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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Very encouraged to see McBeane can make the necessary changes without getting romantic about the friends they've hired. Churning the roster. Churning the staff. Not standing still. Admitting errors. Always looking to improve. Hard not to like this staff (though I know many of you make a living out of it). I rest my case.
  2. I always see a couple of dudes on TV at games wearing Bills versions of those hats. Always cracks me up, but secretly leads me to wishing I had one.
  3. So the left is going to turn 2019 in a year-long Kavanaugh hearing? Interesting plan.
  4. I wonder if this had anything to do with the networks not broadcasting every single freaking game's national anthem to show who was kneeling. Wouldn't surprise me.
  5. While we wait for confirmation, I'm genuinely not certain how he made it through last year, let alone this year. My memory is hazy, but I seem to recall last year we lost two onside kicks in back-to-back games...or at least close to each other. A planned onside kick has something like a 20% success rate. Losing two of them is ridiculous. Where are you Bobby April?
  6. It's actually very easy to make sense of those who bag on Allen. I've said it repeatedly: few things are easier than predicting failure in the NFL. There are so many things that have to work for anyone to be successful at this sport that failure shouldn't be predicted...it should be expected. Most fans recognize this and can happily applaud even the onset of success, like Allen being in on 5 TDs in one game. But some people just can't do that. That wasn't success to them because the QB at Onondaga Community College could do the same thing vs. that Fish team. So bagging on Allen is low-hanging fruit that can easily get people to the ultimate pay out: telling everyone "I told you so."
  7. There are a lot of things about leftists that clearly exhibit their inability to think for themselves, but few are as successful at displaying this than the Bernie and Liz lovers. Collectively worth millions, with multiple houses, both 1%'ers convince mindless followers that the 1%'ers are to blame for the country's problems, and that only Bernie and Warren can fix that problem. It's embarrassing, but funny. Like watching someone you don't like walking around with used toilet paper stuck to their shoe.
  8. Sarcasm. Life's too short to be cynical about my sports team.
  9. I don't know, but they better not fire Tomlin because we're running out of black coaches and people are starting to notice.
  10. The difference between us is I don't care whether I'm right or wrong so long as I'm enjoying the ride, because I'm smart enough to know there is nothing I can do to change what happens at OBD except stop watching the team, and that's not an option for me. But hey...you keep thinking you know more than actual coaches and players, and I'll keep enjoying the moments the team provides. Happy New Year!
  11. Are you suggesting that the opinions of Cowher and Esaison are no better than the ones posted by your average TBD stay-at-home son? Look. I get it. Some of you just refuse to be optimistic. You've been hurt before and don't want to be fooled again. It's okay. I'm enjoying this enough for both of us AND our extended families.
  12. If it were really about race, then why would the owners have hired them in the first place? I dig ya, Nate, but think first, then opine.
  13. The Cowher/Esaison lovefest on the Bills yesterday was truly something to watch and hear. Simms was grinning as if to say "You guys are crazy," but he jumped in as well. Of course, when it comes to evaluating HCs and quarterbacks, none of them know anything, so I'll continue to trust the words of people who call our coach 'McClappy' and suggest Allen only did yesterday what the quarterback at Onondaga Community College could have done.
  14. This is probably just a personal thing, but as I watch Elway running the Broncos into the ground, I'm reminded how glad I am that the Bills never hired Frank Reich. Both have golden legacies in the town of their former team. Given the way fans will skin anyone alive, it would be unfortunate to watch Bills fans piss all over Reich after a loss, or bad clock management, etc. Being an unapologetic homer, I have to wonder how much it would suck for homer Bronco fans to listen to other fans want their greatest quarterback to be drawn and quartered at a tailgate.
  15. Yes, but I read here today that Allen's five touchdowns would have easily been done by both his grandmother and the quarterback at Onondaga Community College, so let's not get too optimistic because optimism is for suckers.
  16. He wasn't a douche back then. At least not that I noticed. It's curious to see how he became a classless cheap shot artist. Quite the contrast to Kyle Williams' day.
  17. All you have to do is say "No, I'm incapable of a simple, basic, humane thought." That's all you gotta say. Or maybe try to sound more like Mark Kelso. But wishing him to leave a game Shazier style? Grow up.
  18. Did anyone catch the Jets/Pats* game? How the hell did the Jets only put up 3 points?
  19. Is it really necessary to post every dumbass thought that pops into your noggin'? Try harder.
  20. I don't know. From what I'm told, he's no better than the QB at Onondaga Community College.
  21. Making ugly strippers a profitable career?
  22. Dressing like the Village People?
  23. So what you're saying is Canada sucks at drafting hockey players? Is there anything Canada can't suck at?
  24. I have learned to forgive the Buffalo Bills for a lot of things, but shutting down BBMB is not one of them.
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