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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. As a small business owner in dire need of CA getting back to work, this is absolutely infuriating to me. How do you not behave with more purpose to opening things up? How do you look at the current CA Covid rates and believe "there is no green light." But mark my words, Newsom will get re-elected in a landslide.
  2. And still having trouble reading teleprompters.
  3. Biden having trouble understanding what he is reading on a teleprompter. Adds "end of quote" to his speech.
  4. Biden Press Conference to address fake Atlantic story.
  5. I believe the proper leftist term is "props."
  6. You are as disingenuous as you are lacking in original thought. It's as simple as this: You are going to vote for an old, angry white man who is a accused of sexual assault and who is on undeniably on record as being a racist. You can not deny any of that. Tara Reade is inconsequential to you. Telling black people 'they ain't black" is inconsequential to you. Stumping for a high-level KKK grand master is inconsequential to you. You accuse others of your behavior, but accept in yourself because you have no spine. So perhaps you should look inward at your own flaws rather than to create flaws about others that are simply untrue, like you posted above. Lie less. Think more. Give it a try.
  7. And here we have the ever-predictable leftist explanation that it doesn't matter if the sources are named, the quotes completely SOUNDS like Trump, so they must be true!!! I can't recall a more embarrassing time to be a leftist.
  8. Atlantic won't release names of anonymous sources because they don't want to subject the sources to angry tweets! Leftists, you have lost your effin' minds. This story is quickly falling apart. Dozens of people on the record -- people who were there -- denying it in public. What's your next hoax, leftists? Hurry up! You only have a couple of months!
  9. Trump would shoot us? WTF, people? Have you completely lost you minds?
  10. Damn, Even John Bolton disproves the story. And we all know how much the left believes John Bolton! Do the leftists here no longer believe a named source, and prefer to stick with anonymous sources?
  11. Tell everyone, please, how you are individually and especially capable of determining when Trump does or doesn't 'mean it' when he speaks against white supremacy. Also, please provide two or three samples of him being a bigot. Try to avoid using the "very fine people" line from Charlottesville that has been repeatedly debunked. Aaaaaaand GO!
  12. The Red Zone channel is so good you virtually never hear anyone make fun of the guy's ears.
  13. What if I told you that in addition to getting her hair done, she was there for a Brazilian wax, too?
  14. Tried the Twitter avenue this year, and it was a bit wonky in that it took a while for responses, and each response came from a different person, but ultimately the dude gave me a number and his extension, got right through. Told him was trying to understand why there was a 0 dollar line item on my last bill for Sunday Ticket Max. He said they'll start charging for it with the next bill, but hey, you've been with us since '96, let me see what I can do. Free Sunday Ticket Max, $70 off a month for 12 months. I asked him if he had anything he could do for HBO, and gave us three free months. Fastest, easiest call I've made in years.
  15. Did you know Jacob Blake had a warrant out for phingerphuycking the woman who called 911, sniffing his finger and telling her it smelled like other men had been there? Coincindentally, BIden is accused of phingerphuycking Tara Reade against her will after pushing her up against a wall. Sounds like they have a lot to talk about.
  16. I don't know who would say something like this, but I know someone who would give the command to release that story today.
  17. Just relax, Joe, and Jill will tell you what to do next.
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