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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. Ladies and gentlemen, your American left.
  2. That's terrific. I suspect this is where the American left starts asking why the guy who ambushed and shot the cop, and kept slamming the cop's head into the pavement, needed to die.
  3. Looks like it's time the Linda Sarsour virus finds another host to latch on to. Maybe she and Farrakhan can start up an a cappella group.
  4. In fact, most of his soldiers fought for him because he was gay. His second in command was also likely gay. Named Gilletto of Macedon, he often referred to Alexander as "the best a man could get." True story.
  5. But you're not so much an insider as a grumpy local worker.
  6. That's likely from where he's at up Beverly Hills way. Regular unleaded at Costco is about $2.99 in Orange County.
  7. Part of me feels like this is a buttload of cash to be had by DC insiders by simply announcing you are running for president.
  8. As embarrassingly ridiculous as this sounds, I feel like the Dems are convinced this is their ticket to unseating Trump in 2020.
  9. I don't know which surprises me more; that the chick who poses as Canada's PM arrested Meng on behalf of the US, or that a Canadian international drug smuggler looks like a "Revenge of the Nerds" understudy.
  10. Oh, great. So now he's hiring people he didn't know in Carolina? Man, I tell ya what, I am so tired of gurgle schmurgle McClappy process gurgle and his Mahomes snufflufugus yakakaha umph ....but whatevs, I'm like totes done with this team....
  11. Man, did I hard boot your NPC processor or what? All that predictable far-left processed stupidity in one big run-on sentence. You're like AOC dipped in Brian Stelter wrapped in Joy Behar...all in one easily folded tidbit of talking points.
  12. It's simply crazy to me that after all these years, you guys still laugh at the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. It's really sad, but I can probably be gracious enough to point out that maybe you're simply not smart enough to remember what happened there.
  13. I just listened to that audio clip, and it was brutally embarrassing. A dyed-in-the-wool CNN racist gets caught with her stupidity on the airwaves, and her apology is essentially about not being properly informed that she'd be talking to a black man. You leftists have really screwed the pooch with the race card.
  14. Washington Post: Asking the tough questions no one else is brave enough to ask. A Washington Post Investigation. You leftists melt down so hard, you can't even tell you're melting down any more.
  15. So obsessed. So ridiculously obsessed.
  16. If only she could get every single leftist network to follow her every move at every rally and every tweet and every word and every thing she does from sun up to sun down. Because that's how you got Trump. She's not a 2015-2016 Trump. She's Wendy Davis with nicer shoes.
  17. There's a whole lot of crazy in that tweet. Sadlyi, somewhere there are plenty of leftists nodding their heads and wondering why puberty didn't get THEIR consent, too!
  18. This is why we laugh at you leftists with your TDS.
  19. Y'know, I genuinely don't care much for the Gillette commercial because I'm not a fan of companies stepping outside their product line to preach to me. I don't rely on Gillette products to make me a better man. Not to mention, Gillette makes a lot of women products, so I look forward to their ad suggesting that woman stop sucking ***** to take advantage of welfare incentive laws to be a baby mama. Or a California Senator. But in the end, I don't care enough to change products.
  20. My referencing "seeds" should tell you all you need to know about my use of marijuana any more. We were in St.Lucia for a our wedding almost 20 years ago, and we got one of the waiters down on the beach to grab us a joint. Sat in our hot tub, took a few hits, was paralyzed for two hours. North Carolina used to be like that. They had ABC stores (Alcohol Beverage Control, I think). The only thing that I had to get used to was that it was closed on Sundays. Prime drinking day.
  21. When has logic ever met 'those on the left'?
  22. When our president spends time like Trudeau dressing up as every one of the Village People, then maybe we'll shut up. In the meantime, I suspect your time is better spent polling your friends to find out if Trudeau is still committed to wearing that cute little chartreuse strapless number all his girlfriends rave about. You can never overdress for your umpteenth Pride Parade, eh? It's fun to go to the Y M C...
  23. Gotta love Oregon. Give dowtown Portland to Antifa. Reduce mags to 5 rounds and purchases to 20 rounds a month.
  24. While this isn't the same kind of event, it kind of reminds during a fit of turbulence at OBD when Ralph Wilson, in a press conference, walked up to the mic and made a reference from a movie "If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Belgium." One moment. One soundbite. One look. Everyone melts down that he's lost his mind and clearly something is wrong and "Oh, my god, he's no longer lucid!!" Not sure what is going on with Gase, but it's unfortunate how the internet is piling on him. Huge day for him and his family and the Jets, and social media turned it into a joke.
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