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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Dems Pelosi, Shumer, Obama, Clinton all call for wall to be built. GOP President calls for wall to be built. #Orangemanbad Even a simpleton like Tibs can see the hypocrisy...if he wants to. He chooses hypocrisy.
  2. Appearance by Greg?
  3. Don't worry. They'll like him again once he starts winning. And by winning, we mean throwing 300+ yards in a game regardless of the outcome.
  4. Don't worry, NYT. Your leader is going to pick up the tab for people who can't afford health costs...including illegals. New York. Trying to out-California California.
  5. For one, it means cameras will be on the wall. No matter what you think of Trump, the only cameras down there have been by whining networks staging photos of children running from tear gas.
  6. Funny. Trump changes his mind, and it's the adults reigning him in. Obama and Biden changed their mind all the time, and it was called "evolving." Thanks for the chuckle, though. Leftists are nothing if not consistently hypocritical. And hey...our allies can go eff themselves. Cut off their money and let's see how confident they feel in his leadership.
  7. The only relationship I have with the local teams is using their stadium when the Bills visit. Beyond that, I cheer for Philip Rivers fan due to his unconventional approach to everything from his throwing motion to his trash talking. I see a bit of him in Josh Allen, attitude-wise. Rams fans are fine, but the stadium is near a schitthole and you don't want to go there if you can't carry a weapon with you. Raider fans are the worst. I hope they die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. (Would you like a cookie, son?)
  8. Interesting conversation. I wonder if we'd still be having it if Parkey hits that field goal yesterday.
  9. I find it interesting that after 28 years, watching a game in which I literally had no rooting interest in any measure, my heart sunk when he missed that kick.
  10. This is the truth. Bellicheck* could build a boat out of the hides he's collected of rookie QBs in his stadium.
  11. The problem with AB, unfortunately, is (to quote some talking NFL talking head) in the NFL, your greatest ability is your availability. Pouting and skipping a must-win-to-get-in game over bruised feelings is just not acceptable, no matter how far he takes you before he quits on you. I know some feel like it was isolated, but to me, anyway, it's no different than listening to a woman tell you that she and her new boyfriend are officially exclusive now that he got caught by his last girlfriend cheating with the woman.
  12. You think my contention that having a 300-yard game equates to a 50/50 chance of winning is extreme? Okay. Let's give it your context. You posted that 4 of the best QBs in the history of the NFL have the most 300 yard games. My issue has never been who has or hasn't done it. It's what those individual games mean in the W/L column. Break down all the 300 yard games that Marino, Brees, Brady and Manning had, and then show the Win/Loss result of those games.
  13. Not a coincidence at all. Now tell me how many of those 300-yard games got the Big W. Let's look at 2018 by week, just for the sake of the discussion. Week 1: 7 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 4L/3W/1T Week 2: 12 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 7L/4W/1T Week 3: 9 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 5L/4W Week 4: 14 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 5L/9W Week 5: 15 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 7L/8W Week 6: 10 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 5L/5W Week 7: 7 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 3L/4W Week 8: 5 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 3L/2W Week 9: 5 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 2L/3W Week 10: 7 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 4L/3W Week 11: 7 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 4L/3W Week 12: 7 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 3L/4W Week 13: 5 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 3L/2W Week 14: 6 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 1L/5W Week 15: 2 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 1L/1W Week 16: 9 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 5L/4W Week 17: 5 QBs had 300+ yard games. Record: 3L/2W --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018 Season: 132 Games with 300-yard passers: Record for those games: 63L/66W/2T When you can tell me a team with -2 turnovers in a game has a very low win percentage, I can insist that not turning the ball over is critical to winning. When you can tell me a 300-yard passing game has a high win percentage, I'll tell you to start throwing more But when you tell me that a 300-yard passing game gives virtually the same result as a sub-300-yard passing game, it becomes a meaningless stat. Now consider 2018 through the lens of QBs with 300+ yard games and their appearances in the playoffs. Luck Roethlisberger* Brees Fitzmagic* Rivers Keenum* Carr* Brady* Flacco Newton* Cousins* Watson Mahomes Darnold* Foles* Goff Stafford* Bortles* Ryan* Dalton* Trubisky Mariota Wentz Mayfield* Manning* Rodgers* Rivers Beatheard* Winston* Osweiler* Mullens* 31 QBs with 300 yard Games. More than half are home for the playoffs (as noted by asterisk. Brady is in the playoffs, but he always get an asterisk because he's a cheater). Again, when it becomes a stat that means you have a higher winning percentage, then yes, it's important. But it's not, so it's not.
  14. Exhiled and Logic in the same sentence. You guys are killing me today with the comedy.
  15. Tibs doesn't need to contend with truth because that's not what he's paid to do here. He's paid to post copy/paste leftist talking points and arguments so he can make his Land Rover payments. That's it. Plain and simple. He's a paid leftist. Ignore is your best way to deal with him.
  16. Context from leftists. That's funny. Remove context from leftists and virtually all of their arguments fall apart.
  17. Nothing sizes up the left better than this... Four hours of work. Time for a break. And oh, you rich people that actually work for a living...we want 70% of what you make so we can continue to sit on our asses.
  18. In the end, she's just another predictable leftist who believes giving 70% of what you earn to the federal government is your "fair share." It's a good thing she's cute, cuz she's dumber than bricks.
  19. Ummmm, notfernuthing, but every single breathing human who paid even the least bit of attention to Obama's "Recover Act" knows it was virtually nothing more than a taxpayer-funded handout to groups and organizations that supported his presidency. Go. Dig. Look at the recipients. See how it was doled out. Oh, sure, there was some money for studying grape genetics, and that was pretty important, but otherwise, everyone knows the truth. There's a reason Obama ultimately has to confess that "shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as we expected." Because there was no shovel ready. There were only pockets opened. Which is also why every freaking summer was going to be THE summer of recovery. I appreciate not liking Trump, but please, please, please do not try to suggest Obama did anything other than line people's pockets with the Recovery Act.
  20. They'll do it on the grounds that their mindless base wants them to.That's all. And they want them to do it because they literally -- and by literally, I mean LITERALLY -- have no plan, no message, no ANYTHING beyond a misguided belief that the only reason Hillary lost is because America wasn't smart enough to elect her.
  21. Gotta love this new move by the left. Make this happen, leftists! Middle America demands it! There's nothing Middle America wants more than to be ruled by the coastal elites!
  22. I feel like Kyle was critical to McDermott's success with keeping the team focused during the bit of chaos at the beginning of McDermott's hiring. Once he had Kyle's buy-in, it was easier to get locker room buy-in when the team started shedding players, or dealing with things Incognito's meltdown, etc. They seem to have pretty tight relationship, and while I completely admire and respect Kyle's desire to be with his family, I'm disappointed he won't be on the coaching staff any time soon.
  23. Kyle was the consummate professional football player. The Bills, as a team, did a tremendous job sending him off. I have no idea how anyone can watch that clip and walk away thinking someone like AB should be on the Bills.
  24. He may be hard to pass up, but I'd pass him up anyway. Regardless of the 'knee issue,' it's evident now the team expected him to be on the field Sunday. It's clear now his knee was never the problem this weekend, and that he chose himself over team. I wouldn't want a guy like that in the cubicle next to me let alone on my football team. Of course, that's why I sit at a desk and AB is bouncing around on TV to a cheering crowd while dressed like a Madagascar character, so I recognize that my opinion means little. Bail on your team in a must-win game to make the post-season? Hard pass from me.
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