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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I see them more as Bills fans who insist they didn't leave the Comeback game.
  2. I know you're not in PA, but I still have a heart for Macungie. Why, I think it's time for their annual Pet Rock parade soon, no?
  3. I think the difference here is that the Tea Party movement motivated a bunch of people (who normally sat on the sidelines for mid-terms, etc.,) to get into the fight. They were people who finally became so disgusted that they decided to stand up and be heard, only to show up at rallies and be stunned by the thousands of people who felt like them. The far left voters have always been in the fight. They left is amazing at paying people to rally and vote and get heard, so it's not likely you'll see an uptick like you did with Tea Party. The left has been brilliant at filling buses with lazy leftists to get them to a voting booth. Always. Occupy Wall Street. Antifa. BLM. All just other leftists getting paid to make noise they were already making for some other leftist cause. That said, what I write about the Tea Party was strictly from what I saw for myself for a number of years in the Tea Party gatherings, until the right co-opted the Tea Party movement, which ultimately shut them/us up and reminded us that our vote really doesn't matter in the long term as long as someone can take a photo of Michelle Bachman looking crazy while eating a corn dog.
  4. I'm not debating that one way or another. Just reminding everyone that if you lean left because you believe Bush lied about WMDs, that''s a ridiculous reason to lean left given how vocal Hillary was about Iraq having WMDs.
  5. In fairness to the last point, Hillary also insisted Hussien had WMDs.
  6. Just when you think the greatest meltdown in political history is starting to slow down, along comes a fresh face to carry the meltdown torch. Welcome. Make yourself at home.
  7. The guy on crutches was pretty funny. Hey look, he can suddenly run! The media has been pretty embarrassing about this.
  8. Answer: More guns. I love how the utes are unafraid of the left with their graduation photos.
  9. My questions and comments were intended to understand what you think the end game is. What we learned is what we always learn form a devout leftist: you know your party is screwing this up, and in fact even admit (as you did above) that it's not a wise plan, but instead of questioning your party leaders and maybe 'writing your congressman' to stop the stupidity, you instead opt to support their stupidity with tweets from people on a topic most American don't give two schitts about. And then when the stupidity is pointed out to you as clear as day, you give the only answer a mindless leftist knows how to give when they're out of answers... You leftists are nothing if not ridiculously predictable.
  10. You would think after Hillary got her ass beat by Trump, the left would do some self-evaluation. "What did we do wrong? What can we improve? Where can we get better?" But that's not really possible with their party leaders, because everyone knows that the left is never to blame for their failures. It always comes down to something like "We just didn't get our message out properly" or "The Russians ate my homework" or "We did everything right, but the white women in this country don't know how to stand up to the men in their lives." So here's free advice: keeping this Stormy Daniels story front-and-center is probably the single biggest thing the left can do to ensure Trump get's re-elected. So you keep pushing the story wherever you go.
  11. Just for shitzngiggles...what do you think the end game is with this story? What do you think the left wants to see happen as a full win when this is done?
  12. It's amazing how wrong they are about this, too. I mean, they are embarrassingly wrong. I'm even a bit surprised how much my left-leaning friends wish they'd let this go. But y'know, no one can ride the schitt out of a bad idea like the left.
  13. I don't mind admitting I like Ben Shapiro a lot. Smug or not, the dude can truly rattle the snowflakes.
  14. Still, it's not good for a sitting president to pay a porn star to have sex in the oval office. Oh, wait. This didn't happen while he was president. Wait. Why is this an issue again? Oh. That's right. Trump! Porn star! One can only imagine how spun up the media would be if he left four Americans to die in a US embassy while en route to a Vegas fundraiser.
  15. So there is you and Anna Massoglia. That makes two people who still care about this. Gator probably makes three. HUGE! REALLY HUGE!
  16. Nice job fighting the urge to reply.
  17. The off-season is the time to cover ideas like this. With a pillow. Until it stops moving.
  18. Can this guy do nothing on the up and up? Anything? Apparently not.
  19. One of my closest friends is Jewish. Goes to Israel every year with his wife to visit her family, Genuinely faithful Jew in his daily life. Hates Trump. Loved Obama. At one point I was like "You see Barry pissing on Jews, and Netanyahu, and pretty much all of Israel, right? You know how much the left hates Jews, right?" Never responded to my email. Boggles my mind.
  20. In all fairness, the media will always protect a loyal Democrat like McCain.
  21. Damn stupid, cuz all I had to do was watch "Blazing Saddles."
  22. It's been a while, but I recall Timmah! Graham linking articles on Twitter about contract negotations going on at BN. Naturally his tilt was, "They deserve more because they work hard and they're the best," but I wonder to what extent the owners realized that "journalists are a dime-a-dozen so let's start cutting positions and see how the negotiations move on from there."
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