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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Coming soon to a CNN political panel.
  2. My twitter feed is filled with promotions for O'Rourke : "We're within the margin of error. Every dime counts. Contribute today!" Dude has $80M. Cruz has $30M. But yeah, he needs more money. Embarrassing how stupid liberals think we all are. I got two flyers recently: one titled "California Public Safety Newsletter and Voting Guide" and one titled "COPS Voter Guide" with a badge in the middle that looked like it came from a kid's Toy Story costume. On the bottom of both flyers in small print it says "This organization odes not represent any public safety personnel. Idiots.
  3. Dangerous stuff going on there.
  4. My only regret on Twitter was not getting a capture of Graham's tweet to a fan who, after making an in-game comment to a Graham tweet, was literally told by Timmah to "go hump a fist." I replied to the tweet, and mentioned it often on TBD, and someone finally must have told Graham what a !@#$ thin-skinned moron he looked like. He deleted it, and it's not in my retweet anymore.
  5. Ya wanna hear something funny? I went to that Blersch guy's Twitter, and one of the people following him is Lori Chase. I thought, "Hey...I like Lori Chase. I should follow her on Twitter since she's not around TBD anymore." I clicked and I schitt you not, I was actually blocked from following her. Probably has something to do with my old tweets busting Timmah Graham's chops on Twitter.
  6. You know what's funny? That someone can say this..... ...with literally no awareness of what happened to all the other political parties who pushed the ridiculous idea that "it's only right" that people with money "pay their fair share." I half expected Hammond to further explain that these global giants "didn't build that...someone else did it."
  7. He looks like he's about to open the Ark of the Covenant.
  8. Hey, you global warming cooling climate change nutbags...do me a favor...yell all you want and bark all you want, but stop trying to tell me what to eat. Same goes for you vegans.
  9. I'm embarrassed for the person who wrote this note.
  10. People are busting this guy on his '70 years' thing, but be honest...did you really think you'd see THIS many black Americans come to grips with the truth about the Dems? I didn't. This is just another dude saying a lot of the same stuff: Dems are racists, Dems hate blacks, Dems started the KKK. Would hate to be Dem these days.
  11. The report said 64% blame the media and 56% blame Trump. I'm no math guy, but...
  12. It took a long time for someone to release a photo of the look on Hillary's face while she was watching the votes come in.
  13. When Hallmark starts rolling out its Christmas movies, CNN is going to be in deep trouble.
  14. Okay, I call BS on that kind of ad. The second paragraph is the tip-off. No idiot trying to hire people to sit and listen to Obama would be Peace enough to comment that "similar campaign stops...have not been filled to capacity." Meanwhile...
  15. Thanks, Obama!
  16. In fairness, that is all CNN and MSBNC, and MSNBC has been this way for years. Everyone is a Nazi. Everyone is evil. Except us.
  17. If I were a Dem watching this video, I'd be crapping my pants. Maybe it's just the frequency that the interwebs offers, but damn if I don't see a lot of black people turning away from the Dems, finally realizing what we mean by the Dem Plantation. Never thought I'd see this in my lifetime.
  18. Are you having trouble with Tweets being displayed properly?
  19. There isn't much desire for simple conversation at this juncture. The left has been the Scut Farkus to the right's Ralphie Parker. What you're watching right now is something of the "Farkus affair," as it's commonly known these days.
  20. The truth is, the left has always done this and they were wildly successful because they did it with purpose. They were using simple tools that grassroots people on the right previously have never considered an option. Take the Journo List. Remember...all media outlets coordinating leftist messaging together at an obscure message board? It was genius. I would argue the reason you see liberals like peace, tibs, baskin, etc so bent out of shape every day now is because the right has figured out how to punch back, and they have a president who isn't afraid to get in the mud with them. Unfortunately, as long as the left owns 90% of the media, they can continue to lie without most people catching on. Just look at Barry's speeches about how the current economy is a result of his efforts. It's laughable.
  21. He really is a helluva troll.
  22. I like Megyn Kelly a lot. For better or worse, the right gets the hot chicks but tend to overplay them to the extent that they become annoying. Megyn Kelly, Ann Coulter, Tomi whateverhernameis.
  23. So Don likes the white meat. Quite the conundrum, Don. Quite the conundrum.
  24. I'm confused. I didn't see his horns. There were no flames shooting from his eyes. Everyone loved him. Must be a fake video.
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