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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Video shows it was clearly self-defense. Those charges will not last at all. Meanwhile, in Portland, the Dems finally realize that maybe people are tired of them ignoring the protesters. Antifa folds like Billstime out of new Trump memes.
  2. Is Le'Veon practicing to be a douche for the whole season?
  3. Few things are as powerful as the truth. It's good to see Lemon admit that the reason the Democrats now have a problem with the riots is because it makes them look bad.
  4. When will the DNC denounce BLM?
  5. DNC Get Out The Vote Campaign. I've said it repeatedly...if the left wants a civil war, they should be careful what they wish for. It would be bloody, and over very, very quickly.
  6. Ahhh, yes. I forgot. The "special" boxes that were left in someone's trunk by mistake, "but we're on our way over with them now. How many votes were we short again?"
  7. Hillary Clinton: Biden should not concede no matter how badly he loses. Does she know something the rest of us don't know? Is the Harris-Biden ticket in big trouble already?
  8. BLM just randomly destroying cars because....? Has the DNC, Harris-Biden ticket denounced this yet? No? They're okay with this, I'm guessing, right?
  9. BLM...beating up old people again. Stunned the DNC and Harris/Biden campaign remains silent on this.'
  10. It'll be okay because starting in 2020 all new homes being built must include solar panels. So in about 200 years, no one in CA will have to worry about power outages any more.
  11. Genuine question: how do you figure this is bad for Biden?
  12. Gee, the Lincoln Project is lying about Trump? So odd.
  13. They must be looking at some very ugly internals for her to get this unhinged.
  14. This already happened in Berkeley, CA, where natural gas was banned from all new construction over a year ago. A dozen or more CA cities, including San Jose, joined in. According to this article, there's a city in Massachusetts that has done the same. I would not be surprised to find out the Rochester rumor is true, assuming it's being run by leftwing nutbags.
  15. It's not embarrassing enough that they have to criticize the garden, but now social media leftists are arguing that you can see KKK in the garden borders. No. I'm not kidding. This is how unbelievably unhinged the left has become.
  16. This is my favorite part of threads like this: You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options
  17. You have to be monumentally stupid to do what that guy did and NOT expect the cops to take you out, but it didn't require that many bullets to stop the guy. That struck me as excessive.
  18. I'm surprised that the Biden camp released this statement. If you're too stupid to wait until you get more information, one can only wonder how stupidly they'll handle larger issues. Pretty embarrassing, but I suspect our resident far-left nutbags love seeing their candidates throw fire on the already burning tensions.
  19. "Gonna put y'all back in chains." You're almost there, Joe.
  20. The most frustrating part of following Covid data at a high level is that it seems we are ALWAYS one or two weeks away from seeing something significant, only to wake up one or two weeks later to find out that if the new current trend continues for another week or two, we'll see something ELSE that is significant.
  21. The Daleiden raid tells you all you need to know about Harris. Meet with PP, get a ton of cash for her campaign, raid the house of the man who had video of PP driving abortions for the purpose of selling body parts, get a Senate seat after ex-boyfriend Willie Brown tells Anthony Villaraigosa to bow out. She reminds me of the three brothers on Newhart years ago who ran a company named "Anything For A Buck."
  22. You have to wonder why the first person to bring up skin color is our resident leftist. Maybe one day leftists will judge people on something other than skin color. Maybe.
  23. This has to be one of the most embarrassing errors for Biden in a long time. Imagine that after 12 years, you're still recycling the same message and have nothing new to offer to your country on the night you accept the nomination other than an old speech. You can get away with this when you know your base is incapable of independent thought. So embarrassing.
  24. The left has used this tactic for years, and still use it to this day. If one cop is bad, all cops are bad. If one Republican is stupid, all Republicans are stupid. The differnce is that the right used to just suck it up and take it. But not anymore. So, y'know, try not to be too upset when people on the right start applying the same logic.
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