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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. And here's another wonderful story about another CA illegal recently released by ICE going on a rampage in Visalia, leaving two people dead.
  2. Brutal thread. Read it all. Once again we see the Democratic party FOREVER more concerned about gang-banger cop murderers than they would EVER be concerned about a man who came to the US legally to be a cop.
  3. This is for @Tiberius. We know how much you enjoy laughing at military being killed. Perhaps you'll get a chuckle watching this family cry while the chief explains how an illegal gang banger alien with two DUIs was still in the country and able to murder a local cop in cold blood. C'mon, leftists. Tell us about the poor illegal families being separated at the border but chuckle at the legal family just separated from their father.
  4. Getting dope legalized here was a no brainer. I've lived up and down this coast, and no one ever worried about smoking it where ever they pleased. Legalizing it was just a formality. But there's a difference between making it legal in my town and making it available in my town. No one in Sacramento would ever be smart enough to predict that, but it didn't stop them from predicting how much it would bring in and spending that money before they had it. Suddenly, all the people in Rancho PV, Malibu and Beverly Hills who are happy with legal dope don't want dispensaries in their neighborhoods. And presto! Another CA tax coming up to make up for the taxes they're not getting from the dope. Maybe another nickel on the gas tax will do the trick.
  5. CA Women's March cancelled because the women are too white.
  6. I think how much money someone spends on their team is a terrible measuring stick in the sense that you or I are not as big a fan as, say, Pinto Ron. I'm not going to feel badly about not spending money to see the Bills play Arizona. Financial priorities are different for everyone. From my cheap seats, fandom is better measured by how closely you follow the team, all year long. At my last job I worked with a guy who insisted he was a Bills fan, but every Monday he'd greet me with "How'd the BIlls do this weekend?" I've met older Pats* fans who never heard of Steve Grogan. But I meet Packer and Steeler fans who can cite their team's last 10 draft picks, where they pick in April, and what positions they'd like to see addressed. I'm not saying you need to be Encyclopedia Brown. I'd like to think the basic true fan watches/follows every weekend; keeps an eye on teams in the division, has a jersey or two, and maybe even some Zubaz.
  7. I had no idea @Coach Tuesday worked at a vape shop.
  8. So what you're saying is even Canadian hockey players would rather live in America and play for a winner? Can't say I blame them. Must be hard to live in a country where everyone elected the Village People as prime minister.
  9. There is only one thing I can accurately predict for the next year: a louder, more shrill leftist meltdown about everything Trump because the left is ridiculously convinced that their meltdown helps their chances in 2020.
  10. There have been many times in the past two years when I have read, watched or heard Trump do something that made my shoulders slump, my head spin, and my inner embarrassment meter to wail like a London police car siren. Then I repeat the three words you posted above, and I remember how much worse everything could have been, and I sleep like a baby.
  11. I'm sure Clinton would be happy to stand in.
  12. People aren't near as stupid as the left believes they are. They remember the big takeaway the last time there was a shutdown; Obama yelled "Get off my lawn" to a bunch of vets at a national monument. That's it. No one cares. Not even a little.
  13. In all fairness, virtually nobody cares about Pelosi's vacation. Virtually nobody cares about the shutdown. The holidays are my most social time of my year, and not one person at any gathering of any measure once mentioned Trump, migrants, shutdown, caravans, Pelosi, Shumer...none of it. Because no one cares except the people in DC and the media. And no one WILL care until such a time as the left has a message that is not exclusively 'Orange Man Bad." That is all they have, and people have tuned all of it out. Until they have a message, one thing remains true: No. One. Cares.
  14. It's funny to me that Canada is critical of the US president after putting this guy in office.
  15. Get out. Walk around. Visit friends. There is no chaos except in the minds of the unhinged left driven by an unhinged media.
  16. I'm not sure where you pulled your "95% untruths" from. It sounds more resentful than factual, but feel free to provide a link. The press should absolutely call him out on his lies. They should call out every president on their lies. Unfortunately, that's not what the press does consistently. Few people told lies like Obama, and yet he was fawned over and protected by the press, who ignored his thin line between imply and infer. Few people launder money and drive corruption like the Clintons, but the press refused to give them the attention they deserved for their misdeeds. Trump lies. Obama lies. Clintons lie. McCain lied. Bushes lied. THEY ALL LIED. What makes it embarrassing is that the medial almost EXCLUSIVELY goes after GOP. Or, as the media would put it...if you're a Democrat and you like your lies, you can keep your lies...
  17. About four months and counting before the state is officially in my rear-view mirror. This is one of the many reasons why.
  18. That you're unable to see the individual criticisms of him here by "you guys" speaks more about you than anyone else. Most of "you guys" have been very critical of him on many items, not the least of which is his incessant need to troll the left via Twitter by calling people names like a 12-year-old. If you were honest with yourself, you'd see it. But then again, as a devout leftist, independent thought really isn't your bag. Of course it does, but do you honestly think the media, in general, would treat him better if all he did was speak truth or not exaggerate? They absolutely despise him for (1) taking away Hillary's anointed crown and (2) being unable to recognize and accept the critical role they played in getting him elected (starting with the immense coverage they gave to everything he said in the primaries in hopes he WOULD get the GOP nod so Hillary could wipe the floor with him). The media, in general, has torched every GOP-anything for years. Trump just plays them for the fools they are via Twitter, so everything seems bigger.
  19. This is a ridiculous statement because there is no state that deserves to have an officer murdered for simply handling a DUI investigation. In fact, to remarkably make the tragedy worse, few in this state will give two schitts about the cop being killed, so nothing will really be done to help the family or city beyond a few pretend words to console. Sadly, if this were reversed and the cop killed the illegal, the state would be on fire with the horrible abuse of undocumented workers who are only here to break the DUI laws that Americans don't want to break. These are the same people who think the border patrol is somehow responsible for the death of a child who was dragged through 1500 miles of trashlands to get to Tijuana.
  20. You leftists have lost your freaking minds.
  21. CA Cop killed by illegal. I suspect leftists see this as a win-win: one escaped illegal and one dead cop.
  22. She has essentially become the @Coach Tuesday of the DNC. Every month or so she jumps in, says something embarrassingly stupid, and then disappears for two months before anyone can ask a follow up question.
  23. Anyone who follows politics, Trump or otherwise, knows he is full of crap much of the time. What I find amusing is that after 8 years of Obama, the left suddenly has a problem with it.
  24. This really screwed up my partner's trip to see family in London that day. Not only did his have to delay his travel to the 23rd, the new ticket doubled in cost.
  25. Has CNN posted this video of Trump's visit yet?
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