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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Bravo. Self-accountability. Well done. More of you and less of Richie.
  2. Are you freaking kidding us right now? Do you not remember what Richie was doing before he joined the Bills? Oh, that's right. NOTHING. He was unemployed for bullying a black player right out of a job. But the Bills are the ones in the wrong here. The Bills are the ones who aren't loyal. Sweetbejebus, the sense of entitlement in this world is embarrassing, and the understanding of self-accountability is all but gone.
  3. I appreciate the sarcasm here, but if you thought you were good at work, but told you would need to take a pay cut, the wealth of your employer means absolutely jackschitt. Unless you think you deserve some of your employer's wealth for some bizarre reason simply because they gave you a job. You get what you're worth. If your boss wants you to take a pay cut, you have choices. Go get what you think you're worth, or STFU and get back to work.
  4. Fixed that. Bills must hold pat or the next whiny little baby who doesn't like their personal choices will be line telling the Bills to buckle.
  5. For the first time in the 25+ years I've been living in CA, cities and counties are telling the Gov. to go phuckhimself. The number of local governments pushing back against his 'sanctuary state' position has been impressive. Not that it will change anything. But still a bit impressive. Not all elected officials here have the wealth and armed protections of Brown and his friends in Sacramento.
  6. In 1662, the first horse-drawn public bus began its rounds. Just saying. The methane from the horses probably played a role.
  7. If it's a place where people spend time criticizing a cap designed for a football team's draft day, then I would argue it's not near as big a thing as you might imagine. What's next? Making fun of people who go to WalMart?
  8. You've gone from making little sense to pure gibberish. Someone tell LA Grant to hold onto that belt tightly. Someone has their eyes on it.
  9. People spend time on the internet destroying the design of a hat? And I thought my time posting here was worthless.
  10. Looks like Anthony Weiner will need to go back to the real thing again.
  11. You make it sound like everyone in DC is fine, but these three are corrupt.
  12. To be honest, I'm not one for meeting people who post here. I've met a couple of you, but I don't go out of my way. That said, it's nice to put a face with LA Grant.
  13. Look on the bright side: without President Clinton, we escaped four years of every criticism of her being blamed on sexism and misogyny. Sidenote: racism is making a comeback as I was reading today how CNN suggested Sen. John Kennedy was racist yesterday for suggesting to Zuck that Facebook's user agreement feels like it was written in Swahili.
  14. Well, you see, Trump is a moron and traitor, and he got Stormy to take a bunch of nerve gas to Syria on behalf of GOP members everywhere! [/garbearlogic]
  15. Please explain to everyone here why Trump is a traitor. I mean, beyond switching parties. What makes him a traitor?
  16. While it is brutally tiresome to hear leftists refer to everyone who disagrees with them as Hitler or Nazis or the Gestapo, we can take a little breath knowing that they've finally stopped calling everyone a racist. So that's something, I guess.
  17. This poor child must have looked at Zuck on a booster seat holding a sippy cup and thought, "Finally, someone who looks more ridiculous than me."
  18. What I was arguing is that they are articulate, smart people who got cornholed by leftists over trivial things. It's the power of the leftist splatter campaign, which you're watching with Trump, but is left effective because Trump doesn't give a ratsasshair what any of the leftist cornholers say about him. He just spits venom back in their face. Which is why, to a small extent, Trump is President, and people like Ryan are bowing out. Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing more decorum, but since Trump is president, I may as well watch the left crap their Depends every time he sends out a tweet. Longest, best meltdown ever.
  19. You don't think Rubio, Ryan and Cruz are smart and articulate people?
  20. Literally now on the streets of London. You can only imagine the pure jealousy running through the veins of American progressives like LAGrant and gator. "Man, London has the right idea! And look...it's Cookie Monster! He's adorable! Why wouldn't you want to give up your phillips head to this guy?"
  21. That was my initial reaction as well. The truth is, it becomes disheartening to have articulate people like Ryan appear on the scene, sounding insightful and poised, only to watch them get smeared beyond necessity, for the sake of shutting them up and down. The same happened with Cruz and Rubio; articulate and smart, but smeared to embarrassment. Think Rubio and the bottle of water bit when he offered the GOP SOTU after Obama years ago. Just embarrassing the way people trashed him for that. People like Rubio and Cruz offer much more than tools like MConnell, Graham and McCain, but the old school stands guard over their keep, and help push these guys to the bottom rung.
  22. As in, Helsinki, Sweden.
  23. If he can find a way to catch moronic posts before they happen, perhaps soon we won't have ignore everything from LA Grant and gator.
  24. Dear Offseason, Still hate you with a passion. Hugs and Kisses, LABillzFan
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