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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. I suspect you're just trolling for lack of anything else to do today, but Deflategate cost the team a million dollars, a first round pick, a Brady suspended for four games. They win because they cheat, and they pay penalties because they got caught cheating, and if you honestly are unable to see them for the cheaters that they are, then it tells me you're just trying to pick up another shemale off the street in a Brady* jersey.
  2. Is there anything funnier on a Monday morning than reading game day posts from Pats* fans complainin that the refs have it in for their team?
  3. No. The only time I ever pull for another team is when they're either playing divisional foes or I have them in a pool or bet. I really like Philip Rivers, and would like to see him get a ring, but otherwise their fan bases are casual at best. Yes, they have some die hards, but nothing like fans for Bills, Steelers, Browns, etc, mostly because they have so many teams in all the other major sports...if you ain't winning, you ain't getting the local love.
  4. When did the Rams pick up McKelvin? Not only that, but McDermott completely Peterman mugergle quarterback McClappy urgle process fire everyone!!! Amirite or amirite?
  5. Few people are faster to piss in your cheerios after a win than an online Bills fan. Well done. Don't forget to kick the dog on your way to bed. Damn, some of you people are just miserable asshats.
  6. They're missing a number. It's -13. That's too big of a number.
  7. I'll never understand people's obsession with this ridiculous stat. He had 366 all-purpose yard vs. the Fish -- literally twice the entire Fish offense-- and still lost. He had 307 all-purpose yards vs. the Jets -- almost 60 yards more than the entire Jets offense -- and still lost. Turnovers, sacks, penalties, etc. If you don't fix them, the only thing a 300-yard game does is make some people think he's a good quarterback. It's useless.
  8. Because it was his primary campaign issue. That's it. Nothing more or less. He traveled the country and told everyone he was going keep people from waltzing across an imaginary border to keep our country safer. It wasn't some hokey bumper sticker 'hope and change' or 'healing the planet' or 'receding oceans.' Build a wall. Keep our criminals. Make the country safer. And again, as we saw under Obama, shutting down the government is no big deal provided Trump doesn't turn into a douche and intentionally make it difficult for a few people to get them to whine.
  9. I have to admit, I'm happy to see the pushback the snowflakes are getting for somehow thinking this song is in any way offensive. It's almost like there is some kind of snowflake award that they think they can win by whining about the most ridiculous stuff. Maybe next year they'll start whining about how global warming is killing Frosty.,
  10. She would probably sell more tickets if her husband were with her. Wait. Check that. Nevermind.
  11. On any issue? No. On this issue? Yes. It's worth the fight. It's why he got elected. To build a wall. Not to mention, everyone knows shutting down the government means nothing. My hope would be that Trump would at least not be such a monstrous douche as to kick vets out of national monuments because that's very, very petty and you need to be a huge douche to do something that stupid to make a point.
  12. Not to mention, everyone knows McClappy is not made to Mahomes urlgle Peterman clap murgle process mumblebubmle, am I right?
  13. I look forward to watching this take place from the comfort of another state.
  14. I understand we're conditioned to get our ***** kicked by NE in NE, and I'm not particularly optimistic myself, but the Bills kept it a one-score game into the fourth quarter with a guy under center who was picked up the week before bagging groceries at the Piggly Wiggly.
  15. McD would have gone for two, but he'd call a play for Allen to throw to Benjamin, even though he's no longer on the team, right before telling everyone in the post-game interview that he should be fired because Mahomes, Peterman, process and he claps.
  16. He looks like he's two Botox shots away from being a Sylvester Stallone action figure.
  17. Maybe, but that's Bradshaw these days. If you get a chance to watch a show called "Better Late Than Never," you'll probably find (at least I did) that he's just a freaking goofball with little or no care about what basic protocol requires. It's pretty funny actually.
  18. If you make this place 18+, you lose virtually all of your Democrats.
  19. Not sure if you realize this or not, but the number of people who genuinely care whether the government is shut down can fit on the head of a pin, and the number of people who care who's to blame is even smaller. Get out. Walk around. Do some Christmas shopping. Visit some friends. Spread some cheer. It won't take long for you to figure out how little anyone cares about this. They may actually care about Russia more than they care about this. THAT is how little people care. They didn't care about it when Obama shut it down, and they won't care about it when Trump shuts it down. Find something significant to boo-hoo about.
  20. One of my earliest journalism assignments years ago (mid 80s) involved the death of two teenage boys and a Boy Scout camp caretaker formerly convicted of pedophilia in McDowell County in NC. Dude's name was James Keith Ross. Two teen-age boys visited the camp when only the caretaker was there, ended up missing, police hunt ensued, and the caretaker ultimately led the police to an oil pit where he buried the boys. Both boys were executed, and beyond the fact that the guy admitted he did it, the weirdest evidence was the gun he used to kill them had hair from both boys, and pub1c* hairs from the caretaker, stuck to the gun barrel with blood. Needless to say, in that part of NC, people were out for blood. They burned down the house the guy lived in on the campground. It was crazy town, which is saying a lot for a place like McDowell County. *Really? We can't type pub1c hairs here?
  21. They're not teaching my child.
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