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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Jim's married, man. He don't get no nookie no mo'.
  2. I have no idea why, but this surprises me. The only thing missing from this conversation is Sheila Jackson Lee adding more lies to the layers.
  3. Yes, of course. One of the things asked of Christians is to make disciples, and you do that by spreading the word of the gospel. I'll assume you're similarly concerned with girl scouts pushing cookies outside of Wegmans, Apple pushing a camera that makes phone calls, product placement in movies, and pretty much any other group which spreads its primary message in an effort to recruit for and advance their cause?
  4. That's actually not what evangelical means. I understand how you would think that way. I lived in NC for years, and to me evangelical meant Tammy Faye Baker. I've come to learn that's like saying 'being a vegan means you follow people around pressuring them to give up flavor.' Where do you see people forcing their religious views into civil society?
  5. YIkes. That's quite the broad stroke of Christians. Racist. Xenophobes. Gun-loving. Child molesters. You forgot mother rapers. Father stabbers. FATHER Rapers. FATHER RAPERS right there next to you on the Group WH bench!!! It sounds less like you're afraid of Christians and more like you're afraid of people who don't think like you've been told to think. It's a good discussion to have so long as it remains a discussion. The moment it turns into people trying to group together individuals for the sake of making it easier to hit a target, it's best for me to avoid that rabbit hole here. We'll leave it at that for this board. I'm happy the mods have let this discussion continue here without moving the thread to PPP.
  6. That literally explains nothing. Some specifics would be helpful.
  7. You still haven't answered the question. What is it about the average Christian that scares you so much? What are you afraid of them doing?
  8. What about Christians scares you that much?
  9. Just that Christianity starts and ends with faith, and faith alone. You can follow any rules you want, but works without faith are good deeds and don't assure your entry to God's kingdom. Let me preface by checking myself to remember it's not my place to judge. It's something I still struggle with, but the point here is that, in my mind, it's difficult to believe that anyone who commits to a steady relationship with God will simultaneously do what Mike Vick did, often and brutally. What he was doing was illegal, and his consequences affected many, many people in a very negative way. I think a Christian who spent his time with Christians would have never let the dog thing go on. Just my thoughts.
  10. First, thanks for the thoughtful response. This probably isn't the place to dive too much deeper, but the idea that everyone is flawed is actually a pretty cool thing from a Christian perspective because in the process of becoming a Christian, and even maintaining a relationship with God, a key component (from my cheap seats) is the ability to ask (and have answered) one critical position that always arises: "I'm a dumbass. I've done stupid things, and hateful things, and sinful things. Would God really accept me as a Christian?" There is no set of rules, per se. What IS asked of you is faith that God is real, that Christ was born, lived, died and was resurrected. That's basically the TV Guide version, but that's it. Genuine faith, and faith alone. If your faith is real, the rest is forgiven. Even when you screw up again. But God wants a relationship with you, which, if you maintain through reading and Bible studies, etc., will keep you from straying too much. Which I think is what McDermott wants. The disciples were kind of a crude bunch, actually. Plus, if he'll take Saul of Tarsus, he'll take anyone, which is kind of the point.
  11. That may be because you're completely looking for the wrong things. Wearing a cross doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to church. He is, however and without a doubt, a man of God. I can give you two unequivocal moments to this point. The first was after the Bills got their first regular season win. In the post-game circle up, he starts to address the team, but then stops and apologizes because he wanted to ensure he first thanked God for the win. The second can be seen in the locker room video right after Dalton throws the TD to put the Bills in the playoffs. You see Pegula starting to approach McDermott, who is on a knee giving thanks to God. With all that said, you can watch the interviews with many of the draft picks, including Allen and especially with Edmunds (and his brother, drafted by Pittsburgh). It's clear they are centered on their faith in God as a Christian. The Edmunds brothers talk a lot about how their father raised them in such a household. I understand the topic is an easy one for people to mock, but the reality is that a sport like football that is so team-oriented really demands structure, focus, encouragement and accountability among everyone. When your primary commitment is first and foremost to a relationship with God, especially one enhanced by the people you work with and for, you simply are reducing the number times you are going to wake up to find your star player getting charged with domestic assault, or pitting dogs in fights in your back yard, or drugs, or DUIs, or any of the things that can take your focus off your relationship with God. Yes, I know. Men of God are flawed. It's not a guarantee. Just ask King David. Now look at t he Eagles. There are some great videos out there about how those players hold each other accountable, and hold Bible studies together, and when Pederson and Foles hoisted the trophy after beating NE*, what's the first thing out of both their mouths? In fact, football is the perfect place for Proverbs 27:17: Iron sharpens iron. I dig this about McDermott.
  12. In my lifetime, no one has done more harm to black America than Barack Obama. Handed the opportunity to go down as one of the greatest in the history of the US, he chose instead to go down as the greatest in the history of his own mind. He somehow made race relations horrible, while making the lives of black Americans, especially teens, worse than ever. But hey...that interview with the chick who bathes in Fruit Loops was pretty awesome, amirite?
  13. It's funny to see leftists suddenly pretending like they care about Jews and Israel. We all know they miss the old days when Barry would snub Netanyahu at the WH and make him leave out the back door by the trash bins.
  14. We've been saying this since the primaries pitting Obama against Hillary: if everything is racism, then nothing is racism. This woman sets back any genuine attempts to identify and correct racist behavior in other parts of the country. She did more harm to her cause than good. I hope she takes the time to correct herself.
  15. If you want to have fun with a parody account, check out this: Sen Anita Hawkins. Her videos are funny, because they're kinda true. "I Was Honored To March For Women's Rights As Far Away From That Woman Wearing A Giant Vagina Suit As Possible" "Anyone Questioning My Support Of Israel By Citing My Time As A PLO Guerilla Need Only Look At My Years Of Service In The IDF" "I Understand The Plight Of Hardworking Americans Because My Husband Is A Dust Bowl Era Okie"
  16. Why I Left the Left. David Ruben, long time progressive, explains why... "Today's progressivism has become a faux-moral movement, hurling charges of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia and a slew of other meaningless buzzwords at anyone they disagree with."
  17. Go to a website like HuffPost. Open any article. Scroll down to the comments section and find the post about how someone's brother just paid cash for their Land Rover, earned $7,000 last week, and "ask me how." Send message to that poster asking how. That person will tell you who Tibs works for. It's just that simple.
  18. I'm sorry to see McCain on his last legs, and I'm not one to offer end-of-life advice, but it would be a good idea for McCain to finally get right with himself and admit he's a Democrat.
  19. Mine's different because it features prizes, shout outs to Macungie, girls jumping on trampolines, and maybe even a special edition of "Things Badol Remembers Incorrectly."
  20. Or maybe, as we often see these days, she made a decision 22 years ago to make up the story for attention. Ask Rolling Stone Magazine what it thinks.
  21. There is evidence. Evidence that says Patricia is not guilty because. Because...he was not guilty. You can presume something happened. Like the author, you can even make it sound like you *wish* something happened, but the bottom line is this: Patricia was not guilty. Literally no one involved in the case, including the alleged victim, has been able to recall or discuss a thing to change that fact. Literally no one. Except an author with a BS story to get clicks.
  22. Nope. No bias here.Getting three prisoners freed is the perfect time to discuss "the worst of Trump."
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