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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. It would surprise me if a guy who has been in politics for 47 years could be THIS stupid. Go ahead, Joe. Blame everything that is going on in Dem cities on Trump. Let's see how that plays for you.
  2. Joy Reid makes Billstime and Tibs sound coherent.
  3. My life is WAY better than it was four years ago because four years ago I lived in CA; my taxes were through the roof, the power kept going out, and the public education system was (and remains) a schittshow. More to the point, though, one thing I love about leftists -- and we're watching this play out on a large scale with people like Ted Wheeler -- is that leftists make the incorrect assumption that all Americans are as stupid as they are. American's are simply not so stupid as to hear this question and ignore the role COVID plays in their answer.
  4. You have a point. I mean, first she decides she believes Tara Reade, but is okay with running with the guy who sexually assaulted her multiple times with his fingers, and now she's defending another guy who sexually assaulted a woman by giving her "the Biden." It's almost like Kamala has no principles whatsoever.
  5. It doesn't matter what he memes. He can't meme his way out of the polls. RCP Betting Odds are essentially even. That's ridiculous. I don't put it past Trump to screw this up. But the more BLM and Antifa keep burning buildings and murdering people, the more scared America becomes of a Harris- Biden ticket.
  6. Unfortunate. I saw a Jets report today that Bell was running with the 2s. I look forward to finding out what Bell did to piss off Gase.
  7. I won't argue it statistically. But as a player, Peterman is just a bad quarterback. Hobert was a lazy, selfish prick. You have a better chance fixing a bad quarterback than you do a lazy, selfish prick who let everyone down because he couldn't be bothered to do the one, simple thing that was asked of him. NOTE TO THE CRAZIES: I'm not saying you can fix Peterman.
  8. That would actually be Billy Joe Hobert.
  9. Here is one. Here is NY Post.
  10. Funny. This popped up again on Twitter. This is what I imagine it's like when TYTT tries to have a discussion with liberals.
  11. I thought one of the more interesting tidbits about the GOP Convention is that in all the speeches, no one mentioned Harris.
  12. You're not going to restrict the vote. You're not going to do anything. It's too late. Both sides have full control. All we can do at this point is lay low, STFU, arm ourselves and spend a lot of time at a shooting range. Sorry to be a defeatist, but it's over. We lost.
  13. Fair enough. But we both know how this works. From unions to ballot harvesting, it's not always the people who are voting.
  14. This post shows that you have literally done nothing to educate yourself about what happened beyond what you want to believe happened. Read the police report where he WAS tackled. Where he WAS tased. Where witnesses saw him with his knife while resisting arrest while police were going after him for sexually assaulting the woman in the house before stealing her car. Read. Think. THEN react. But you can't. If you won't believe Tara Reade, why would you believe this poor woman who called 911 for help because the dude was sexually assaulting her again.
  15. Someone needs to tell Wheeler his response doesn't look good in public while Biden is trying to explain to the country that Trump is to blame for Dem cities burning to the ground. C'mon, Wheeler. Get it together. It's time to get on Team Harris-Biden 2020! Kamala needs you!
  16. More of the same: Californians Moving To Arizona In Droves
  17. You can't always blame the people, especially when the government creates an incentive program to earn more government money by having more babies out of wedlock.
  18. It doesn't, as you've seen since Trump's election. More to the point, I appreciate Joe's thoughts in this thread, but it doesn't matter. Even if Trump somehow manages to get re-elected, the social unrest will only get worse. More will fight. More will die. And no one will win. The left has their paid actors in full throttle, and we both know you can't put that genie back in the bottle once it has blood on its hands. Buy property in the reddest flyover state you can find, raise your own food, invest in some firearms and training, and do your best to enjoy what's left before they come to take it.
  19. They're delivering their message to America.
  20. I think her version of "C'mon, man!" is the Hillary-like cackling she does when she doesn't have an answer.
  21. I genuinely have no idea. I'm not sure where you go after you've decided the way to bring down Trump is to question his son's ability to build a Lego. Frankly, I never expected to see them schittthebed this badly in his first term, and yet here we are.
  22. Kamala Harris changes Joe's plan for a national mask mandate. Remember: Harris-Biden 2020. Coming soon to an election near you!
  23. I love watching leftists get unhinged. It's just too bad losing their minds in such a public way means creating a bunch of stupid threads. But a small price to pay. Keep melting down, leftists. It never gets old.
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