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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. And yet I don't think it's too far fetched to think the same could happen here. Especially with BIden in the WH.
  2. So in other words, no, you're never happy. Got it.
  3. Years ago I worked for a division of Westinghouse, and they had this internal message they kept pushing: "Do the right thing right the first time." Or something trite like that. I remember thinking, "Well, yeah, no schitt," but as it became the message pushed in meetings and throughout the next year or so, you could see people who were otherwise complacent in their jobs suddenly being held accountable by people who bought into that message. Soon the complacent ones either upped their work, or moved along, so you end up with more people with the same goal...and productivity ultimately went through the roof for our group. Another phrase I heard a player repeat recently was the coaches wanting him to "be comfortable with being uncomfortable." They were working him at four different positions to challenge him, and that phrase really resonated with me. You need to constantly challenge yourself, no matter who you are, but this phrase really put it into perspective for an old dude like me.
  4. Tell me again that there's no voter fraud. Go ahead. Tell me again.
  5. Kamala Harris without makeup?
  6. Sounds like Joe hit it out of the park last night. Or as Dems would say quietly to themselves, "Thank God he didn't puke up his tapioca again."
  7. I always find it curious when leftists intentionally choose to mock Christians. It literally carries no value except, where the leftist is concerned, in hopes of shaking the sinner in each person to respond in a non-Christ like manner so they can yell "Aha! Some Christian you are!" It's grade-school rhetoric, which is probably why the left is so good at it. Nonetheless, @TakeYouToTasker is correct. The left will never, ever do anything that doesn't divide people into groups that they can pit against each other in order to paint the picture that only the left can save you now. I don't anticipate unity in my lifetime. You can only imagine how quickly the left would turn on a GOP president if 9/11 happened today. Bodies would still be jumping from buildings while the left would yell that THIS is why we need open borders. Lastly, I am not one to suggest we are in the last days, but Timothy 3:1-5 seems pretty interesting based on the way the left has gripped the large cities:
  8. If you support BLM, a group who's openly admitted plan is to promote Marxism in the US while working to destroy the nuclear family, it's fair to ask...ARE you really American? Because BLM absolutely HATES America and everything to do with it and has dedicated itself to destroying what this country stands for. Sof if Goodyear is good with BLM, then do the math. It's sad, but it's true. Just give the usual speeches and let everyone watch Joe puke up his daily tapioca. If he loses, everyone will know why. Well, everyone but him.
  9. No, I'm genuinely curious. If he's taped, I'm not interested in watching, but if it's live, I would have to watch it.
  10. My understanding so far in CA is that the best way to get the state's attention is to hold a party in your house with about 20 people. They'll be in touch with you very quickly.
  11. Does anyone know if Biden will speak live tonight?
  12. Reaction from the Democrats: "Melania had a nude picture taken." Interesting watching Trump clean up Obama's mess so successfully, with virtually no coverage in the US media.
  13. So you're okay with the government falsifying documents to undermine an incoming administration because, y'know, "based on who was coming in." Yeah, why am I not surprised. I suspect you'll next explain that Tara Reade had it coming to her, y'know, based on what she was wearing that day.
  14. In fairness, I've never been a Bannon fan. He's always struck me as an opportunist first. It was an early bad choice by Trump to have him anywhere near him.
  15. Off to prison you go, Bannon. Would love to see more of these kinds of arrests as we all know most of these 'fundraisers' are anything but.
  16. This is ridiculous. Cuomo already did a personal investigation and discovered that he did nothing wrong. How is that not good enough for you people?
  17. Okay...I see a lot of wrongs on this message board, but not having seen Young Frankenstein? Woof. It's an opinion thing, but I believe it to be Mel Brook's best, and certainly a top 5 comedy movie of all time. Gene Wilder is at his absolute best. The Man About Town scene, as well as the Gene Hackman blind man scene are comedy at it's finest. By the time you throw in Peter Boyle as the monster, there's not a bad scene in the whole movie. Run, don't walk, to watch this flick and report back immediately. I agree. This is a very bad look. I wish he'd knock off stuff like this, but it's pretty clear he won't.
  18. Again, you're assuming I give a schitt what you think. But thanks for keeping track.
  19. I'm confused. I just saw there was a bipartisan report that said Trump did collude with Russia and everything else was fake. It was all over the place. How did Clinesmith plead guilty to something that never happened? So odd.
  20. You post that as if I give a schitt what people think of me and my posts. To be sure, the one thing you DON'T see me posting is the same three gifs over and over and over and over, and contributing nothing BUT the same gifs over and over and over. A little independent thought on your behalf would have connected those dots for you.
  21. It's not like Kraft was going to jail. The worst damage to him has been done. The only thing that would twist the knife a little more would be if this news came out after the season started.
  22. There are a lot of people in NY who are convinced he is amazing. They will tell you he did a great job with COVID, right after they tell you that Trump killed 170,000 people. These people enable him to do what he does, which is to insist he did a great job (in spite of NY being responsible for 20% of US COVID deaths), and Trump did everything wrong (in spite of Trump getting NY supplies as well as the floating hospital) and that it's really the European virus, not something that the entire world knows came from China. And not a single argument from a single Democrat of any stripe...because to do that, you need the one thing no Democrat has...independent thought. They'll buy his books and vote for him in 2024.
  23. Can you stop quoting this guy, please? It's getting very tiresome watching him post the same stupid gifs over and over, and since the mods are good to allow it, my preference is people stop quoting him. IF you need to let him know you're responding to him, quote him and clear the content. Anything other than watching his pre-school postings of the same moronic gifs. Please. Thanks.
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