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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. AB5 is the most offensive result of unions buying politicians. I'm stunned at how aggressive the politicians are trying to force Uber and Lyft to change their business model to placate the Purple People Beaters (SEIU) and others. It's disappointing and yet gratifying to see Uber and Lyft call their bluff to the extent that they both got a stay from a judge for a bit. But it won't fix things. The reality is that 10s, if not 100s of thousands, of Californians -- especially elder residents -- use Uber and Lyft to get to/from airport, grocery stores, doctors, pharmacies, etc. Not to mention the number of drunk drivers they keep off the road. All of it a very affordable pricing. But that doesn't work for the unions, so they push laws to hurt your local contractors because they don't have enough cash to stuff in the pockets of people like Linda Sanchez, who already made Elon Musk begin plans to move from CA to Texas.
  2. Oh, man, leftists....this big LEGO reveal has absolutely got Trump where you want him! The walls are closing in! You really got him this time! Good work, everyone! Bang up, job! Way to bring the truth! Idiots.
  3. To begin to correct another leftist assumption, it's reported that the 17-year-old did not bring the gun across state lines. It was already in Wisonsin with his friends when he got there to protect his place of employment. It's a small point, but the leftist narrative is so angrily stated as "White supremacist vigilante crossed state lines with a gun to murder protesters," that we may as well debunk ALL of that nonsense and not just some of it. Either way, bad few days for leftists. You'll simply never understand how you got Trump.
  4. Wish I could say that, but the NFL is the only sport I follow and this is the most optimistic I've been about this team since the 90s. I DVR the games, FF past the stupidity and I'm good. But it looks like the Bills have a special team and no way I'm missing this.
  5. This is what happens when leftists realize they're incapable of logical discussions. Create another user ID and pollute the board under the guise of "I'm doing this to laugh at people."
  6. I'm kind surprised there isn't more discussion about the Jets trading for Ballage. Seems like just the kind of fodder to add to the Bell noise. Probably not, but let's not miss an opportunity, mmmkay, people?
  7. The reality is that the video is somewhat hard to watch. As much as I understand WHY the officer fired on him, I'm not fully convinced why he fired seven times at pretty close range. That said, you would think seven times would be excessive, if the guy died. But the guy survived. So what I don't know is did all seven shots land, or did he miss while the guy was struggling with him to turn and stab him? In the end, though, if you're wanted by the police and three of them have you, it's pretty simple: don't resist and nothing happens. My son was recently out night fishing with some friends, one of which was carrying (Idaho is an open carry state). Local cops showed up because unbeknownst to them, they were on park property they weren't supposed to be on. The moment the cops showed up, his friend quickly announced he was carrying. The cop thanked him and reminded him that as long as he didn't reach for his, the cop wouldn't go for his gun. Common sense.
  8. I think because we released him when we did, the Patriots* get three comp picks.
  9. I think major sports are about to find out that a majority of their fans follow sports to escape the rest of the world Bringing the rest of the world to sports is going to be a bad idea. That said, I really don't know anyone who follows baseball and basketball any more. Just NFL and hockey.
  10. Biden's dementia must be full on right now if they're sending Harris to speak after Trump, and if Pelosi is advocating for no debates. Get ready for it: Harris-Biden 2020
  11. I genuinely wonder if anyone cares about the NBA at this point.
  12. Three people = "entire marketing department". Can we make the headline a little more dramatic? How will we ever find someone to tweet a clip of Diggs catching a ball one-handed while on one knee? Marketing is probably one notch above sports journalism on the list of 'jobs anyone can do in their sleep.' Wake me up when Tre White is tweeting that he thinks our coach is a dumbass. Then I'll be concerned.
  13. Thank you for post this. Saved me the trouble. It's stunning to me that no one on the left has ANTYHINg to say about all of these people destroying businesses -- livelihoods of families who have built their businesses for decades -- but one person has had enough to the extent that he wants to bring protection, and suddenly that kid is the problem? Such bullschitt. You are correct. This is not the last time this will happen. The next time there will be more blood and there will be more dead, and my suggestion is to figure out which side you're going to want to be on and arm yourself accordingly.
  14. How long do those timeouts last?
  15. Tell that to the people of Chicago. Seriously. Take a break from the keyboard. It's clear you're struggling, so just take a break and return when you've calmed down. Maybe talk with a family friend or someone like that.
  16. If people are trying to kill you and you shoot them to make them stop then yes, actually, that is self-defense. It's clear you're a bit incoherent at this point. You should really unplug and get some rest.
  17. I hope this doesn't put a damper on Cuomo's book sales!
  18. You really should unplug before you get so riled up you end up hurting someone. It's clear you're struggling with something, and I hate to see anyone get so worked up that the are wishing death on another human. Unplug and get help. Feel free to DM me if you need someone to talk to.
  19. He seems to be having some kind of a meltdown. Hopefully he'll reach out to someone to help him before he hurts someone.
  20. I told him this in another thread and he suggested it was too bad I wasn't the one who got shot. Dude is clearly having a problem with the events, and appears to be going full Biden.
  21. Self defense. All day.
  22. How AP runs the story...
  23. Holy crap. Who in the hell thinks this is a good idea? Better get those banners edited: Harris-Biden 2020
  24. Just a friendly reminder that most people on this board have Billstime on ignore because he floods the threads with the same ridiculous memes and gifs. You're welcome to engage with him, but if you could do the rest of us a favor when you quote him and remove the content from his quote, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  25. The 'victim' who threw the Molotov cocktail at him? The one he shot in self-defense and called 911 to report before the rioters starting chasing him? THAT 'victim?'
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