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Everything posted by IDBillzFan

  1. If you just throw him on ignore you'd be surprised how much more coherent the conversation can be here. I have probably four or five people on ignore , and yes, at times, you may see an entire page of "You've chosen to ignore content by...", but then you look and see it's conversation between Tibs, The Dude and Exiled and you remember you haven't missed a damn thing.
  2. This is the difference between liberals and the rest of the human race: they have no problem picking apart baby pieces for cash if it helps them make money and stay in power. It's just that simple. And we all know this is true by the way all of them are cheering on this NYS law. Literally cheering it. Literally lighting up a building to celebrate the murder of children. But hey...some conservatives get abortions, so the right should simply be quiet.
  3. I should have known better than to expect a Canadian to have any reading comprehension skills. Your contributions here are, essentially, to take questions asked of you and to re-ask them in a manner they were never presented in the first place The answer to the questions I asked...the ones I asked, not the ones you turned them into...are so simply, even you can answer them. But you can't even do that simple task without being stupid enough to think we'll fall for the childish attempt to equate the NRA with PP. (Let me know when the NRA charges people to murder infants.) So do us all a favor; try to contribute in even a small manner to the discussion, because at this juncture your posts are nothing more than another Tibs comment with all the blank stares of AOC being asked to solve a math problem.
  4. Prove me wrong. Does Planned Parenthood receive US taxpayer money? Does that money not allow them to perform abortions? Do they not also charge to perform abortions? Do they not also fund Dem campaigns? Did Kamala Harris not collude with Planned Parenthood to raid the house of David Daleiden? Did that not lead to PP buying her election to the Senate? C'mon. Prove me wrong. Support your argument. If I'm really just on a crusade, even a freaking Canadian could prove me wrong. We'll wait.
  5. Unless you beat the woman to abort the baby. The Democrats two-fer in NY. Now if they can just find a way to make money off it.
  6. Yes. We all pay for them to provide the abortions. And then they charge on top of that. That money goes straight to the Dem politician campaigns. They all but paid for Kamala Harris to get elected. They own her after she raided the house pf the guy who had undercover video of their body selling scheme.
  7. They're not offended by this. They're overjoyed. They are all literally celebrating this. There is too much money slicing up babies for them to worry about ethics. Even the "Catholics."
  8. A nod to Planned Parenthood, who undoubtedly paid for the NY majority needed to pass the law to increase their customer base. More money to PP = more money to the Dem campaign coffers. Think of all the fresh, young body parts they can sell. Where are you PPP leftists? Share your joy with the rest of your party.
  9. Agree to an extent, but AOC does a lot of rooftop yelling about racism and misogyny. See her recent tweet at The Hill accusing them of picking on "the brown girl." She's nothing more than a dumber Obama with bigger balls.
  10. They got their raise, but the big issue that pulled at people's hearts -- smaller class sizes and supplies -- was basically tossed out, and charter schools (where real choice is available) is getting knee-capped. According to the LA Times... Nothing in CA that is promised in "several years" ever happens. (See "Train; Bullet; California)
  11. This will be big news all over the media tomorrow. Front page everywhere!!! Breaking News on CNN!!! Oh, wait. White kid in MAGA hat stares at drummer who was AWOL in Viet Nam. Nevermind.
  12. it's all fine until I have to pay for it. That's where I drew the line. I can laugh and mock them all I want, but in the end, I realized it wasn't enough. I had to leave. Financially, this state is a mess. A nasty, nasty mess. I mean, it's no Canada, but it's pretty effin' nasty.
  13. Nice try, lady, but the Goonies got it first. And Goonies never say die.
  14. I'm going to assume you don't live in CA. I'm not going to argue with your point; I just want to point out that stories like "Newsome wants to give money to illegals to help them" and "Newsome wants illegals to have free health care" and "Newsome wants to tax water" and "Newsome wants to increase gas taxes" is why so many of us are running out of the state. The government is bending over to give money to illegals, and give them sanctuary as they murder and maim taxpaying Americans, but making homeless suffer and being the B word of every union here, especially the teachers right now. The unions will get their money and Newsome will tax something else to pay for it, but on behalf of those companies who are tired of carrying the tax needs of 40M people on its back, I'm out. This state can go eff itself because it literally cares not one iota for it's people.
  15. Here's the thing that's hanging you up: CNN was never 'liberal media.' CNN was always the more middle of the road news. It was always live when when sh!t hit the fan and you needed answers in real time, because they were airing 24/7 and you didn't want to wait for Dan Rather to get out of make up. That's not CNN now. Nor CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. Fox tilts heavily right from an opinion standpoint, but when it comes to reporting news, no one anywhere competes with Bret Baier. Not one person. While an opinion person, you could argue Greta Van Susteren was very, very even. You could even argue their other anchor, Shep Smith is more leftist when you start tabulating his little side comments he needs to drop in. In the end, none of it is watchable just for an hour of Bret, so anymore I just skim for headlines to keep abreast and use Twitter to mock liberals because the most vocal liberals here -- Tibs, baskin, McDumbass, peace out, exhiled,etc -- make the left look absolutely stupid as hell, much like The Dude makes the right look stupid as hell.
  16. Peameal? Seriously. How does a Canadian manage to screw up bacon? Oh, wait. Let me guess. Step one...hire a cross dresser as your PM. Step two...try to explain that the reason Canada sucks at hockey has nothing to do with the fact that even Canadians know they need to go to the US to have a chance at winning. Or something like that.
  17. You notice no one is doxing the racist black dudes who called the kids faG_G_ots, and told the black student his white friends were going to steal his organs. Not one person trying to call them out. Not one. It's like this entire story is being driven with the ineptitude and idiocy of a cross-dressing Canadian Prime Minister and his band of merry disco dancers.
  18. So now you leftist nutbags are tracking down the colleges that these kids were going to attend, and yelling and yelling and yelling to get the colleges to get these kids kicked out of a college they haven't even started attending yet? You putrid fu**Cks. Every single one of you. I hope we track you down, tie your obnoxious ass up, and throw you over the border to Canada tl spend the rest of your lives. Maybe spending your life with other condescending, judgmental, moronic asswipes may wake you up, but I doubt it.
  19. Damn, this just gets worse. How in the effin' world does the left lose their mind like this? Read this dude's thread about what the left did to his brother and family...all because of a FAKE news story that the left just HAD to push. You leftists have lost your effin' minds. You should all be embarrassed. Every freaking last one of your dirtbags. You make this country suck ass.
  20. The left doesn't have a message. When you can't be the sharpest tool in the shed, be the shiniest. AOC. Beto. Shiny in lieu sharp.
  21. Just catching up on this story, but not surprised to come here and see Tibs started another far-left quick-to-judge hysterical rant about yet ANOTHER fake news story. The media just got done going full Canadian on the fake Cohen story and you would THINK they would slow down so as to not embarrass themselves again and genuinely PROVE this concept of fake news. Not only do they push ANOTHER fake story, but they don't even wait a day to recover for the last embarrassment. How embarrassed do these people need to be before they learn their lesson? They've truly gone full Canadian. And you never go full Canadian. Look. Jack Morrissey went full Canadian.
  22. Easy to do when you get roughing calls all the time when someone simply touches your shoulder.
  23. Man. Brutal. Just brutal. I hope Tommy didn't hurt his eyebrow extensions on that roughing call.
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