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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. You can't be stupid enough to come out against a compromise offer until the compromise offer is, y'know, offered. It looks stupid. Very stupid. Canadian stupid. That's right. Canadian stupid. The Stanley Cup of stupid. Wait. Did I just reference Canadians and the Stanley Cup in the same thought. My bad. Everyone knows Canada has no idea what the Stanley Cup is about. But hey...they have curling and a cross-dressing PM, so they have that going for them.
  2. What he did was set in motion what everyone knew would happened. He exposed the left for being exclusively anti-Trump. Period. They literally rejected him before he even spoke. THAT is all you need to know. The dude said he would take responsibility for the shutdown and the left isn't even competent enough to let him do that. Best meltdown ever. Keep it up.
  3. Our toilet paper. Canadians who knew the only way to win the Stanley Cup was to come to go to a country that knows how to win.
  4. Toobin knows the deal. Massive unforced error, and the media chomped on the hook and swallowed it deep. A blunder this massively embarrassing makes me wonder if Buzzfeed is a based in Canada.
  5. Says the guy whose country can't even keep good hockey players from leaving his country. Do you honestly think hockey players want to claim allegiance to a country whose prime minister's biggest accomplishment is dressing like all the Village People? Please. Worry about your own country. America is fine, with or without all the Canadians who come here for real opportunity and health care. Embarrassing evening for the left. Again.
  6. Where in any of this did you explain why you believe Trump has damaged American human rights. Please explain. Forget everything else. Answer that simple question. You made the claim. Please support it.
  7. I'd be curious about this, too. He's a goofy dude, but damaging US human rights? By what measure?
  8. Yep. Just tell Mexico if we don't build the wall, Canadians will start invading Mexico. They'll HELP build the wall. Because let's face it...not even the Mexicans want anything to do with Canadians.
  9. The funny thing about leftists is that they're SO desperate for anything to fall their way that they don't see to care if it's true or not. Hours of "If this is true..." discussions is enough to make people think maybe something is wrong. It's funny, because watching people who can't think for themselves trip over each other is always funny to watch. But it's also dangerous, because even after everyone realizes the left was lying the entire time, the number of people who are there at the end to see the truth has diminished greatly. So the lie becomes the truth.
  10. Hey leftists, you need to do something about Buzzfeed. I get how you love to scroll through your Lindsey Lohan vs. Harry Potter stories, but you should just let them be the TMZ you need in your lives and leave the heavy lifting to people who won't embarrass all of you by writing something you know you won't verify because it reports what you HOPE would be true. Learn discernment.
  11. Regardless of what you think about a particular team, it's really disheartening to watch any team make the move to get their quarterback, only to watch the quarterback's leg snap like a pretzel so quickly. I can't imagine being a die-hard Redskins fan, pumped about your shiny new quarterback one year, and finding out a year later you need to go shopping again.
  12. Four game suspension...check Million dollar fine....check Lost first round draft pick...check. Verified cheaters...check. All the wins in the world do not change the fact that he is a full-goose bozo verified cheater. And for the record: I don't give a crap what anyone thinks about my opinion. What you won't see me do is listen to an opinion that differs from mine and announce that Patriot* jock-sniffers need a new Brady* onesie to sleep in each night while they pretend they're Gisele.
  13. 2400 giru, which sounds like a lot, but it's really only 100 shekels.
  14. So he was suspended four games because he's an example of hard work and determination? They lost a first round pick because he's an example of hard work and determination? They paid a million dollar fine because he's an example of hard work and determination? Just because people think it's bogus doesn't make it bogus. Dude's a cheater. He gets the asterisk.
  15. I suspect it won't be long before @TH3 starts explaining how we know Trump and Russia are tied at the hip because they have the goods on Lindsey Graham being gay, and that's the only reason Graham suddenly backs Trump.
  16. But people do it. I can't tell if it's just immaturity or stupidity. Someone here was wishing a spinal injury on Kiko recently; something akin to the Shazier injury was his preference.
  17. This is correct. I would never wish injury on another person, regardless of who they are. What we DO know is that he is a proven cheater, so nothing else really matters in my mind. The NFL world will tout him as the GOAT, because it lives off stuff like that, but the reality is that he has all the integrity of a shoelace and no matter how old I am, no matter where I rest my ass, he will always be a cheater first.
  18. BREAKING: Trump has bandage on hand!
  19. CNN Report bemoans the fact that the Christian wife of a Christian Vice President is volunteering time at a private Christian school because...she has nothing against Christians. Maybe the reason so many leftists are so effin' stupid is because all they listen to are leftists who are so effin' stupid.
  20. It's right up there with CA banning lead in bullets because someone thought the condor was going extinct as a result of it getting lead poisoning by eating carcasses left behind by hunters. I think the preferred CA ammo material is cotton candy, but you still have a 10-week wait period before you're allowed to receive them.
  21. As I'm sure is the case everywhere else, outside of solar (which is now mandated on every new house built in CA), you really don't have a choice where you get your power. So you either have to suck it up, or move. I'm fairly confident the people running this state don't care one way or another about thinking things through. They're happy with the state of the state because it provides for them tremendously. They have a lock on the state and the way it's run and no one will be changing that any time in the next few hundred years Could have sworn that was a vote the first time, but then again, I don't really waste my time voting here anymore, so I'm not surprised I remember that incorrectly.
  22. CA already approved PG&E to get that money from its customers by jacking up their bills. Plus, we just double-passed a gas tax on top of the other gas taxes to pay for infrastructure. I say double-passed because the tax was up for recall, for lack of a better term, in the last election, and CA approved it one more time. So CA pays about 58 cents per gallon in state taxes, which I think is about 25 cents more per gallon than the national average.
  23. AOC: I'm going to gang-bang the progressive agenda. I guess gang-bangs are okay now.
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