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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Acosta was pretty quick to push her away. I'm sure many will condemn him. From the angle below, It's pretty clear, by leftist standards, that he assaulted her. Not surprised to see CNN agree it's okay to assault women!
  2. Only if he promises to pick a hair style and stick with it.
  3. It has occurred to me that the left-wing bubble is a very soothing place for people who bend to their will. Think about Peter Strzok. Now think about the leftists claiming that Strzok deserves a Purple Heart. That's the leftist bubble, and people like Acosta are mayor of Nutbagtown. This is why they do it. They are adored within the bubble, at which time they can write a book and get everyone in the bubble to buy it, or start up a GoFundMe and get everyone in the bubble to fund it. Wealthy. Popular. Infamous. He's not just famous. He's IN-famous.
  4. When it comes to calling someone a sexual assaulter without evidence or conviction, you should leave that type of laziness to someone like, oh, Tim Graham. At least wait until he goes to court to face the charges. Oh, wait. There are no charges. Makes you wonder why....no?
  5. I'm really starting to warm up to this guy.
  6. Leftists are SO much fun to read after an election... A white woman telling white women they have no problem hurting black women. I wonder why she has no problem hurting black women?
  7. CA's top-two primary system is very frustrating. We had a handful of Dem vs. Dem races, not the least of which was Feinstein's senate seat. I know, I know. "If you don't like it, leave." I am.
  8. I suspect you're done posting over here for the time being, but wanted to post this thread from Twitter ffor you. Ignore where the writer is from; Breitbart died when Andrew died, but the points he makes are still very accurate. You even see people responding from Colorado. Click to read all his posts. It helps if you see what's coming...and it's coming to Colorado.
  9. Where all da white women at?
  10. When far left nutbags report the election results. That's a winning message, leftists. Clearly.
  11. Everybody's somebody, hombre. Even if you don't think so.
  12. It's a miracle! Karl Rove tonight counted 25 newly elected Dems who are Never Pelosi. I didn't even know that was a thing. Pelosi not far left enough?
  13. I don't know how Walker doesn't crush everyone in Wisconsin. The state is doing so well in terms of employment and growth. Yet he struggles every election.
  14. I love how they have a proposition to repeal the gas tax turns into "Vote No To Keep Our Roads Safe!" You need a lawyer to make sure you're reading them correctly. It's embarrassing.
  15. Nancy Pelosi promises unity.
  16. Can't imagine what surprises you'll find here. Maybe they repeal the gas tax, but I can't imagine much else.
  17. Many people from here are moving there. That's why you started to turn blue, and that's why you're about to turn deep blue over the next few years. Soon you'll have high property taxes, full sanctuary state status, and you'll be wondering where to move to get away from it. Parts of Texas are already ahead of your curve. You're next.
  18. Frankly I think the biggest story is something Baier just mentioned on Fox: what happened to Senators who voted against Kavanaugh. Dems completely screwed that up in embarrassing fashion, and have actually LOST Senate seats because of it. That's stunning to me.
  19. Juan Williams explained earlier that Gillum lost Florida because he's black, because Florida has brought in some 'deep south' people. Being a far left socialist didn't play a role.
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