Bay, the impact you can make for those towns and fans is immeasurable.
  2. Somebody get this man a onesie and a hot cocoa. STAT!
  3. Awesome. No one is tired of seeing and hearing him whine. He's just what the left needs! When does he kick off his podcast with Cindy Sheehan?
  4. That has to be a parody account. Has to be. Impossible to imagine this is how London sleeps well at night...knowing they're safe from electricians.
  5. Hey, I'm curious...I scanned all the media websites and I don't see any follow up stories on this Youtube shooter. No marches. No CNN town halls. No kids telling everyone what to think. Weird.
  6. Thank God she didn't have a knife.
  7. Y'know what'd be really funny? If London banned knifes, and people started killing each other with forks. Mayor of London: "There's no reason for anyone to use a fork! Look at Ethiopia. They just grab some disgusting flatbread and scoop their food by hand. And only four people have ever been killed by flatbread in Ethiopia. Who's with me?"
  8. Now imagine what it would be like if anyone genuinely gave a crap about those marches. The only thing that came from those marches was further proof that liberals have no idea how to pick up after themselves.
  9. Still worth a look. It's genuinely one of the funniest flicks around, and you don't even need to like Stiller because the comedy really belonged to Downey Jr. and, believe it or not, Tom Cruise. In fact, I was never much of a Jack Black fan, but he's funny as hell in it as well. Seriously. Give it a look.
  10. Four pages and no one mentions "Tropic Thunder." This place has gone to hell.
  11. So I'm reading that Anthony Borges, the hero kid who took five bullets protecting his classmates, has emerged from the hospital with a statement that the sheriff and school officials are the ones who the let kids down. Why do I feel like this kid won't be getting the same press treatment as Baby Hogg.
  12. That's the second time I've been adjusted recently because I wrote something that was not entirely accurate. I'm starting to wonder if I'm really not a closet Democrat.
  13. I think this plays every bit as big a role as the Dalton throw. McDermott needed a players' champion -- someone in the huddles that genuinely carried his message to the players -- and he found that in Kyle Williams. By the time they beat the Broncos and Falcons, the team was in for McDermott. See, I think you could easily argue it was AFTER the Peterman/Chargers debacle that McDermott solidified his leadership. He didn't blink twice to admit his error, fully take responsibility, get Tyrod back in the rotation, and come away with a huge road win IN Kansas City, no small task on a good day.
  14. I was genuinely referring more to the generic "you" then you, directly, but calling you a freaking dumbass doesn't support my case. My diatribe may sound pre-packaged, but that's because I've been saying it so often. America got tired of being told it was useless, sexist, racist and stupid. It was eight years of all criticism of Obama being tied directly to racism. It was an election that had famous women telling all women that if you have a vagina, you MUST vote for the woman. It was telling people directly to their face that they are deplorable. And now it's a woman explaining that the problem is that women just do what their husbands tell them to do. They've had it.
  15. Politically Center America is not a charred barren patch. It is completely identifiable. It looks just like this: Guess why. Fair enough. My apologies for calling him a freaking dumbass.
  16. The only reason you think center America is not identifiable is because, deep down, you know the left is convinced the center is just as wrong as the right specifically because they don't agree with leftist ideology. You can't spend years telling politically center America that they're stupid, and racist, and illiterate, and backwards, and Bible-huggers, and gun-clingers, and Islamaphobics, and transphobic, and rumprangerphobic, and deplorables...and expect them to just continue to take it. This is how you ended up with Trump. And this is how you'll get MORE Trump, you freaking dumbass. Nobody gives a flyingfugtard about Trump snagging a whore because he didn't do it while president. But you're all too stupid to understand ANY of this. But you keep telling yourself the center is not identifiable and they'll keep electing someone like Trump.
  17. For starters, there is no such thing as an assault rifle. It does not exist. There is no more an assault rifle than there is an assault shoe or an assault rubber band. Unless you are a devout leftist in favor of removing individual rights, in which case, an assault rifle is any gun that looks scary.
  18. Oh, no! What in the world is going to happen to our country?!?!?
  19. If anyone's deck needed to be reshuffled after that game, it was Danny Crossman's. I believe that was the first of a couple of poorly executive onside kicks last year that almost helped cost the Bills a game.
  20. C'mon, Beane! How can you just let the Hoodie* play you like this? He's making a fool of you! If you don't do something foolish and irrational and totally against your nature at this very moment to counter this massive Bellicheck* chess move, then I'm done with this team!
  21. She's an active member of PTA. Does this mean PETA has blood on their hands? That seems to be the traditional line of thinking, no? And eating Tide pods. C'mon, Baby Hogg! It's time to denounce PETA and Youtube!
  22. Repeat after LA Grant: No one wants to take your guns. No one wants to take your guns. No one wants to take your guns.
  23. John Oliver does, apparently. Tomorrow, Jimmy Kimmel will do a special monologue on how he saw a commercial in LA for McDonalds, and then saw an almost identical commercial for McDonalds in Tampa, Florida. It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
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