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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You honestly believe that the Bills -- the team who gave Incognito a second chance to redeem his career and earn his way to a Pro Bowl squad -- is responsible for making Igconito go full-goose-batschitt-loony because they didn't pay him enough money? Weird worldview ya got there.
  2. Frankly, I'm upset that the Bills made Richie Incognito throw a dumbbell at someone because they removed stability from his life.
  3. Who took away the stability in his life?
  4. The fact that a player can be fined means they broke a company rule. They're an employee. Not a patriot. I mean, he could be a Patriot*. But that doesn't make him a patriot. It' makes him a Patrtiot*, which is completely different than being a patriot because, well, because a patriot doesn't cheat.
  5. You're joking right? Please tell us you're joking.
  6. The one point everyone seems to miss about this issue is that the NFL is not a public space.
  7. Which,. y'know,. is kind of the exact opposite of "NFL Forces Players To Stand for National Anthem." But hey...who's paying attention, really...
  8. Before the protests I didn't watch the anthem because no one was broadcasting it unless it was a playoff game.
  9. It's almost like you'd pay $1.15M to make him someone else's problem or something.
  10. I can't speak for others, but the answer to the kneeling thing for me was my DVR. Fast forward past the need to broadcast that stuff and get to the reason I'm watching the game. Nice compromise by the NFL. More NFL and less TMZ, please.
  11. He was one of the best pick ups in years, and he worked very hard to correct his behavior. Likewise, that was a huge leap of faith by the front office at the time, a fact lost on Incognito in the midst of his social media meltdown.
  12. Just because you find a phrase tiresome doesn't mean it's not an accurate depiction. You think cooler heads would prevail, but to use your words, there was no indication that cooler heads didn't prevail when he signed the new contract. There is also every indication that since that time we've watched one party willingly dump $1.15M instead of trying to work something out while you watch the other party act like a 2-year-old. Do you think you're the only one who understands the money is dead? Do you think the owners are unaware of what they've done? Or are you so convinced Incognito is the victim that you can't accept that maybe the grownups know what they're doing by dumping the headcase before the season starts. The 'pissing in the wind' comment simply about one truth: you refuse to look at Incognito as anything other than the victim in this case while being unable to understand the difference between $1.15M in dead cap money and a small fee to pay get dump a headcase. Incognito is gone, and while a bad line is now a worse line, the team no longer has to waste time with an unstable manchild and can finally move ahead with purpose.
  13. That wasn't directed at you. Like I wrote, you spoke the truth. No one forced him to do anything. No one demanded he do anything, in spite of that being offered as a consideration by some.
  14. I'm not much of a Tomi Lahren fan, but I do love me some leftist meltdown footage. It's especially fun when they're yelling things like "F**K that B**CH! America loves, loves, loves that kind of stuff, and I'm certain it will help them in the mid-terms and into 2020. Keep up the good work, Dems. You really are America's voice! Then we better get that gun ban under way. I suggest the left lead by example, and the rest of us will follow their lead.
  15. Including a few who post here.
  16. Frankly, I don't understand the signing. We were all set at fullback once the Bills announced the return of Kyle Williams.
  17. Addition by subtraction. I know people have a problem with that phrase because it's difficult to digest for some, but as someone who spent the past quarter century plus hiring/firing/managing personnel, one rule is very simple: if someone doesn't want to work for you, they don't want to work for you, regardless of any effort to make them stay. Cut bait, learn your errors and move on. If the reports of his drunken rampage to the Pegula's is true (and certainly his public behavior suggests he's on something), this is a no brainer. With the kind of money the team is dealing with, tossing $1.5M to a mentally unstable guy to make him be someone else's problem is a pin prick to the budget. I believe some would refer to your post as 'pissing in the wind.' You speak absolutely, complete truth. It's just difficult for some people to understand.
  18. CBS reported recently than 53% of those polled find the investigation politically motivated. The Dem mid-term advantage is literally disappearing and the advantage is starting to go to the GOP. What the left needs to do is spend more time talking about impeaching Trump, and bringing up Russia more. Oh, and have Hillary give some speeches. Oh, and maybe give the Obama's their own show on Netflix to compete with the Kardashians. That'll teach Bruce Jenner to speak out in a dress.
  19. Reneging on paying bills. Wife is divorcing him. Left is starting to beg him to shut up. But hey...free lap dances, amirite Avenatti? Those dances cost you $20 in Vegas.
  20. There is increasing belief at the DNC that the winning mid-term cry is "We will impeach Trump." Gee. I hope they don't. That would be devastating to the GOP. Just devastating. And whatever you do, don't let Hillarity into the discussion or they may just take the House AND Senate.
  21. Dammit, I can't believe Team McBeane is asleep at the wheel again. I'm so tired of following a team that doesn't react irrationally with something I think the team should do after another team in our division does it! We should call Gettleman!
  22. He's not the owner. He's not the GM. Some Bills fans just love to hate the Owner and GM. If there is any truth to this drunken rampage story, then I suspect that while the story may never surface publicly, it will surface among the owners. And that'll be that until one owner is desperate enough to bring him on.
  23. Sometimes, it's not what you get but how you go about getting it that matters. Alternately, it's not what you give, but how you go about giving it. Say what you will about Incognito's ability to play, his instability makes this addition by subtraction. He will not be the missing link in a great line. He'll be a missing link in a bad line. With pretty much a new everything on offense, including coaches, quarterbacks, running backs, etc. The Bills were right and gracious to set him free.
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