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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. The left can whine about Trump all they want, but it is, without question, undeniably true that the moment the American people need Congress to work together to provide relief caused by the shutdowns, the Democrats were very quick to tell the American people to eff off. Once again, they left Americans hanging out to dry because they care about their power more than they'll ever care about the American people. Let's see one leftist argue against this single truth.
  2. Aaaaaaaaand POP goes the weasel!
  3. Schein has to be one of THE most annoying NFL talking heads ever. He's a Tom Brady* jock-sniffer who insists that the cheating thing was overblown. He's wrong about pretty much everything he puts a big red bow on to finish it up. Beyond that he.... Wait. He said the Bills are #2 defense? SCHEIN! My man! Now here's a guy who really has his finger on the pulse of the NFL! If Schein says it, it's money, baby! P.S. Joking aside, Schein is annoying, but he is a huge McDermott/Allen fan who will eat a lot of crow if the Bills don't take the AFC East this year.
  4. The one thing I read incorrectly about Trump is that he has become the voice for the millions and millions of people who the left and its media has pissed all over for years. I'm talking about the flyover redneck country you all have so much contempt for that you don't even think their votes should matter. You'd rather see your coastal elitist masters use a popular vote to dictate who should run this country so you won't need to listen to those corn-fed blue collar racist pig stains on the bottom of your shiny new Gucci loafers. So you can take your definition of 'presidential' and shove it because these people see what 'presidential' has gotten them over the years, and it's a big fat goose-egg of support. Whether it was Bush or Clinton or Obama, these people were overlooked and treated like crap. But don't worry. Biden will probably get the win, and then you can show everyone how presidential it is for a man to be so far into dementia he has to hide in his basement and literally has no idea how many grandchildren he has. That will definitely make the WH great again. Meanwhile...who is blocking who from sharing online content? Oh, is that Twitter and FB blocking all conservative content again? Man, Trump's not just a crappy racist...he's a lousy dictator, too!
  5. Does this mean you guys are done with the whole Post Office hoax, or is that just on hiatus while you circle back to the Russia hoax to buy some time to see if the American people are as stupid with the Post Office thing as you hope they are? So hard to keep up with the Liberals' Outrage of the Day!
  6. Everyone here knows you pissed all over caregivers with your statement. You can try to explain yourself all you like. WE know where your heart is. We know what your intent was. Nothing you say can change that, but rest assured we'll remind you about it every chance we get.
  7. Like anyone is listening to a guy who openly and genuinely pisses all over caregivers.
  8. Man, I love the way this dude makes you leftists spit up your tapioca every day.
  9. I'm not one to defend Clinton, but as it relates to those massage photos, the girl in question says Clinton was a gentleman and nothing happened between them. That should have been the end of that article. But in fairness, the Daily Mail is pretty much the National Enquirer, so it's not like they're trying to win a Pulitzer with their reporting and need the clicks more than anything.
  10. The Dems are fully in on BLM now, a group that openly admits its purpose is to destroy the nuclear family and bring Marxism to the US. Helluva message. Good thing you leftists are moderate.
  11. Asses in seats is critical for teachers and their unions. The way to force asses in seats is to shut down competition. This is why the left loses. They don't care about the children. They only care about their cash flow.
  12. Too busy burning down another city?
  13. I'm told she brought up the Ebola comparison to Covid, like Harris did last week. It's amazing how stupid the DNC believes its base to be, and its base never lets them down. They're in lockstep with one blatant lie after another.
  14. Word coming out that Twitter shut them down while the Dem Convention was going. Seems silly to me given how many people are mocking the Dems anyway right now on social media.
  15. She's bringing sexy back...
  16. Twitter put Babylon Bee in Twitterprison. I'm starting to think maybe Twitter has a political bias.
  17. Pastor tells convention...open borders or you're going to hell. Damn, Joe. Quite the platform you're building: Open Borders. Free College. Medicare for all! Sounds like a winner.
  18. The whole damn movie never gets old. When it was released to move theaters, I lived in a tiny town that got one movie every week...usually big hits were a few weeks late...but somehow we got The Jerk with everyone else. I actually went to see it at the theater seven nights in a row.
  19. As long as there are Democrats, there will be people telling you you're too stupid to be in control of your own life, and only the government knows what is best for you. Every leftist I know has one common thread: they need the government to make life fair for them.
  20. I would add that Kamala Harris is emphatically anti-Christian/Catholic. She has gone so far as to insist that being a Catholic automatically disqualifies someone from a federal judge chair because Catholics hold 'extreme positions.' Given how much money PP has given to Kamala (they essentially paid for her Senate seat in exchange for raiding Delaiden's house for the PP tapes), it wouldn't surprise me to see Pence stick the anti-Catholic bit to her during the debates. Abortion is a good way to corner her.
  21. Trying to scare Americans with a photo taken when Obama was president? Weird. Usually leftists are so accurate with their information. I would add that if you're using these boxes to send out anything other than thank-you notes, you're not very smart. People with ill intent have easy ways to pull mail out of these boxes so they can grab the checks you just dropped in there. It's why you suddenly see these boxes locked up at night. But hey...don't let truth get in the way of todays Liberal Outrage of the Day! Next week's Outrage of the Day: Trump is trying to shut down public libraries so people can't have access to the internet! He's a dictator!
  22. The worst part about reading that article is absolutely no one is surprised that this is the way the Democrats would respond to something like this. The hate within the party runs wide and deep.
  23. I believe America has a genuine distaste for women who sleep their way to positions of power. At some point the media is going to start going after these people for putting up the "Ho" signs, but that will force them to explain why those signs are there. It will be interesting to watch.
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