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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. As long as we protect our natural race horses and endangered feces!
  2. She reminds me of Emily Litella. "I don't understand what all this hubub is about with youth in Asia. Why would anyone have a problem with youth in Asia?"
  3. We should just have a snowy plover vs. delta smelt steel-cage death match. If the delta smelt wins, the dogs get their beach back. If the snowy plover wins, the central valley can have water for farming.
  4. One got almost three-quarters of a million dollars in GoFundMe donations, and one was sexually abused.
  5. It will be interesting to see if the firing of DeFilippo isn't addition by subtraction. Even as a fan who has essentially no rooting interest in Minnesota, I groaned every time they had a 3rd and short vs. Seattle and DeFilippo kept calling a passing play, none of which worked because Seattle just went after Cousins like a bat out of hell. It was some of the worst play calling I've seen in years, and that cost them the game far more than Cousins, in my little opinion.
  6. Every year someone on the board asks this question, and every year I think THIS will be the year that someone else was with me watching the game with the Orlando Bills Backers. Maybe this year. Great group. When the Bills scored their first touchdown of the second half, one of our friends was in the bathroom. He ran out when everyone was cheering. When he returned to the bathroom, the Bills scored their second touchdown, at which point we made him stay in the bathroom, convinced that his actions were pleasing the football gods. So if you ever meet a guy who tells you he spent the entire second half of the game in a sports bar bathroom, tell him I said hi.
  7. Exactly correct. Unfortunately, many young fans have no patience and must have everything immediately. They only understand that they aren't getting what others seem to be getting at this very singular moment in time, and are constantly bemoaning the things over which they have no control "We should have Mahomes. We should have JuJu. Why is everyone else happy but me???" The only way you're not giddy about what you're seeing is because you choose not to be. That doesn't mean we don't see areas for improvement, and have areas for concern. Starting with special teams. But damn, people, enjoy this journey.
  8. When the dust clears,though, he'll haves 5 first round picks for the next two years.
  9. I think that's the first time you posted without mentioning Peterman. Such growth. Keep up the good work. Thanks for making me optimistic about our team.
  10. It's stunning to me that you bring up Peterman all the time. You're literally two posts away from yelling "LACES OUT, DAN! LACES OUT!" Give it up. The error was altered. Now you're just a one-note poster who can't think beyond "PETERMAN!!!!"
  11. What I'm trying to say is that no one -- not you, a know-it-all in Miami or NJ -- has one smidgen of an idea what the future holds. Literally none. Not even a little. So to assume the Bills will always suck more than the Fish and Jets is simply nothing more than a disappointed ego mixed with a relatively simple ability to post on a message board. That's it. And for the record, the primary reason the Bills lost today -- a reason even Ronnie Milsap could see -- is special teams. Period. Not the only reason, but the primary reason. I keep cheering for the Bills to win. Thanks. Have a great day.
  12. That post was meant for people who can see beyond today. Cheers. Enjoy the rest of the day.
  13. Apologies if this was posted elsewhere...kind of hysterical.
  14. All this AND you got to watch Gronk run like Herman Munster on the final play.
  15. Anything to keep Gase as HC. Just like I hope Darnold saves Bowles' job.
  16. TBD minus @Joeziehmer. I can dig it.
  17. It reminds me of the tongue-in-cheek comment I'm always using whenever OJ's name comes up. The dude was a ground-breaking football player who went on to show his global marketability with TV commercials before landing iconic roles in an iconic movie franchise. He thrilled and entertained us for over two decades. The guy had ONE bad night and suddenly people don't like him?
  18. You spell words funny. No offence.
  19. That's kinda funny. I got about half way through the article, really diggin' the story, when it dawned on me that for all I know, this writer is really my first wife using a different name. I'm a homer, so he sort of writes what I want to read. I especially agree with his highlight of Allen's endzone throw to Zay Jones as a masterful highlight. Then I look and think "What the hell is The Ringer?" and "Who the hell is Rodger Sherman?" before I remind myself that it doesn't really matter whatever the hell they are, because they're not the two-loonie Landing Strip dancer across the bridge known as ESPN, so I'll take it.
  20. I don't know, but I know one thing: it ain't Ramsey's fault.
  21. Man, when you pick a lost cause, you really latch on.
  22. No one really needs to bag on Ramsey because as much as he talks, he remains on a team that is about to get blown up. They went from one game removed from the SB to a complete sh!!tshow in less than a year. They extended Bortles only to have him benched. They fired Hackett but kept Marrone. The players have clearly quit on the coaches. And I would disagree with the idea that Kessler looked good last night. Aikman kept talking about it being a good showing, but all I saw was an average backup at best.
  23. Can't believe how blue OC became so quickly. I'm picking a good time to move.
  24. Nope. Kamala is getting a bulk of the Planned Parenthood money and has a lot of people behind her after the Daleiden raid. Don't count her out. If she'll suck Willie Brown to gain power, she'll do anything.
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