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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I don't remember when it happened in the game, but the Bills were backed up to the end zone, 3rd and 12, Allen escapes pressure, rolls to his left and while he's running, he hits Zay Jones for a first down, with Jones essentially holding his toes in bound as he falls out of bounds. If you watch that throw and still wonder if Allen will be a really good NFL QB, you're just lying to yourself. There are things to learn and progress to be made and plenty to work on, but damn...the dude is going to be terrific for years to come.
  2. A couple of unfortunate truths to what you're writing. First, as long as ad revenue and income is tied to clicks, this is going to get over-hyped. The fact that it's a famous, rich athlete only makes the need to over hype it worse because (a) people love to watch successful people fall and (b) most sports writers love to over hype the story because they have a hard time accepting that a guy with a football can make millions but a guy with a journalism card in his fedora makes peanuts. How many times, for example, do you hear talking heads in sports reference an athlete as, say, a $15 million left tackle or $60 million pitcher, etc. Second, the #metoo movement insists that you believe all women and punish all men, without the presumption of innocence, and especially when there's video. So in the age of #metoo, this can't be reported as some alcohol-soaked fight. It's simply horrific at multiple levels in the media because that's the corner they inked themselves into over the past few years. I think what Hunt did was disgusting. Other's think he just nudged the classless chick with his foot. None of that matters. It's going to get over hyped until next Tuesday.
  3. Given the way you keep defending Kareem, I'm pretty sure no one here is surprised to find you think you EX was the crazy one. Even a 15 year old gets it.
  4. You're a little unhinged by all of this. Fantasy team take a hit?
  5. Whataboutisms here!! Get'cher white hot whataboutisms here!!
  6. Yep. Outstanding decision by KC. Kareem will, undoubtedly, be playing for another team next year, but there was no other right choice: treat a woman like that, get sh!tcanned.
  7. Woman hang around looking for men like Hunt all the time, and men like Hunt hang around looking for women like her to pick up all the time., Let me know when any of that justifies what happened because, honestly, it sounds just a little like "The slut probably deserved it."
  8. Did she say she just met her that day? Oh, that makes Kareem look MUCH better...
  9. I suspect he'll be back soon to explain why the woman getting pushed around like that is good if the Bills can somehow send Shady to the Chiefs for a second.
  10. I thought he was trolling, too. But he's not. I never said it was a vile kick, but I will say everything he did was vile. One can only imagine what he would have done in private.
  11. It shouldn't be a question of whether it's a major assault move. You just don't do that to a woman. No matter what. He had multiple opportunties to walk away, and he chose not to. He should get canned from the league, but he won't. Again, if Michael Vick can get a multi-million dollar deal after hanging dogs from trees and holding their heads in buckets of water to drown them, I'm sure Kareem is bound for the Pro Bowl this year.
  12. So there are certain ways to kick an unarmed woman on the ground that are okay? And look, I saw her going after him. I saw her pushing him. The answer is to walk away 100% of the time. If she persists, go to the police. Something. Anything. But don't touch the girl, and DON'T kick her...lightly or otherwise...when she's down. What the hell, people?
  13. I watched the video, and maybe we were just raised differently, but you don't ever, ever, ever shove or kick or do anything to a woman who is on the ground except either help them up or, if you're scared of her, walk away. There is literally NO excuse for what he did. How the hell do you defend that? That's ridiculous.
  14. The guy that KICKED her while she was on the ground WAS Kareem. And you seem to be good with kicking an unarmed woman while she's on the ground. That's what I'm getting out of this.
  15. So if your ex is on ground, unarmed, you are okay with kicking her. Because that's what I watched, and that seems to be what you're defending. Literally kicking a woman while she's down.
  16. I'm going to assume you're trolling here, right? Right? This is trolling?
  17. Not a haiku, but poetry nonetheless...
  18. How many people on the left right now are wishing they never opened their wallets for Stormy or Avenatti? But, who is surprised that a old prostitute turned out to be a bad mouthpiece for the left? I mean, other than the left.
  19. The mods here are are a bit more loose than over there. PPP wouldn't work if we couldn't quote "Tropic Thunder." The death of BBMB turned TBD into a crowded space where the SJW voice rises up quickly.
  20. Did you call them a retard here or on the football side?
  21. She went full retard.
  22. The reason it works is because there are so many white leftists who are relentless in their desire to suggest successful white men only got that way because they were white and male. They are literally stupid enough to believe and suggest that there is literally no way a white male could be successful if you were to eliminate the white and the male. Their stupidity jumps to new heights when states like CA create laws that mandate a woman must be on the board of public companies. And when you challenge these dolts by suggesting it should then be okay if one of the men on the board already identifies as a woman...their brains melt, because they will forever be too stupid to think for themselves to the extent they can see their own hypocrisies.
  23. My favorite was her famous "I ain't no ways tarred!" So ridiculous.
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