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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. #MAGABOMBER trending on Twitter. Sometimes these things feel a bit planned, no? Coordinated? Orchestrated? Maybe it's just me.
  2. Let's be honest. Anyone can pull that off the internet and stick it on a label. What I would like to know is what does that translate to?
  3. They are to those who deal in conspiracies. Poor Cuomo...can he get anything right?
  4. They can't impeach Trump until civility is restored and civility can't be restored until the Dems win the House and the Dems can't win the house until they convince America that winning is bad for the country.
  5. Interesting how none of the packages look to have been processed by the postal service. So a number of people throughout the country hand-delivered these?
  6. Prominent left wingers all over Twitter, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NYT, WAPO are convinced this a right wing-extremist and have zerio evidence for that assumption. This is how conspiracies start and spread. It's wild fire!
  7. One of the reasons I'm getting out of this state. CalPERS is a flaming liberal mess. I have no plans to help pick up that tab.
  8. Thank God this woman is nothing but a spokesperson any more.
  9. It's easy to figure out who did this. 'Working' bombs means someone on the right. 'Not working' means someone on the left, because no one defines 'not working' like progressives.
  10. Must be killing CNN to report on something other than "Orange Man Bad."
  11. Damn. Sonny Bono looks terrible.
  12. Gee, I'm so hurt. What will I do while I'm ignored by a predictable leftwing nutbag who can't even stick to a single username?
  13. No one is faster to blame than the left. Can't understand why. It's almost like they have a mid-term ass-beating on its way. I'm not suggesting the bombs are left-wing bombs. Just suggesting that the left never cares about people. Only elections and power.
  14. Just in case anyone wonders the left's position on this, please roll out the predictables....
  15. Who are five people who have never been in my kitchen?
  16. She was a regular on Bill O'Reilly's show, and I never perceived her as batschit crazy; just a predictable voice on the left. Alan Colmes with a *****. But she was never one to spout off the kind of stupid stuff she posted on Twitter. This is part of the Trump effect. He makes relatively reasonable people say unreasonable things.
  17. I think she was referencing this, from Kirsten Powers. She has been getting from every angle for this. There was a time when she used to be relatively balanced, but she seems to be more interested in playing the role of yet another leftist NPC.
  18. When did Elizabeth Warren join the caravan?
  19. Unconfirmed reports now that one was sent to CNN.
  20. Time for the OP to change the title of this thread...
  21. Every time this photo floats on my screen, all I hear is "Mr. Jones, one again we see there is nothing you can possess that I can not take away." You're asking a lot from a leftist.
  22. I loved the AP headline I saw this morning: Later..."Oh, wait, it wasn't at their home, and we don't know if it was a bomb...."
  23. I think what he's saying is someone diagnosed as mentally ill can be famous, popular, rich, and loved by millions of people from all walks of life...until the ill dude says something he doesn't agree with, in which case the dude is mentally ill and, since he's black, he must be stupid because he doesn't read.
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