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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Outstanding idea. Plus, you have the added benefit of all the families being minorities, because no one is better at helping separating minority families than Planned Parenthood.
  2. It's right up there with Nancy Pelosi's Catholic belief that all of God's children at the border need our help or they will die, but feel free to abort your own whenever you want.
  3. I can still hear Obama explaining that the reason Obamacare was unpopular was because he just didn't explain it in a manner that everyone could understand. I can still hear Hillary explaining that the reason she lost the election was because women were doing what the men in their lives told them to do.
  4. Is there a reason you always pop over here, write something stupid, and then disappear for a month or two? Are you bored? Are you scared? Are you worried? What value do you think you bring to the discussion? Please elaborate. We'll wait.
  5. The exclamation point to this entire topic is that still, to this day, the left has no idea how Trump won. No idea. Not one. It's impossible for them to accept that anyone other than Hillary would have beaten Trump. And the beauty of it all is that they could still have Hillary at the top of their 2020 ticket because stupid has a home at DNC headquarters.
  6. This is quite the thread. Is there no one on the left capable of helping everyone else on the left see how unhinged and ridiculous they are? It's like you're all begging for him to get re-elected. Hell, some of us will vote for him just to watch this epic meltdown continue for another four years. We get it. You hate him. If you want him gone, stop pissing your diapers every time he tweets something and find people who can come up with a message to compete with him. Or keep pissing your diapers. It's equally entertaining for those of us not enslaved by the platform of the left.
  7. This type of comment couldn't be more tiresome if you squeezed in the word 'meh' somewhere. I really wish BBMB never closed shop.
  8. My own take is that you're misinterpreting what he means with his statement. I'm a terrible golfer, and a friend of mine once explained that just because I was out of a hole was no reason to pick up. Take advantage of the opportunity to work on your game, be it long, short, trap or putting. Nothing simulates real game experience like a real game. There will be a time when they will need that first down more than they did vs. the Lions. It was a chance to get film on something which meant nothing to the BIlls current season, but could help for next year.
  9. Now here's a groovy kind of dude in a happenin' kind of way.
  10. Make no mistake. It's definitely me. I think they look ridiculous. Though, maybe it's less about the earphones looking ridiculous and more the people looking ridiculous because so many are trying to look hip.
  11. And they look marvelous with any holiday ensemble! They must be good. The last time I was in NYC (a few months ago), it seemed like it was mandated by the state that everyone must wear them.
  12. I'm not talking about organizations. I'm talking about culture. The culture at OBD...one of mutual respect, "lift and encourage," and faith...would help someone like Gordon get on a faster track than the culture in NE*, which, under Bellicheck*, is one of almost exclusively "what have you done for me lately?" and "We don't care about your demons if you can help us win." That may be good for Ws, but as a culture is does nothing to help Gordon until he's made to step away, whether he likes it or not. Again...just to clarify...the comment I responded to was about culture that would "get him back on track." Not organizations.
  13. I know my opinion is mostly one borne through copious wifey messages that start with, "Dammit, I just updated my ios and now my iPad won't (fill in the blank). I have to go to the Apple store." There's a reason the Apple store looks a Tijuana border entry every time a new iPhone is released, and there is no denying the pull of the product. Plus, you've gotta give credit to a company that can get grown men to walk around wearing white earrings after Labor Day.
  14. While I recognize the sarcasm here, the reality is that in Gordon's world of employment, the Bills' 'culture' would provide him a much more successful path to getting back on track than the one he is leaving. They knew his problem, but played him anyway. They don't care about Gordon any more than they care when the McRib comes back.
  15. Funny. I was going here.
  16. I love mine and got one for my wife, who has always used an iPad moved to a Surface Pro. She can't believe how much more reliable and useful it is. Office 365, etc. is SO much better than whatever Apple tries to mimic. Updates don't turn her device into a brick. Great battery, etc. If you want to chat with your grandmother, get an Apple. If you're an adult, go MS.
  17. Clark, that's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.
  18. Crappy product for a crappy Oline. Makes sense.
  19. Gee, I'm surprised you're watching a game and focusing on who's going to lose. You're usually so optimistic.
  20. Can't speak for him, but no way you lay 13 in pretty much any game at this point in the season. In spite of the whiners, the Bills are playing hard and the Pats* are half the team they used to be. Granted, I would stay away from the game, altogether, but Pats* -13 is a crappy bet.
  21. Exactly. ANYONE who really follows football, let alone keeps an eye on the Seahawks, would never make that bet. Seahawks have the ability to beat anyone...and lose to anyone...at any given time this year. Moneyline bet or not, it was a stupid bet.
  22. I suspect the short answer is that conservatives tend to be Christians, and most liberals hate Christians and have successfully pushed the false narrative that Christians believe being gay is a sin. They're helped by nutbag evangelists, conservative or otherwise, who are no better than liberals at misinterpreting the Bible. This is further helped by some evangelists who have decided that performing gay marriages is good for business, and who suggest that, y'know, it's wrong to forbid people to marry simply because of "some 2000 year old letters." Oddly, while they love to piss on Christians, liberals LOVE to embrace Muslims, who enjoy throwing gays from rooftops and hanging them from trees. Which is why more people are starting to see liberalism as nothing by a bunch hypocrites unable to think for themselves. No. That's not true, because the few fringe lunatics are some of the biggest voices in the DNC. From Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer to Linda Sarsour. Ask Pelosi, who claims to be a Catholic, what she thinks of gay marriage and abortion. That's your fringe lunatic.
  23. Same here. Pure gibberish in every post. And it's not even in the realm of "Are you drunk?" It's more like Brad Pitt "Twelve Monkeys" type stuff.
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