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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I think the reason he hasn't been more in our faces is because he's been setting up the platform on which to be in our faces far more than just speeches and a quick a visit to the set of 60 minutes. Between his Netflix deal and Obama.org, he realizes he can be in our face via his own media company AND make gzillions via a more fluid media effort. He make me think of doing mushrooms in college; the longer you want for them to hit, the harder they hit you.
  2. It is for some, it's not for others. Jim is right in that beyond emergency supplies and wall mounts, there's little you can do with earthquakes other than worry you can get to a safe spot when one hits. Fires, on the other hand, don't care where you live. What happened in Paradise was the exception, not the rule. Most people get enough warning to pack up. Mudslides...well...you know what you get if you live in a mudslide area, so I'm not crying for those folks. Truth is, none of those things make CA a dangerous place to live. It's the people running the state, especially now that the lone bastion of red is now fully blue. Jim doesn't really care, in part because he's good with money and in another part because he understands he shouldn't reproduce. Having children in CA changes your view of the state for reasons too numerous to clog this thread. More to the point, I grew up plowing snow, and I can't wait to get the hell out of here and do it again. Tomato, tomahto. They also get to pass on their losses to their customers without question, following Brown's signature a few months ago.
  3. Try this... A) Your idea of sitting Allen until he's ready disagrees with your belief that you just put Allen in when Barkley starts to suck. Barkley is going to suck*, you're going to start Allen when he does, and that doesn't sound like a plan to only put him on the field when he's ready. Which is it? B) You can't learn to read in-game defenses from the bench, and that something he absolutely needs to learn quickly. C) No one said 'winning doesn't matter.' That's you moving goal posts. What I wrote was Barkley winning you a few games in a season in which the playoffs are virtually out of reach is a fool's mission. You're trying to make yourself feel better on Sundays, and forsaking the big picture. D)The 2019 Buffalo Bills pre-season starts Sunday. They get six extra games. Make them work...see how the last three games progress...so you know where you're going next year. *In the end, you're just hoping to have a better Sunday. You can do that if you have a plan beyond "Barkley is the best option." It starts by watching Barkley throw the ball against anyone other than the Jets. When he starts his throwing motion, you can get up, go to the kitchen, pour yourself a beer and eat three wings by the time the ball comes out of his hands. The Jets let him do that. The Jaguars will not.
  4. Listen, you have to make a choice: either let @Coach Tuesday jump in here and blubber something about "Fox News" and "alt right clowns" before he disappears for three months, or you can ask @Coach Tuesday a simple question about what he posted, and he can disappear for three months.
  5. When I want to reduce arm pit sweat, I just put a few people here on ignore.
  6. You're trying to establish a winning culture, which I get. I hate watching the team lose, but I'd rather watch them lose with an eye on getting Allen as many reps as possible than watch them squeak out another game or two with a guy who we all know will flame out faster than Ryan Fitzpatrick. There's a reason Barkley was making donuts when he got the call, and one game vs the Jets -- a team that has literally given up -- doesn't change that. So in the end, even if Barkley gets you another win or two or even three, it's not worth taking reps from Allen. He has an extra six games to get reps in a real game. You absolutely must get him in for the rest of the year and get a jump on next year. If he turns out to be the franchise QB for the Bills, then rest assured, whatever you lose on the merry-go-round you will make up on the carousel.
  7. And that would be Allen. Unless we get to play the Jets the rest of the year.
  8. I don't know about anything for the message board, but I have one after reading that article. TGWHOK - Thank God We Homeschool Our Kid
  9. I appreciate the support. And be honest, do you not look at the mayor of Portland and get the sense he loves watching Antifa attack the residents just trying to get home from work?
  10. No one should be surprised that a far-left publication is telling everyone not only what to say, but what they can expect the other person to say. Most leftists embrace it though because, let's be honest...thinking for themselves isn't their strong suit. (I know you lean left, but I'm not talking about you. I'm sure to leftists like tibs and peace out, you're one red hat away from a full-blown Nazi.)
  11. I have no idea what I just read, but damn if I don't think we should fire everyone at OBD and run the Pegulas out of town because of it!
  12. No, but let's be honest, Portland is the leader. Their mayor is the Chief George Earle who can't wait to take tighter control when someone commits a murder death kill on one of his little Simon Phoenix wannabes terrorizing the streets. And it will happen. One person will snap, kill one of those douchenozzles, and guess who will be the victim. Poor, poor antifa meth heads. And yes, that was a cheap Demolition Man reference, and no, I have no problem admitting I liked that movie.
  13. It's not your fault, Katy. It's us. We confused. And angry. And racist. And we have mommy issues. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't have global warming cooling climate change. And that's not me talking. That's Obama.org. And I think we all know there is no greater authority on confusion, anger, racism and mommy issues than Obama.org.
  14. Just in case anyone was wondering, the reason we don't address global warming cooling climate change is, because, well, America...you're angry, racist, and you have mommy issues. That's some bubble you live in, Barry.
  15. They make it difficult to find the things to vote for on a two-page ballot. You can't expect people to actually find the Senate race in the lower left corner of ballot any more we could ever expect...The Spanish Inquisition!
  16. Meanwhile, the NYTimes is going to show you how to have a discussion with your family on Thanksgiving. Just learn from the Angry Uncle Bot. No. Really. Launch the bot. Do you leftists EVER tire of how embarrassing you look to the rest of the world?
  17. And chose to deal with immigration instead of ass-f+ckling the country with the Affordable Care Act. What could have been, I guess.
  18. Or sooner. Watch the second video below. This is the American left now. Watch her closely.
  19. That's terrific. Great post. Unfortunately, I'm convinced there is no correction here. It has become bigger than most individuals will be able to successfully fight against. Which is why I spend less time trying to convert people and more time at the range working on accuracy.
  20. You can call it stupidity, but it's stupidity blanketed in leftist racism. Without the ability to group and identify people by the color of their skin, the Dems are left to their own message. They don't have a message, so they go full racism. The reason Stacy Abrams lost is because she's black. There simply is no other explanation. And the beautiful part of the Dem's standing race card excuse is that it is self-protecting. If you disagree or argue with it, you're a racist. If you try to explain how bad of a candidate Abrams was, you're a racist. Anything you say that doesn't conform to the Dem's view is, well, racism. It's the same reason Kim Young lost in CA. It's the same reason John James lost to Stabenow. No. Wait. That's not right. SHUT UP, RACISTS!!!
  21. Or what the rest of the world calls "The DNC Official Plan For America."
  22. Is it me or did @SDS specifically ask that this thread not devolve into another 'Woe is me. Allen sucks. We should have picked Mahomes!" thread. I mean, even if you're going to dismiss a request by an OP, maybe be more respectful to the wishes of the guy who literally created and hosts this message board. Just a suggestion. There are plenty of places to boo-hoo over Allen.
  23. Frankly, I'm less interested in the manager suing Chipotle than I an in someone tracking down the snotnozzles who tried to make this about race when they were known to steal from restaurants all the time. Maybe a night or two in prison will adjust their thinking. And hey, leftists, thanks for coordinating the kind of ready/shoot/aim stupidity we see these days in situations like this. You have your little squadron of SJW princesses in social media world to shame people and restaurants at high decibels without ever taking a simple breath to stop/think/assess/act.
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