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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Honestly, I think the left's best chance to win 2020 is a Hillary/Bernie ticket. It's the only way.
  2. It's truly the gift that keeps on giving. You'd think the left would be content to let the right swing with an idiot like Jones, but instead they're looking at that idiocy and their best response is "Hold my beer." Delicious and wonderful and you have to give it up to Trump for trolling the snotschitt out of all of them.
  3. This is so awesome. The only thing better than watching the left suddenly lose their schitt about a president cheating on his wife is the outside chance we soon wake up to seeing their faces as Mike Pence is sworn in as President. So awesome.
  4. Dear Offseason, Die Already. Hugs and kisses, LABillfan
  5. I think the "hold your nose" crowd will still show up for Trump in 2020 (assuming he runs) because even though Hillary likely won't make it in a primary, the left will ensure whomever it is makes their case as a devout progressive, with 'free' stuff for everyone while talking about liars and vagina grabbers. They will likely look like Booker but sound like Sanders and Warren, and while the left would love that (because they could again throw out the racism card), the right will step up because regardless of what anyone wants to believe about racism, I think the middle of the country simply hates the idea of handouts. Obama shot the wad on entitlement campaigning and they won't tolerate it again. I think Cuomo would get killed, as would Jerry Brown. Coastal elites are a big problem for the left, and those two are their poster children.
  6. I believe where coastal elites are concerned, your assessment of their perceptions is right on. Their perceptions are wrong, but you assessment is correct. Thankfully, the coastal elites aren't smart enough to stop saying out loud what perceptions float in their noggins. Public comments like bitter, gun-clingers, deplorables...they hear them. Unfortunately they (the deplorable clingers) never had a chance with Obama because (1) John McCain was a terrible candidate and (2) the black vote came out in ways it would never come out for Hillary. Unfortunately for these coastal elites, Hillary was no Obama, yet they continued to embrace the far-left belief that something other than their words, candidate or ideology cost Hillary the election. They will forever refuse to accept their responsibility for their condescending attitude toward anyone who is not them. I urge them to continue with Hillary on this path of denial. It's terrific.
  7. Frankly, I avoid the Star Wars films because the die hard fans are obnoxious as all hell. The minute they all started getting crazy about a character named Jar-Jar Binks, I had to turn away.
  8. Trump/Pence 2020 Re-election Campaign gets another donation from the left. Well done, leftists. I can happily watch your meltdown for eight years instead of four.
  9. Again, for those of you just catching up, Tibs doesn't have a clue because he is paid to post here. Whether he signs in as tibs, gator or baskin, this is someone who cruises around political websites and comments sections of articles, posting what he's told to post, all with an eye on earning enough money to buy that Land Rover. You know the guy who shows up in comments sections with "I just paid cash for a Land Rover and earned $7,000 this week! Ask me how!"? That's Tibs. Earning a few bucks on the internet. Put him on ignore and do you part to clean up the pollutants.
  10. I'm doing the best I can, one porterhouse at a time.
  11. But deny it, they will. They tipped their hand with the Obama Nobel for doing nothing. The Pro Bowl has more credibility at this juncture.
  12. Oh, please. A group that gave a Nobel to Obama for giving a speech is not going to give a Nobel to Trump. Not now. Not ever.
  13. Tell you what: create a Twitter account...call yourself something like American Patriot...and start referring to Hillary as "cankles." You'll probably have her body guards on your door faster than she can fall down a flight of stairs.
  14. Wow, that's pretty cheap. And only a .20/gallon raise over the past month? That's amazing. California jumps that much when Jerry Brown manages to get out of bed. We average $3.64/gallon on unleaded, but part of that is yet another liberal gas hike to fund "infrastructure repair." I mean, that was until they realized shortly after the hike that it wasn't enough, so now they want to start taxing you based on how much you drive, not just on gas, but the tree-huggers driving their Prius and Volts are very unhappy about that.
  15. It's not thin-skinned to call out hypocrisy. The left spends every waking moment shaming anyone who judges a woman any way, shape or form. Hell, if leftists are to be believed, the only reason Hillary lost is because she's a woman, and that housewives are too afraid to go against what they husband tells them to do. But put a leftist on stage in front of other leftists and make fun of a right-leaning woman's looks, and suddenly the right is thin-skinned. Got it.
  16. I'm stunned how long this liberal meltdown is lasting. Rapper Tells Crips to F**K Up Kanye. You leftists have lost your freaking minds. And I want to thank you all for the entertainment. It's awesome.
  17. Fixed that for you. Wait. Is white hispanics still a thing, or did it just work in that one scenario?
  18. You should embrace your thoughts, and trust them as sacrosanct, and explain them to everyone who will listen via every avenue available. Post on social media. Speak out loud at public events. Be bold wherever you go. It's a critical time in our country, and what the country needs to hear right now is that Trump is president so only white men rule the country. Tell everyone. Over and over. As often as you can. As far and wide as you can. Never stop the message. You need to be heard. Sincerely, Trump/Pence 2020 Re-Election HQ
  19. This must be where people go when they're offended by Gil Brandt.
  20. When Bob Hope attended:
  21. The Michelle Wolf stuff is just brutal. It's all over everywhere, and it's just brutally embarrassing. If anyone made such childish comments about a female Dem's looks, they'd be forced to stand in front of Congress to apologize. Great job, lefties. Apparently you''re desperate for another four years of Trump, because while he's out rallying his base for the mid-terms, you're reminding everyone why the country voted for him in the first place.
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