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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Gee, anyone here surprised to find out the left is playing the race card...again? You know what would be funny? If they run to where Snipes is holed up with all the ballots, they knock on the door, and instead of Snipes, this guy answers the door and they realize they were played because Snipes is in another building still making up ballots. Rubio would sound like Shaggy: "Zionks! It looks like we fell for the ol' switcheroo, Scoob!"
  2. Not true. According to peace out, she and her partner TOTALLY planned for a three-month span without income. Even Stormy kept working. Just sayin'...there's money to be had if she really needs it.
  3. "Hurry up and fill out those ballots, people. I can't hold them off much longer!"
  4. Weird how a socialist ran out of other people's money.
  5. Man the number of peace out NPCs responding to that is incredible. They all say the same thing peace out says. It's weird. It's like they literally have no ability for independent thought.
  6. OMG, you are totes my BFF. We absolutely must get together for a selfie while you're here!
  7. So she planned to have no money when she needed it? Yeesh.
  8. But peace out says we should count all the votes! How can we count all the votes if Snipes can't count all the votes? Maybe she'll tell us once she's done counting them in private.
  9. She had the answer all along in her last interview with Jorge, who asked her how she planned to pay for everything and her answer, literally, was "You just pay it."
  10. OMG! You're, like, totes hysterical! Turd Cruz. The bunco girls are gonna be like "No, he dint!" and I'll be all like "Totes he did!" And then we'll laugh until one of them spots.
  11. Your inability to understand what happens to video when it is compressed is not a reason to blame the WH for altering the video. It's a reason to suspect you are not open to what happens to video when it is compressed. Read up. Learn. Educate yourself. Think independently. It's not that hard. Unless you're peace out or baskin.
  12. Unreal that Snipes is unable to do so by her own admission. Read the thread below. Some words have three syllables, so raise your hand if you need help comprehending.
  13. Maybe Beto can float her a loan. He's sitting on about $70M.
  14. Let me ask you this: forget for the moment what you believ the WH did...are you saying that in any version of the video you accept to be accurate, that you are okay with what Acosta did, both in his lack of questioning and pushing away of the girl? Can you admit what he did was okay with you?
  15. Totally grateful for the free rent we keep in your head to the extent that you would stop what you're doing to create this graphic.
  16. If only Acosta were a Republican-nominated SC justice. He'd be in prison right now for rape.
  17. People like Acosta are just leftists, but with a mic and camera crew. Much like the tibs/baskins/peace outs of the world, they're more interested in protecting the pack than recognizing how dysfunctional the pack actually is...
  18. Peace out calling someone "sheep." That's funny. Maybe call him a snowflake later.
  19. By Florida law, all absentee ballots must be recorded and reported 30 minutes after the polls close. As Rubio pointed out, areas that were crushed by storms had no problem getting this done, but somehow Snipes was completely incompetent to make it happen. To that extent, all absentee ballots should be brought into the hands of a bipartisan group to ensure they are all counted and recorded by laws, and Snipes should be no closer to that process than the nearest prison cell.
  20. Come get the guns, baskin. Let's see how that works out for you.
  21. This goes back to what I referenced yesterday about dealing with the left. There is no desire on their side to take the high road, to accept a loss, or to even remotely play fair, and I'm tired of the right letting this stuff go. It's time to make moves to ensure that every vote is real and genuinely accounted for. Every one. Let them cry about being disenfranchised. They're crying all the time anyway, so ignore them and do the right thing. It would help as well if we ensure that you don't get rewarded for stealing elections like the woman in FL, you go to prison.
  22. The post or the article he linked?
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