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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Only one reporter was brave enough to put himself in harm's way.
  2. WHAAATT???? Sammy Watkins won a sportsmanship award???? SOMEONE IN BUFFALO MUST BE FIRED NOW!!!!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE WWWAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Or something like that, I guess.
  3. During this last election, a politician's marketing team used names of sexual abuse victims in an advertisement. The marketing team simply pulled the names off of Facebook from a search, and never bothered to talk to any of the people identified in the ad. They're ass deep in lawsuits, but the damage is done because many of the victims didn't realize their comments were public, so they were outed to their abusers. In other cases, journalists would cite a twitter post someone made as part of a story, and reference their name and location. In political stories, it prompted protesters to track them down and make their life hellish. If you're going to use social media at this point, you're best served posting "Go Bills!" or "Nice recipe, Giada!" or "Happy Holidays!" and leave it at that.
  4. All I hear when her name is mentioned.
  5. Something tells me that after she called Arizona a 'meth lab' filled with 'crazy' people, the people of AZ will care little to find out she's also a liar.
  6. Berman looks like he knows where ALL the good restaurants are. I saw him in 2003 speak at John Butler's memorial. His left was messed up and he was walking with a cane. A lot of names there, actually, but I didn't actually 'meet them' as it wasn't the time.
  7. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places, because here they come. If you want to send us your address, we'll be happy to let them know you have some rooms waiting for them. That was a Shakira concert. I heard that was 9 days ago, but NFL/Sirius today said it was a month ago. Hard to imagine what the NFL has to do with moving the game. Mexico City generally packs the house, so now those tickets get refunded. On the other hand, it won't be difficult to sell out KC v Rams in LA.
  8. First, putting in Barkley only delays Allen's development. The kid needs to get reps to slow down the game. You have a chance to correct a lot of things between now and next year, and keeping him on the bench isn't going to help at this juncture because the season is essentially done. Second, referring to the coach as McDuffus indicates pretty clearly you're not going to be happy with whatever the coach does. Do you genuinely believe a guy who works his way up the ranks of the NFL to earn his spot as a HC, in a game that only has 32 such positions worldwide, is a dufus?
  9. We have plenty of people here begging for a new owner, new coaches, and new build, but look on the bright side...the Bills don't sound like this.
  10. I was kind of being a little facetious (I'm 56). I barely knew the band when I met him, and beyond a couple of radio hits, really don't know their stuff. Was always more of a Sinatra guy than anything else.
  11. Surprised no one posted a photo of the field. A complete wreck after a concert there.
  12. I ran into a guy and his girlfriend at an airport years ago while wearing a Bills jersey. He said he was a big Bills fan after hanging out with Kelly and other Bills at Kelly's house after a game. Turned out to be the leader of a band called Whitesnake. His girlfriend took my card and sent me a letter with photos of him and Kelly, Reed, Bruce. Still not sure who Whitesnake was, but they were famous, dammit.
  13. Two, probably. And earns big dollars. I mean BIG dollars. Lots of money to be made as a stay-at-home son, provided, of course, mom picks up the internet bill and keeps the mini-fridge stocked with Ho-Hos and Yoo-Hoos.
  14. I haven't been near LIC in years, so I ask this honestly: is there not a fear of displacing people there who ultimately won't be able to afford the area once Amazon moves in?
  15. To annoy people. It's all the rage with stay-at-home sons.
  16. You're mistaking original with accidental. C'mon. You can do it. Try harder.
  17. The board was fun back then. Now it's just a line of people wanting to gut the team with every incomplete pass. I blame the shut down of BBMB. Your son is likely learning what I learned quickly: there are three kinds of people they don't like in that neck of the woods: Italians, people from the North, and Italians from the North.
  18. Still waiting for an original thought. C'mon. You can do it.
  19. While I agree that there must be a lot of stress getting cut in a highly visible field, I think I'd struggle personally with sitting at home at the end of an ass-busting work day, turning on the TV, and finding three people sitting around a table on ESPN talking about how I should be fired from my job. Driving to work, listening to sports radio, and having people from my city talk about how much I suck at my job. Not sure how I'd deal with that, but I'm gonna go with "probably not well."
  20. We pick on Ocasio-Cortez, but she raises some valid points here in this thread.
  21. I don't know. So far everything he posts has an "I'm rubber, you're glue..." intelligence to it, but I'd be willing to see if he can construct an original thought any time soon. Point it out if you happen to see one.
  22. Starting to see details released on Amazon picking NYC and VA for HQ2. The tax incentives have people a little nuts, as does word that the Commonwealth will give Amazon a heads up on any FOIA requests. Incentives aside, I find it interesting that Amazon picked places with really high costs of living. Interested in PPP take on this.
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