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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Beats me. Actually, he beats his girlfriends, but that's a different issue.
  2. Sorry if posted elsewhere...there is for you, Shaw...
  3. Okay, but other than that it was stupid.
  4. How ridiculously stupid. They'd probably get a better return if they just lit the $10M on fire and let homeless people warm themselves around it.
  5. Well, yeah...after all, Uncle Joe says the country wants to put all the blacks back in chains.
  6. Funny. Nothing makes @TH3/baskin leave the board faster than asking him to explain himself.
  7. Don't care who they play Nothing more fun than watching Fish get the tea bag
  8. Question: why didn't the Dems do all of this during Obama's first two years when the left controlled everything? That would be the perfect time to provide a pathway for these wildly popular items. Answer: because the polls are crap because they're skewed to be a foil against the GOP when they are in control of everything.
  9. Avenatti: You see, Stormy, you're not the only person who can f*ck people for money.
  10. I think he's delusional to ask people to thank him for something he literally didn't do. Even for Obama, it's too much Obama.
  11. Probably as good a place to drop this as any. Raise your hand if you are even remotely surprised by this... Murphy Brown Cancelled After Historically Low Ratings
  12. I suspect they were able to join so quickly because the shut down of BBMB came so suddenly. TBD, in the past, used to be somewhat purposeful in allowing people to join. When BBMB shut down, TBD became the San Diego to BBMB's Tijuana. Also, there have always been people here spewing crap. The issue is the sheer number of them now. It's better after a win or two, but the next time the Bills lose, it'll be Tijuana all over again.
  13. That's not fear. That's delusion. He was never the smartest tool in the shed to begin with, but he has somehow crossed over to convincing himself that everything good happening in the country wouldn't have happened if it weren't for him. He's really just delusional but he's surrounded by NPCs who believe what he says, so no one will ever call him out to his face.
  14. Dude's lost his mind.
  15. Is that @john wawrow behind Hyde holding the My Little Princess recorder?
  16. Here it is... It appears Foster went into the Danger Zone, which, according to the speaker, are "your strippers, your red heads, anyone named Tiffany and your hairdressers."
  17. My understanding is that this accusation is from the same girlfriend, though I heard that on the radio and don't recall it in print, so I could be wrong. The sound clip from the coach on Sunday was, essentially, we don't care if he did it or not. We told him what we expected of him and he didn't do it. If it WAS the same girl, my understanding is that she admitted last time that she only did it because she was upset with him breaking up with her. You'd like to think at some point recently, Foster said something like, "Nah, babes, I'm gonna be busy in Tampa. Just stay here and we'll get together when I return after the game." I believe @DC Tom has an algorithm for determining levels of craziness in a woman.
  18. Obama is just so dreamy. Just ask him. He'll tell you.
  19. You can call it a stupid narrative all you want, but it doesn't jive with reality. Read again what I wrote about Vick above. Now ask yourself why Kap doesn't have a job? You think if an NFL team believed he was a winner, he wouldn't be on a team? Because if you do, you've spanked the stupid narrative right on the ass. NFL teams don't care about his politics any more than they care about Vick hanging dogs from trees. Kap has two problems, and they are both on him: (1) he's suing the NFL and (2) he doesn't want to be a back up. End of story. If he were good enough to warrant the money and be handed a starting position, neither of those would matter any more than the image of Michael Vick holding a dog's head in a buck of water. I'm sure the board is tired of this topic, and there is nothing you or I can contribute to move the discussion. We disagree on the topic, so let's not waste the board's bandwidth. But every time a team claims a dude like Foster, a Kap fan loses their wings and a day will come when this makes sense to all the Kap fans.
  20. Michael Vick trained dogs to kill each other, killed the losing dogs by hanging them with a nylon cord, electrocuting them, drowning them by holding their head in a buck of water, or just shooting the lucky ones before throwing their bodies into a dirt pit on his property. After prison he signed a multi-million dollar deal with the Eagles. Do you honestly think NFL teams are going to let Foster go because he doesn't know how to stay away from a girl who keeps accusing him of beating her? It's up to teams to determine if they want that kind of pig on their roster. Some teams don't care if guys are pigs. I'm very grateful the Bills aren't one of those teams. The difference is VIck and Stallworth could both play and win. Colin Kaerpernick sucks. I'm not justifying bringing back Vick or Stallworth. I'm just saying, at some point people will realize why no one wants Kap. It's because he sucks and won't sit in the 2 or 3 spot.
  21. I think the appeal of GMF is that they seem kind of upbeat about everything. They always seem to focus on the good stuff happening in the league. That said, there are a number of people here who don't like the idea that there appears to be some upbeat optimism about Allen. We should think about starting a TBD Angry Posts thread and nominate people who insist on being down no matter what the Bills do.
  22. Only in Hollywood.
  23. You're thinking of Roseanne Barr.
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